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[FilterScript] [FS]All Animations v.0.1 - v.0.3 - Printable Version

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Re: [FS]All Animations - TAN - 13.07.2007

Originally Posted by BROTH3R
It's very cool scritp! Thx Woozie
Yeah its very nice..

Re: [FS]All Animations - El0vric - 13.07.2007

Good work, this will be fun.

Re: [FS]All Animations - Duelos SA - 16.07.2007


Re: [FS]All Animations - Foxtrota - 16.07.2007

wow, 2000; that must of taken your ass a long time :P but sweet

Re: [FS]All Animations - Zh3r0 - 10.07.2008

Shut up OkStyle
He did he's best, so SHUT UP!.
Great fs Woozie, this is still in my GM, thank you.

Re: [FS]All Animations - Kelito - 10.07.2008

Im using this

Re: [FS]All Animations - Basss - 10.07.2008

well done!

Re: [FS]All Animations - gont1k - 10.07.2008

OkStyle and Woozie - both russians ^^
Like myself.

Re: [FS]All Animations - OKStyle - 10.07.2008

Originally Posted by [TBJ
Zh3r0 ]
Shut up OkStyle
He did he's best, so SHUT UP!.
Not so cleverly from your side.

Originally Posted by gont1k
OkStyle and Woozie - both russians ^^
wooz1e - Lithuanian

Re: [FS]All Animations - ^Woozie^ - 10.07.2008

wooz1e - Lithuanian

English only, please.

Re: [FS]All Animations - Johnny..Boy - 10.07.2008

nice shit

Re: [FS]All Animations - OKStyle - 11.07.2008

Originally Posted by ^Woozie^
wooz1e - Lithuanian

уродец,просьба не пиздеть насчет того чего не знаешь,ибо ты даун нихуя из себя не представляешь.
English only, please.

P.S. Russian discuss..

Re: [FS]All Animations - ^Woozie^ - 11.07.2008

English only, please.

Re: [FS]All Animations - OKStyle - 11.07.2008

Originally Posted by ^Woozie^

малолетний неадекват, держи рот на замке, или ты думаешь, что сделал бажный скрипт и стал крутым?

бугага лошок,напиши о багах скрипта.Их там нету поэтому писать тебе нечего :P
Просто почти весь мир юзали этот скрипт а тут какойто лох OKStyle нашёл в нём баги а до этого типо никто не мог?самому не смешно?
go to f***.

Bug # 1: in cmds: /animbiked, /animfat, /animfinale, /animpoor, /animbiked, /animryder, /animbath, /animway, - string (animationplayed == 1) was twise, in cmd /animlookers - string (animationplayed == 25) was twise, in cmd /animtattoo - string (animplayed == 41) was twise...
Bug # 2: in cmd: /animgangs - id include between 1 & 22, but command have 33 anims
Bug # 3: in cmds: /animshop - SHOP library haven't anim "donutdrop". That anim have library MD_CHASE, /animswat - SWAT library haven't anim "cards_pick_02". That anim have library CASINO, /animtattoo - TATTOOS library haven't anim Sit_relaxed. That anim have librarys CAR & LOWRIDER.
Bug # 4: in cmd /animtattoo - you write TA_ArmL_Out_P but right: TAT_ArmL_Out_P.

And some unuseful things: some library haven't full anims in your script, to much defines of color, when used only 3, to much includes, when used only a_samp & dini (for strtok), special_actions dance have 4 states, but in your script 3.

I forget others...

And what? Who now funny?

All world use this... and what? can't see bug? looooolzz

Re: [FS]All Animations v.0.1 - v.0.3 - Skaizo - 20.09.2010

good job

Re: [FS]All Animations v.0.1 - v.0.3 - aco_SRBIJA - 20.09.2010

The requested URL /~jossiptsuk/files.html/ was not found on this server.

I wan't real link

Re: [FS]All Animations v.0.1 - v.0.3 - Hip-hop - 20.09.2010

search page 19...

Re: [FS]All Animations v.0.1 - v.0.3 - aco_SRBIJA - 21.09.2010

i tested. I don`t like it. It have a lots of animations, but when you search one wanted animation, you have to spend a lots of time to find it.

Anyway, nice work, a lots of cool animations

Re: [FS]All Animations v.0.1 - v.0.3 - luillixd - 21.09.2010

Bad link.

Re: [FS]All Animations v.0.1 - v.0.3 - homijs - 21.09.2010

Thanks i guess