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SA:MP 0.3 & Grand Larceny 1.0 Discussion - Printable Version

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Re: SA:MP 0.2.5 & Grand Larceny 1.0 Discussion - Snickers - 29.05.2008

Because this topic is 5 months old :P

Re: SA:MP 0.2.5 & Grand Larceny 1.0 Discussion - Dotmister - 29.05.2008

If you want to close up shop, open source the project.

Don't end good software with a locked door, someone out will want to help and fix a few bugs, even if you don't.

Re: SA:MP 0.2.5 & Grand Larceny 1.0 Discussion - Grove - 29.05.2008

Originally Posted by Dotmister
If you want to close up shop, open source the project.

Don't end good software with a locked door, someone out will want to help and fix a few bugs, even if you don't.
I dont think that will happen...

Re: SA:MP 0.2.5 & Grand Larceny 1.0 Discussion - (SF)RyziLLa - 30.05.2008

Need moar confirmation!

Re: SA:MP 0.2.5 & Grand Larceny 1.0 Discussion - Tapai - 30.05.2008

Originally Posted by Andre9977
****** (Alex) has said that the source won't be released.
i hope so..
i will stick uder kye no matter what..He's founder n the LEADER of this community..
Plz dont be so selfish..the mod will mess up if its open source..i dont want it...NEVER!

Re: SA:MP 0.2.5 & Grand Larceny 1.0 Discussion - Revelator - 30.05.2008

Originally Posted by Andre9977
****** (Alex) has said that the source won't be released.
I'm a open source geek, anyhow the problem is this community, I would not trust this community enough to actually get the source released. Think about it, in this community it is most probably more hackers (which just wanna ruin stuff etc) than people who actually would, and could enough coding to do something about it.

Re: SA:MP 0.2.5 & Grand Larceny 1.0 Discussion - bzuco - 30.05.2008

"We'll provide a feature and fix list of SA-MP 0.2.3 (bugfix release) and SA-MP 0.3 during the coming weeks."

I am waiting for new sa-mp

Re: SA:MP 0.2.5 & Grand Larceny 1.0 Discussion - kaisersouse - 30.05.2008

Originally Posted by bzuco
"We'll provide a feature and fix list of SA-MP 0.2.3 (bugfix release) and SA-MP 0.3 during the coming weeks."

I am waiting for new sa-mp

30 Dec 2007

Re: SA:MP 0.2.5 & Grand Larceny 1.0 Discussion - bzuco - 30.05.2008

Originally Posted by kaisersouse
Originally Posted by bzuco
"We'll provide a feature and fix list of SA-MP 0.2.3 (bugfix release) and SA-MP 0.3 during the coming weeks."

I am waiting for new sa-mp

30 Dec 2007

I know that it is from 30 december, but it is the latest news

Re: SA:MP 0.2.5 & Grand Larceny 1.0 Discussion - kc - 30.05.2008

Originally Posted by bzuco
Originally Posted by kaisersouse
Originally Posted by bzuco
"We'll provide a feature and fix list of SA-MP 0.2.3 (bugfix release) and SA-MP 0.3 during the coming weeks."

I am waiting for new sa-mp

30 Dec 2007

I know that it is from 30 december, but it is the latest news
newer news was deleted, leaving that as the newest post.

Re: SA:MP 0.3 & Grand Larceny 1.0 Discussion - Masacru - 20.04.2009

I just hope we'll get some news before summer and hopefully before the end of the summer we'll taste 3.0 =) all the new features ,imagine 500 players hooah !

Like 400 guys staying on a train lol or on the rails and driving the train over em (I can almost feel 3.0 )

Re: Development 0.2.5 - 60% - gordliamjack - 22.04.2009

Originally Posted by Jay[INACTIVE
I will

You should set up a trac system first, and make a master ban file so that people can easily update it. Or, if your good at Pawno and PHP, you could make one that automatically updates as you ban a player...

I could help with the scripting, I just cant do PHP...
good idea want me to do the php?

Re: SA:MP 0.3 & Grand Larceny 1.0 Discussion - 77ther - 02.05.2009

so when is this thing comin?

Re: SA:MP 0.3 & Grand Larceny 1.0 Discussion - weedarr - 02.05.2009

When it's ready duh.


Re: SA:MP 0.3 & Grand Larceny 1.0 Discussion - ryan kirky - 02.05.2009

Im starting to wonder is he developing a mod or creating a whole new game from scratch

Re: SA:MP 0.3 & Grand Larceny 1.0 Discussion - Cueball - 03.05.2009

Ughh, good things take time - how about cutting them some damn slack and waiting. Don't think about another release until you have to (ie: when it is released). You've already got an incredible mod there, and all you can do is bitch about whether they even cares anymore. Grow up, realise that things take time, and in the mean time enjoy what you have.

Sorry to grouch but I think the "newer" SA-MP players don't give the team enough slack - they have lives outside of SA-MP you know, they are real people. I would like to see someone come up with such an outstanding modification in the amount of time that people gave them before people started whinging about waiting.

Once again, sorry to grouch - I'm usually a nice guy


Re: SA:MP 0.3 & Grand Larceny 1.0 Discussion - Newman - 04.05.2009

Hm its really interesting, i wish we could get some more news from the developing team - i know it from myself that the players are very unpatient generally, but i joined January 2008 to SA:MP and there was only the 0.2X until yet. I think if one member of the scripters would give a correct answer about the releasing date or some news about their successes, all people here would stop to flame (please give a correct answer, dont want to wait 2 years xD).

So, i wait on 0.3 - and i hope it will come out before 2010


Re: SA:MP 0.3 & Grand Larceny 1.0 Discussion - DRIVE_OR_DIE - 04.05.2009

Man very good,cant wait for it .Hope it will come out soon.

Re: SA:MP 0.3 & Grand Larceny 1.0 Discussion - Blacklite - 06.05.2009

Personally, and no offense to the SA:MP team (you've all done a great job so far ), I think that 0.2 was rushed, and there are many bugs. I really wouldn't want this to happen with 0.3, I am happy to wait the extra 6 months or so that it takes, as long as it comes out as bug-free as possible.

Re: SA:MP 0.3 & Grand Larceny 1.0 Discussion - miokie - 09.05.2009

Originally Posted by Blacklite
I am happy to wait the extra 6 months or so that it takes, as long as it comes out as bug-free as possible.
+1 on that.