Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
irani - 09.02.2019
Guys there\'s actually a good reason for that, you can read this article I found on Kalcor\'s blog
second one has enough information about the situation we all are in right now.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
Baboon - 09.02.2019
Originally Posted by irani
Guys there\'s actually a good reason for that, you can read this article I found on Kalcor\'s blog
second one has enough information about the situation we all are in right now.
"What happened to freedom of speech? Why are these brainwashed social justice warriors so butt hurt about the truth? If I want to get my news and information from a legitimate source instead of the CNN fake news corporation. I should have the right to, but apparently all those Silicon Valley stuck ups disagree."
The Guardian:
"Following that suspension, a ******** spokesperson said: “More content from the same pages has been reported to us – upon review, we have taken it down for glorifying violence, which violates our graphic violence policy, and using dehumanising language to describe people who are transgender, Muslims and immigrants, which violates our hate speech policies.”
Who\'s acting like a justice warrior now?
As a huge social media platform and streaming service, there is something called ethics in play. What if due to this person, violence breaks out, riots or anything else that can mess with the national/international order, then who is responsible? The person? Or the streaming platform for allowing that content to be streamed? It\'s the platform.
Like let\'s say you own a harbour and you have this client that started a weed farm on a boat, and you know about it. Then it\'s you who is being held responsible.
Again as for your statement that utube is not gamer friendly, I\'d like to know why.
Freedom of speech is great, but as soon as violence or demonizing people comes in play, then a line has to be drawn.
Now I respect your choice. I honestly do, I also like the upload feature, but I\'m confident you\'re in the wrong here and many of the community agree. It\'s your project, you own it, it\'s your income, your business, you decide how you run it. But never forget that YOU also have a responsibility, even if you think you don\'t.
Edit: Oh god, just read that the blog is satirical and not owned by you. Sorry I interpret it that way.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
J0sh... - 09.02.2019
Very well kekd.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
[Twixx] - 10.02.2019
Originally Posted by Kalcor
I\'ve been pretty clear that I don\'t want utube links posted here. I shut down SA-MP\'s utube channel years ago. There\'s been nothing related to Googoyle on this forum for years.
There\'s enough space on the forum server for thousands of videos and I could add more space if needed (it never will be). The bandwidth on the forum server is unlimited.
It\'s funny how you bitch about all the wrongdoings of yeetube, but are essentially doing the same thing. Two wrongs don\'t make a right.
You are forcing your personal agenda upon this forums and in the process destroying all the media and creativity that has been posted here (when you nuked the entire SS & Vids board, including screenshots).
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
Flashhiee - 10.02.2019
@Kalcor Instead on screwing around with the forum(wich btw was fine the way it was) you should instead focus on that samp update. I don\'t understand what good you bring by banning the utube links...i think u only make it even worse than it is. Or maybe thats you grand master plan, to fuck up the forums and this community...who knows..
After all i don\'t really give a damn, i think everybody noticed that the ammount of activity on this forums has diminished drastically in the last few months.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
Kalcor - 10.02.2019
The samp 0.2.5 trailer had 2 copyright claims against it. Rather than notify me, utube put ads on the video and sent the ad revenue to the companies claiming copyright. I was never given a chance to contest it. So technically utube started it. This was 7-8 years ago, and it\'s even worse now.
If you guys are unhappy here, leave. You act like it\'s your forum and I\'m interfering, when the opposite is true. You can make your own home page dedicated to worshipping Googoyle and posting shitty utubes.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
Crayder - 10.02.2019
I mean, I completely respect your opinion. I thought it was fucking stupid when they started banning all of the most popular marijuana based channels, that was pretty much the tip of the ice berg for a lot of ******* users. ******* is bullshit. Blocking the links to gugle and yt still feels a bit drastic though. Bold move.
You should make your own (or if anyone else is willing to) SA-MP dedicated video website. This would actually be pretty sweet. We could see all of each others videos in a little "Screenshots and Videos" dedicated site.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
Baboon - 10.02.2019
Originally Posted by Kalcor
If you guys are unhappy here, leave. You act like it\'s your forum and I\'m interfering, when the opposite is true. You can make your own home page dedicated to worshipping Googoyle and posting shitty utubes.
Isn\'t it our forums? Isn\'t it the community\'s forum? We share our thoughts here, our ideas, our creativity. Yes, you run the forums, but what would the forum be without us? You saying this, really stings. I don\'t say you\'re interfering, but you\'re making these changes years after the nuissances you went through. Then now after all this time you decide on something you should have done years before. Just because it impacts you (as I get it financially), you shouldn\'t bring your personal hate to the forums.
