Re: Suggestions for future SA:MP updates -
Abagail - 30.03.2014
I know there's already way's to get it, but it'd be nice if there was an actual function for it.
Re: Suggestions for future SA:MP updates -
QuaTTrO - 30.03.2014
There is no need for a function that can be made in PAWN.
Re: Suggestions for future SA:MP updates -
Abagail - 30.03.2014
ToggleVehicleControllable(vehicleid, 0/1(true/false);
The BreakObject will break it as if a player had broken it, showing it brake, - how-ever not completely destroying the object. This will be kind of cool, if implemented.
Respuesta: Suggestions for future SA:MP updates -
Gryphus One - 30.03.2014
Native file functions to create, rename and delete folders/directories, not just files.
Re: Respuesta: Suggestions for future SA:MP updates -
[HLF]Southclaw - 31.03.2014
Originally Posted by Gryphus One
Native file functions to create, rename and delete folders/directories, not just files.
And listing directories, that's a must have!
Re: Suggestions for future SA:MP updates -
KermitTheMysteryFrog - 31.03.2014
I would find usefull command /reconnect so if I lost connection to server I can simply type command to reconnect (or If I experience TimeOut or freeze) without closing gta sa.
Also if is possible repair neons to be visible in all the time not just when vechicle is in horizontal postion, another suggestion is to add map icon to object (for example if is runway then add that dots like are on Main SA airports (will be usefull for servers with custom maps))
Also if the samp crash then replace error code with possibility causes of that (i.e. broken file, broken mod file),
Also add function to download and run file (for servers with Lanuchers - custom models) so the player don't need to look for it via website or something, just enter the server and all the futures gonna download and install automaticly.
Also Attach vehicle to vehicle (as author of thread said)
and remove bugs with movable objects ( ) as if it isn't on main land then it going to be bugged like not just one part is rolling but whole object... I think that's it for now
Re: Suggestions for future SA:MP updates -
Battlezone - 31.03.2014
Team speak ( or other audio servers ) built in addon that allow you to communicate directly with the ts server ( so that it doesnt affect the samp server
Respuesta: Suggestions for future SA:MP updates -
IvanAyuso - 31.03.2014
Player resistance: Time that the player can run/sprint.
Player strength: Strength of the player to push vehicles.
And this values can be set and get through of new functions.
Re: Suggestions for future SA:MP updates -
davve95 - 31.03.2014
shoot trough ojects (at a specific place).
Very good for the objects like house interiors that you can enter without being teleported and you can see through/out of the windows but you can't shot though them and not jump through them.
Good for TDM/DM etc..
Re: Suggestions for future SA:MP updates -
[HLF]Southclaw - 31.03.2014
I'd love some way to set object special parameters! Making objects dynamic etc would be really cool as we could set objects to be breakable, collisionless, etc. Check out the full list of editable object properties in one of the GTA data files. I once made the trailer objects have physics and move when you hit them with a car.
Re: Suggestions for future SA:MP updates -
MBilal - 31.03.2014
well i want in future when server Owner add any mod in his server skin or vehicles mods all others players in server can see it
AW: Suggestions for future SA:MP updates -
Useryy - 01.04.2014
Add more Player slots
Add more Object slots
Add more Label slots
Add more Vehicle slots
PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, url[], Float
osX, Float
osY, Float
osZ , Float:distance, usepos,
Re: Suggestions for future SA:MP updates -
ChristianIvann09 - 04.04.2014
Hi, Good day
I just want to suggest this to Kalcor at the next sa-mp update or just make a plugin
When a player leaves the server there should be a thanks note/quit note saying like "Thanks for playing at our server please visit our forums for more info" The note should be set by the gamemode holder if they want to add.
Like this:
Thank you very much! I hope this will added
PH-RP Owner Christian_Ivann
Re: Suggestions for future SA:MP updates -
StuartD - 04.04.2014
I would find that message box annoying.. It would constantly be there and then you might get people abusing the system and spamming with like 20billion messages.
Re: Suggestions for future SA:MP updates -
Yves - 04.04.2014
Originally Posted by ChristianIvann09
Hi, Good day
I just want to suggest this to Kalcor at the next sa-mp update or just make a plugin
When a player leaves the server there should be a thanks note/quit note saying like "Thanks for playing at our server please visit our forums for more info" The note should be set by the gamemode holder if they want to add.
Like this:
Thank you very much! I hope this will added
PH-RP Owner Christian_Ivann
that would be gay because if you keep leaving a server you don't really want to see that box all the time it would piss me off.
Re: Suggestions for future SA:MP updates -
Dragonsaurus - 04.04.2014
I have been thinking about this alot lately and it does not seem a bad idea:
With the current SA:MP versions, using (Player)TextDrawSetString will take effect immediately, while the other textdraw settings require TextDrawShowForPlayer feature for their effect to get applied.
This means, when you want to update a textdraw's features (excluding text and color) you just need ONE textdraw, instead of one for each player, unlikely when you need to update text, because you will need one textdraw per player.
Here's an example (Assuming the textdraws being visible all the time):
pawn Код:
new Text:TextDrawWithString;
new Text:TextDrawWithoutString;
public OnGameModeInit()
// Textdraw in which we won't use any text.
TextDrawWithoutString = TextDrawCreate(...);
// Textdraw in which we need text.
TextDrawWithString = TextDrawCreate(...);
return 1;
public OnSomeFunction(playerid)
TextDrawUseBox(TextDrawWithoutString, true);
// Here the textdraw will update for one player (in this case for playerid), even
// though it is shown for all players.
TextDrawSetString(TextDrawWithString, COLOR_WHATEVER, "String to be updated for one player.");
//As we see, the string will be updated for all players online.
return 1;
Based on this example, I think it'd be better if
TextDrawSetString requires TextDrawShowForPlayer too, so we can use just one textdraw, instead of one for each player.
Re: Suggestions for future SA:MP updates -
KubiPL - 06.04.2014
IsLineOfSightClear(Float:fromx, Float:fromy, Float:fromz, Float:tox, Float:toy, Float:toz, bool:[entity, ...]);
You're using it to display player tag - LOS. Please add this function to pawn natives.
Respuesta: Suggestions for future SA:MP updates -
Tellken - 07.04.2014
- Question:Add all characters of the world for write in cars and players.
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Re: Suggestions for future SA:MP updates -
RajatPawar - 08.04.2014
Originally Posted by KubiPL
IsLineOfSightClear(Float:fromx, Float:fromy, Float:fromz, Float:tox, Float:toy, Float:toz, bool:[entity, ...]);
You're using it to display player tag - LOS. Please add this function to pawn natives.
If you are suggesting something like Is(something)InPlayerLineOfSight(...) then it's possible, yes? You can use camera vectors and spheres/circles to detect if an object/vehicle/player is in the LOS of a player, IF you are suggesting what I think you are suggesting.
Re: Suggestions for future SA:MP updates -
Abagail - 08.04.2014
Server-Sided mods:
For instance there would be a folder named "Mods". In this folder there would be the following files:
So you could have server-sided skins, and or server-sided CLEO mods. And in server.cfg there would be "UseMods".