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[GameMode] [GM] VERY BIG Las Venturas Deatchmatch 9 by Luby and Gamer_Z - Printable Version

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Re: [GM] VERY BIG Las Venturas Deatchmatch 9 by Luby and Gamer_Z - flowhunter - 25.06.2009

Looks pretty good but I have one problem:

C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\HOME\Desktop\neukkll\gamemodes\90.pwn(6) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "dudb"

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.
But I have the inside the pawno includes folder.

Re: [GM] VERY BIG Las Venturas Deatchmatch 9 by Luby and Gamer_Z - luby - 25.06.2009

use my pawno included in package.

Re: [GM] VERY BIG Las Venturas Deatchmatch 9 by Luby and Gamer_Z - flowhunter - 25.06.2009

It worked, thank you.

This script is really awesome dude!

Could you tell me how to remove the polish textdraws after you die?

Re: [GM] VERY BIG Las Venturas Deatchmatch 9 by Luby and Gamer_Z - luby - 25.06.2009

Originally Posted by flowhunter
It worked, thank you.

This script is really awesome dude!

Could you tell me how to remove the polish textdraws after you die?
Thanks :>

About line 25360 you see that :

if(bounty[playerid] > 0 && (playerGang[killerid] == 0 || playerGang[playerid] != playerGang[killerid])) {
GetPlayerName(playerid, killedplayer, sizeof(killedplayer));
format(string2, sizeof(string2), "You recieved %d for killing %s.", bounty[playerid], killedplayer);
SendClientMessage2(killerid, COLOR_GREEN, string2);
GivePlayerMoney(killerid, bounty[playerid]);
new pname[256];pname = PlayerName(playerid);
pname = strreplace("[", "(", pname);
pname = strreplace("[", "(", pname);
pname = strreplace("]", ")", pname);
pname = strreplace("]", ")", pname);
TextDrawSetString(KillTextDraw[killerid], Split(
Split("Zabiles ", pname, "!")
, "~n~i otrzymales za to $", tostr(bounty[playerid])
bounty[playerid] = 0;
TextDrawShowForPlayer(killerid, KillTextDraw[killerid]);
SetTimerEx("HideKillDraw", 3000, false, "d", killerid);
} else {
new pname[256];pname = PlayerName(playerid);
pname = strreplace("[", "(", pname);
pname = strreplace("[", "(", pname);
pname = strreplace("]", ")", pname);
pname = strreplace("]", ")", pname);
TextDrawSetString(KillTextDraw[killerid], Split("Zabiles ", pname, "!"));
TextDrawShowForPlayer(killerid, KillTextDraw[killerid]);
SetTimerEx("HideKillDraw", 3000, false, "d", killerid);

"Zabiles" means "You killed", and "i otrzymales za to $" means - And you received $

Re: [GM] VERY BIG Las Venturas Deatchmatch 9 by Luby and Gamer_Z - Burridge - 25.06.2009

Wow, Just wow.

How come we gotta use your compiler?

Re: [GM] VERY BIG Las Venturas Deatchmatch 9 by Luby and Gamer_Z - luby - 25.06.2009

It is not compiler fault (but maybe?) But i've edited a lot of includes.

Re: [GM] VERY BIG Las Venturas Deatchmatch 9 by Luby and Gamer_Z - Burridge - 25.06.2009

is it like the super compiler (it looks a little differnt on my screen the code is alot bigger)

Re: [GM] VERY BIG Las Venturas Deatchmatch 9 by Luby and Gamer_Z - luby - 28.06.2009

If you want to give somebody admin permissions you should edit him account and change type=player to type=admin
I write it because many people are asking that.

Re: [GM] VERY BIG Las Venturas Deatchmatch 9 by Luby and Gamer_Z - *ToM* - 29.06.2009

Holy shit ! This is so fuckin huge Good job Luby !

by the way is there any official polish sa-mp forum ? I was lookin for one but couldn't find it Keep up the good work man

Re: [GM] VERY BIG Las Venturas Deatchmatch 9 by Luby and Gamer_Z - @TheShadow@ - 30.06.2009

wtf so many lines

nice work man and how long it took you to make it?

Re: [GM] VERY BIG Las Venturas Deatchmatch 9 by Luby and Gamer_Z - BlackRock - 11.07.2010


you need License plz do not change License code!

put this in scriptfiles folder and done!

Re: [GM] VERY BIG Las Venturas Deatchmatch 9 by Luby and Gamer_Z - BMB1 - 09.07.2011

Nice JOb!

Re: [GM] VERY BIG Las Venturas Deatchmatch 9 by Luby and Gamer_Z - XTM-Gaming - 09.07.2011

Big list of commands! nice GM!

Re: [GM] VERY BIG Las Venturas Deatchmatch 9 by Luby and Gamer_Z - BMB1 - 10.07.2011

Took some time i guess how much did it take?