This is your business, you make your money this way, we are basically your \'clients\'. We make use of the services you provide. Let\'s face it, it\'s decent money. Now it\'s not the time to be greedy. We are incredibly happy you created a mod that we absolutely love, we are grateful for that. Don\'t let your success make you feel like the ultimate boss, because that\'s how you lose clients and honestly I do get that feeling, and others perhaps as well.
You\'re of age (confident way over my age), act like it. This is your business, then run it properly. You sound rather nonchalantly. I\'ve been with SAMP for years and I\'ll stay, not because of your work, but because of the community.
My words probably don\'t mean anything to you, but they should. I don\'t care you made this decision, but the way you did, the attitude included, it\'s not how you should run this place. You make your cash from us, then provide us the services we deserve to get back in return. And that doesn\'t mean just making us code. That means providing services to handle their (read our) needs.
I respect you, but I respect the community more.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
Kalcor - 10.02.2019
I started sa-mp because I wanted to play GTA with other people. I didn\'t have much interest in single player games. I expected the project to last about 2 years, then throw it away. But as one group of people got bored with sa-mp, another group would show up. Realistically, without the massive Russian player base sa-mp may have shut down already. I expected it to die off every year since about 2009.
The hosted list came online in 2010, and it was added because server owners requested it. It\'s really a stretch for you to say you\'re my client because some Russian server is on the hosted list. You probably look at sa-mp as being one big blob: the client, the server, the lists, the wiki, the hosted tab. But all of these services are seperate. The client and server can run without this website, server lists or the forum. If I shut down this forum, it wouldn\'t have any immediate effects on sa-mp, only long term effects. Same with the server lists.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
Baboon - 10.02.2019
Originally Posted by Kalcor
I started sa-mp because I wanted to play GTA with other people. I didn\'t have much interest in single player games. I expected the project to last about 2 years, then throw it away. But as one group of people got bored with sa-mp, another group would show up. Realistically, without the massive Russian player base sa-mp may have shut down already. I expected it to die off every year since about 2009.
The hosted list came online in 2010, and it was added because server owners requested it. It\'s really a stretch for you to say you\'re my client because some Russian server is on the hosted list. You probably look at sa-mp as being one big blob: the client, the server, the lists, the wiki, the hosted tab. But all of these services are seperate. The client and server can run with this website, server lists or the forum. If I shut down this forum, it wouldn\'t have any immediate effects on sa-mp, only long term effects. Same with the server lists.
What are you trying to say here? We pay for the tab, I have, for months, how am I not a client? Just because there are larger clients out there, the Russians, how does that make me less of a client? What kind of business strategy is that.
Are you stating you want SA-MP to die? You\'re done? Fine, then if you honestly feel like that you should put an end to it, then do so. It sounds like this place is nothing but a nuissance to you. But you won\'t, since it\'s bringing you income. It sounds like you feel like you\'ve done enough, but there\'s always room for improvement.
Or just end things with a truely final version. Invest your last amount of effort you\'re willing to spend on the mod and finish it and turn it into a complete final project, you atleast owe the community.
Honestly, I\'d be extremely happy with this community if I were you. It\'s something you put together, it has brought you money, joy, even though it just started of as a way to enjoy time with others... If I were you, I\'d be forever grateful to every single player that has played this mod, since we made your vision come true. You wouldn\'t have reached what you\'ve reached so far, without us. SA-MP has been incredibly great for your C.V. too, I assume. Also, guess what, business opportunities come out of nowhere and that\'s what has struck you, and you handled it properly (I guess?), until imo now.
I\'ll leave it at this, hopefully it got through even a little bit.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
Kalcor - 10.02.2019
Buy a hosted listing if you want more exposure for your server and you have a community willing to split the costs. Let me worry about how the hosting for this forum is paid. The hosted tab didn't always exist and may not always exist.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
userid - 10.02.2019
Why would you shut down the forum? It isn't dead, it get a lot of posts everyday and have stable community of developers.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
delfino - 11.02.2019
If you guys are unhappy here, leave. You act like it's your forum and I'm interfering, when the opposite is true." - Kalcor
Haha I am actually lauching at this, this is exactly the reason why I left..
In my opinion this is a
forum which is supposed to be 'owned' by all its members, forming a warm and bond community. Yet Kalcor act as dictator like he owns it, his pride (like the crying MTA coding story) and personal matters (like this YT stuff) ruined the whole community.
'He created it, founded it, put in effort, all credits to him, nobody is his client, nobody is connected.' /vomit. This is not how a community leader is supposed to act.
This post is most likely going to be deleted as its negative feedback for him personally, but yeah: do cry about YT and freedom of speach, "Justice warrior".
Just delete the whole SAMP forum and screw it all, please.
