Why is SA-MP Dying - Printable Version
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Re: Why is SA-MP Dying -
[Twixx] - 10.03.2017
I think the only thing dying in this thread are op's braincells.
Re: Why is SA-MP Dying -
OKStyle - 10.03.2017
SAMP dieing only in stupid topics on the forums.
Re: Why is SA-MP Dying -
coool - 10.03.2017
Why don't you go on and check the website's statistics:
Re: Why is SA-MP Dying -
Sew_Sumi - 10.03.2017
Originally Posted by coool
Why don't you go on and check the website's statistics:
lol @ Topics "Cancer"... We'll end up with a damn cancer support group turning up here before long...
Re: Why is SA-MP Dying -
BR3TT - 10.03.2017
Originally Posted by Isolated
I disagree with the whole "SA-MP is dying", but I do admit that this community has changed rapidly within the last year.
Development, beta-testers, and staff seem to have either dropped from the face of the earth, or have other priorities in their lives.
Since there is rarely any moderators trolls and bots have taken over the majority of threads, statistically SA-MP is still strong, but the community seems to be falling apart in my opinion. Although there is still so many wonderful people around this forum, the majority just like winding people up knowing they'll get away with it.
Last time I saw someone said they stopped because nobody was using features in their updates, and nobody was coding new features that they implemented so now they won't update unless it's necessary. Wouldn't quote me on that as this was probably 6-12 months ago that I read this, but it was along the lines of nobody was utilising the updates and everyone was staying in the past.
Re: Why is SA-MP Dying -
Toss - 10.03.2017
Samp ain't dying most servers are dying cuz they stupid, maybe u don't know a good sever or the server u playing is stupid/dying...I suggest this topic to be closed like for real...
Re: Why is SA-MP Dying -
Lorenc_ - 10.03.2017
38k players on sa-mp rn
u just need 20 to call urself a success
Re: Why is SA-MP Dying -
Arithmetic - 10.03.2017
Shut the fuck up you attention seeking waste of semen.
Re: Why is SA-MP Dying -
HeLiOn_PrImE - 10.03.2017
Damn....this thread is still going...
Re: Why is SA-MP Dying -
Hunud - 10.03.2017
Will be countined....