AW: GamerX -
Drebin - 08.11.2011
GamerX is very unique. Matite has put LOTS of ideas and passion into this server, and you can see it when you play.
Re: AW: GamerX -
Ironboy - 09.11.2011
Originally Posted by Drebin
GamerX is very unique. Matite has put LOTS of ideas and passion into this server, and you can see it when you play.
If we play we can see those passions but are you sure Gamerx will be back?
Re: AW: GamerX -
Nenad - 11.11.2011
Originally Posted by Ironboy
If we play we can see those passions but are you sure Gamerx will be back?
Yes, GamerX will be back once they finish restoring services (source:
AW: GamerX -
xXpatoXx - 12.11.2011
The server is online, but with a password
AW: GamerX -
Drebin - 12.11.2011
GamerX is now back online.
You can connect to the server with the IP:
Or by clicking
The server is running with a database backup from May 2011, so if you registered after that you will have to re-register again. If you were registered already, all your stats (score, money, ...) are now reset to the stats you had in May 2011.
Remember: If you were already registered before May 2011, remember to login with the name you had back then, not the name you had before the server crashed.
Re: GamerX -
DiDok - 12.11.2011
And I thought bringing 2 weeks old backup is a disaster o.O'
(now Volt does backup everyday on external source, so I don't care about manual backups

Re: GamerX -
Ironboy - 12.11.2011
Wow GamerX is back!!!
Re: GamerX -
Bowow - 14.06.2013
please reply me here if the server is now UP.
btw i finaly found you guys huh.
using my bitch brothers acc to reply
love ...SugarX
Re: GamerX -
xxSwissxx - 14.06.2013
Originally Posted by Bowow
please reply me here if the server is now UP.
btw i finaly found you guys huh.
using my bitch brothers acc to reply
love ...SugarX
You're like, what - two years late? lol
Re: GamerX -
Jake187 - 14.06.2013
Noticed it was down recently aswell :/ hopefully everything is okay, and yes I know some guy bumped a old thread lol.