Re: Haystack text creator - UNIQUE! -
Baboon - 17.12.2010
nice script
Btw, how can I use the command? to use this??
Re: Haystack text creator - UNIQUE! -
Hiddos - 17.12.2010
Originally Posted by timothyinthehouse
nice script
Btw, how can I use the command? to use this??
It adds a function/method you can use:
pawn Код:
CreateSentence(text[], Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float: rZ);
For example, you could do:
pawn Код:
public OnFilterScriptInit()
CreateSentence("SA MP", 12.5000000, 845.55418424, 23.45154853, 0.0);
return 1;
I hope that works. Update coming tomorrow.
Re: Haystack text creator - UNIQUE! -
CyNiC - 17.12.2010
A great idea, very nice.
Re: Haystack text creator - UNIQUE! -
Baboon - 17.12.2010
let me try :__
Re: Haystack text creator - UNIQUE! -
[MWR]Blood - 18.12.2010
Awesome one Hiddos
Re: Haystack text creator - UNIQUE! -
iFriSki - 18.12.2010
Creativity at its finest.
Re: Haystack text creator - UNIQUE! -
MestreKiller - 18.12.2010
hiddos whats the object id of those blocks?
i want them not the cow id
Re: Haystack text creator - UNIQUE! -
Hiddos - 18.12.2010
Originally Posted by [OC]MestreKiller
hiddos whats the object id of those blocks?
i want them not the cow id
The ID is 3374, however this is the standard object model by default. I don't know how it changed to cows :S
AW: Haystack text creator - UNIQUE! -
Shadow_Gengar - 19.12.2010
Holy shit, this is so awesome.
Will test it soon, keep it on.
Re: Haystack text creator - UNIQUE! -
Hiddos - 08.07.2011
Originally Posted by SmileyForCheat
Wooow It's Amazing It's Like In GamerX Use /cpol
EDIT:What name Command How To Create Text?
There is no command, just a custom function I made which you can use anywhere in your script, that means that it's up to you to create a command for placing haytext.
Re: Haystack text creator - UNIQUE! -
crush_ - 08.07.2011
Re: Haystack text creator - UNIQUE! -
linuxthefish - 08.07.2011
This is so basic, and it messes my objects up
Re: Haystack text creator - UNIQUE! -
Hiddos - 08.07.2011
Originally Posted by linuxthefish
This is so basic, and it messes my objects up
I'm also wondering why people are still using this :S
Re: Haystack text creator - UNIQUE! -
andruz99 - 08.07.2011
Can you write absolutely anything, with hay?
like example i'd like to type: LEET
Re: Haystack text creator - UNIQUE! -
Hiddos - 09.07.2011
Originally Posted by andruz99
Can you write absolutely anything, with hay?
like example i'd like to type: LEET
Basically, yes. The script supports all alphabetical characters (a-Z), and that's it. Lol.
Now stop posting, damnit.
Re: Haystack text creator - UNIQUE! -
Tamer - 08.09.2014
How can I create a cube of haysacks with this? Anyone who can come with a formula?
Re: Haystack text creator - UNIQUE! -
Vinnyy - 11.09.2014
Not cool.
What about scale?
Re: Haystack text creator - UNIQUE! -
Cyber123 - 23.12.2014
Hahahaha .. great idea ahha .. fun for mee .. and very creative
Re: Haystack text creator - UNIQUE! -
Hiddos - 23.12.2014
Oh jesus christ stop just delete this topic for the cringe of it