Respuesta: Gagi's Dynamic House System -
Sauxe - 15.04.2012
Link delete
Re: Gagi's Dynamic House System -
jordyvc - 16.04.2012
No link..? Can someone give me the download link?
Re: Gagi's Dynamic House System -
Mazen771998 - 16.04.2012
Thanks man,Looks Great..but Link :\
Re: Gagi's Dynamic House System -
sysWOW64 - 16.04.2012
Nice one and good work !!!! Keep up !
Re: Gagi\'s Dynamic House System -
T.$niKe. - 23.08.2012
Hey Guys.
I want Help With the House_System,
I have 2 Problems With it.
1. if i buy the house or rent it and i do /enter and /house he told me This is not your house
2.i open the samp-server.exe, he told mi This,
Loading filterscript \'House_System.amx\'...
[21:26:35] *** Streamer Plugin: Include file version (0x26104) does not match plugin version (0x26105) (script needs to be recompiled with the latest include file)
[21:26:35] OnFilter
Any one can help mi with that Problem?
Re: Gagi\'s Dynamic House System -
DeathKnight650 - 31.12.2012
how do i be a RCON admin
Re: Gagi\'s Dynamic House System -
Shakie - 09.01.2013
Nice work their mate
, I\'ll be sure to use it sometime.
Re: Gagi\'s Dynamic House System -
Xicor - 12.05.2013
RealHero - 06.07.2013
when i add house it doesnt show house name or price and i cant use any commands expet (/chouse)
Re: Gagi\'s Dynamic House System -
ziggy - 06.08.2013
only /chouse working,other cmds no
Re: Gagi's Dynamic House System -
Smokey99 - 03.07.2014
this house system always be bugged if i used it with any another filterscript when i add 2 FS and start the server and type /house and press sell it do nothing if anybody know how to fix it tell me
also i'm not waiting Gagi's replie because he will not answer his topic any more if anymore if any pro scripter know how to fix it tell me here or in pm
Re: Gagi's Dynamic House System -
LegendGangsta - 27.07.2014
When im trying to enter the house menu it says: This is not your house
Re: Gagi's Dynamic House System -
RTRSorin - 21.12.2014
I can not use any of the /house control panel commands like sell, rent, etc. i can only use /chouse. and how can i destroy it ?
Re: Gagi's Dynamic House System -
Thoma - 21.01.2015
um how do i remove the house car?
Re: Gagi\'s Dynamic House System -
usamahifi - 10.02.2015
its awsome bro " +REP " but can u plz tell me how player can see his house cmd?
Re: Gagi's Dynamic House System -
xXdaeminoXx - 05.03.2015
NOT WORKS ON STREET LIFE !!! many bugs !!!! Noob Script
Re: Gagi's Dynamic House System -
Arastair - 05.03.2015
Lockdoor is awesome
Re: Gagi's Dynamic House System -
gabojosue - 01.04.2015
gagi please help me!
the filterscript dont work properly!
1. /rcon login - Succeed!
2. /rcon loadfs House_System - Failed to load!
3. /chouse 2 House 1 0 - Failed! "Unknown Command"
I compiled this filterscript and no errors to compile - Succeed! (if the pawno not compile well?)
* * *
The 1.4 version of this filterscript includes a new sscanf but i get this error: "MSVCR100.dll is missing from this computer..." But i downloaded this new sscanf of this website:
And the sscanf is clean of that error.
The MSVCR100.dll error is strange because i have installed the last 2010 c++ redistributable and no have any changes.
MSVCR100.dll error FIXED! Solution: Just uninstall the version of visual c++ redistributable of your pc, now download and install the version x32 bits (x86) of visual c++ redistributable 2010, if the error stay, uninstall the version x32 bits (x86) and download the x64 bits version, install and verify if the error stay, i recomend restart the pc after installation. And Problem Solved!
(users of 64-bit version only: maybe you want to try install the x32 bits (x86) version if the error remains...)
32 bits (x86):
64 bits:
* * *
I have Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 64 bits (All Windows Updates Downloaded).
This is a great filterscript and thanks for watching this reply. -Soon Help-
PD: im bad for english because im spanish
Re: Gagi's Dynamic House System -
shadowstorm - 05.04.2015
This is an advanced House system,Keep it up
Re: Gagi's Dynamic House System -
Rexonaown - 19.04.2015
Good Job I'll try it