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[GameMode] [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c - Printable Version

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Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c - jordyvc - 11.09.2011

1) I find a bug, if i turn my engine off, i can't turn it back on and i can't gate out of the vehicle!

2) How can i change the gamemode text? i change it in the .pwn file but it's don't work?

Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c - koki4a - 11.09.2011

/buyprods /sellprods Bug unknown this command

Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c - wolfcock - 11.09.2011

Bugs i found for now, maybe i will find more to add - :


*You can do animations on/in vehicles.
*Fuel system bug. <-- As already told by @xkirill.
*Animations bug. <-- When you type /wank and after /stopanim - You will still wank if you try to run.

Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c - jordyvc - 11.09.2011

Is this also a bug or not? if i want to change the gamemode text it's don't change and i change it in the script?

Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c - wolfcock - 11.09.2011

Like i did, change:

SetGameModeText("AS:RP v1.0");

Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c - Lazoking - 11.09.2011

How can i give me weapon ?

Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c - =WoR=Mitch - 11.09.2011

Originally Posted by Lazoking
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How can i give me weapon ?
I think it's /agiveweapon [Player ID] [Weapon ID] or it's /giveweapon [Player ID] [Weapon ID]

Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c - jordyvc - 11.09.2011

Originally Posted by wolfcock
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Like i did, change:
i did it but it's don't work!

Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c - wolfcock - 11.09.2011

Originally Posted by jordyvc
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i did it but it's don't work!
Do you compile without getting any errors / warnings?

If i may post some suggestions for your next update:

*Glasses in /bandana.
*Custom License plates, which saves with the car.

Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c - GTA-Roleplay - 11.09.2011

Originally Posted by koki4a
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Bug /engine and shift to start vehicle engine ....
idk what you mean. /engine and shift works for med and mitch :S

Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c - =WoR=Mitch - 11.09.2011

Originally Posted by wolfcock
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Do you compile without getting any errors / warnings?

If i may post some suggestions for your next update:

*Glasses in /bandana.
*Custom License plates, which saves with the car.
I like these suggestions.

Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c - GTA-Roleplay - 11.09.2011

Originally Posted by wolfcock
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Bugs i found for now, maybe i will find more to add - :
you need to do /wank again lol

Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c - wolfcock - 12.09.2011

oh, i didn't know lol, thanks

Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c - Dan_S - 16.09.2011

Nice Mode !
Tank You ...

Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c - Jack_SMalls - 18.09.2011

Okay I have one problem. When I get in a vehicle it will not start. The only way to use the vehicle is to /thaw. Anything would be helpful

Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c - GTA-Roleplay - 18.09.2011

Originally Posted by Jack_SMalls
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Okay I have one problem. When I get in a vehicle it will not start. The only way to use the vehicle is to /thaw. Anything would be helpful
that are /engine is bugged be fixed in version 5

Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c - Eazy_Eye [SERBIA] - 18.09.2011

whether it would be a problem if we make fS with houses with the GM?

Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c - wolfcock - 19.09.2011

Why don't you try? i think he's busy fixing the bugs as listed

Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c - grantism - 19.09.2011

great script love your work! there is still /engine bug

Re: [GM]Raven's Roleplay 3.0c - jordyvc - 19.09.2011

How can i turn make me leader off?