In my opinion sa-mp
was great, it had a good run, especially back in the old days before all the updates and new objects etc etc.
And to be fair:
Realistically, without the massive Russian player base sa-mp may have shut down already. I expected it to die off every year since about 2009." - Kalcor
About that time sa-mp did die. rip.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
wallee - 11.02.2019
Originally Posted by Kalcor
I expected the project to last about 2 years, then throw it away. But as one group of people got bored with sa-mp, another group would show up. Realistically, without the massive Russian player base sa-mp may have shut down already. I expected it to die off every year since about 2009.
Was sa-mp always a chore to you or did you have fun while making it? If you could turn back time would you do it again or abandon us sooner?
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
[Twixx] - 11.02.2019
Originally Posted by Kalcor
If you guys are unhappy here, leave. You act like it\'s your forum and I\'m interfering, when the opposite is true. You can make your own home page dedicated to worshipping Googoyle and posting shitty utubes.
You sound like EA now. You might have made the website but we made the community. And in a way, yes, you are interfering. First you deleted everyone\'s years worth of media posts, that people put time and effort into and now you prevent easy sharing of media. Yes, utube might not be without flaws but that is irrelevant in this situation.
You act like everyone who doesn\'t have a massive problem with utube and g00gle is an instant retard. Most people here simply don\'t care about the drama, utubes basic functionality works and it gets the job done when it comes to sharing media on this forum. All the behind the scenes internal drama going on the platform is irrelevant to most of us, yet you force it on us.
All this is, is you running your personal agenda using us, thinking that by preventing us from using utube you\'ll somehow impact them, by giving them less traffic. This is honestly fucking stupid. The entire community is telling you this, but clearly our feedback means nothing to you.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
delfino - 11.02.2019
Originally Posted by [Twixx]
You sound like EA now. You might have made the website but we made the community. And in a way, yes, you are interfering. First you deleted everyone\'s years worth of media posts, that people put time and effort into and now you prevent easy sharing of media. Yes, utube might not be without flaws but that is irrelevant in this situation.
You act like everyone who doesn\'t have a massive problem with utube and g00gle is an instant retard. Most people here simply don\'t care about the drama, utubes basic functionality works and it gets the job done when it comes to sharing media on this forum. All the behind the scenes internal drama going on the platform is irrelevant to most of us, yet you force it on us.
All this is, is you running your personal agenda using us, thinking that by preventing us from using utube you\'ll somehow impact them, by giving them less traffic. This is honestly fucking stupid. The entire community is telling you this, but clearly our feedback means nothing to you.
Exactly this, like you said its \'honestly fucking stupid\'. He is just being selfish and making decisions from his own point of view instead of asking the community. Oh wait, its his community, nobody else has anything to say.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
Kalcor - 11.02.2019
Originally Posted by [Twixx]
All this is, is you running your personal agenda using us, thinking that by preventing us from using utube you\'ll somehow impact them, by giving them less traffic. This is honestly fucking stupid.
That\'s an obvious fallacy. It\'s better to do something than do nothing. Even if it only makes a small change.
All I\'ve done is prevented utube links on this forum. I provided a facility to upload videos. The "community" is made better off by this, since we aren\'t subjected to any of utube\'s rules. There aren\'t even many videos posted here, so it\'s not that big a deal. The buried threads from 5 years ago weren\'t getting many views anyway.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
Freaksken - 11.02.2019
Originally Posted by Kalcor
There aren\'t even many videos posted here, so it\'s not that big a deal. The buried threads from 5 years ago weren\'t getting many views anyway.
That\'s like saying old books don\'t get read a lot, so destroying that part of history is not a big deal.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
Kalcor - 11.02.2019
I have backups of everything going back to the beginning of the mod. Nothing has been destroyed.
That brings up another point where old forum threads need to be pruned to keep the database running smooth.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
Baboon - 11.02.2019
Originally Posted by Kalcor
I have backups of everything going back to the beginning of the mod. Nothing has been destroyed.
Great, however it ain't public, hm?
Honestly, I don't mind you clean up the forums so now and then, that is if it's in the community's interest.
Kalcor, stop being so stubborn and selfish, we get it, you're done. Then announce it publicly and see whether it'll impact your income. If it doesn't, then great, SA-MP has been succesful and you still earn a bit of cash through those great Russian friends of yours. Aside to that, you don't need to worry about a thing anymore, you're done.
The only downside is that those who play, will find out you let them down, and you'll become quite notorious.
Or just pass it on to the next developer, someone who's actually motivated to keep things going and keeps your prior vision going. Some experienced developer, that you know you can trust. Decide on some kind of deal, so that you earn some income aswell, you obviously did most the work.