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[FilterScript] Simple Vehicle Speedometer/Health/Vehicle Name - Printable Version

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Re: Simple Vehicle Speedometer/Health/Vehicle Name - FreAkeD - 27.09.2015

Originally Posted by ahameed4755
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Re: Simple Vehicle Speedometer/Health/Vehicle Name - Stoyanov - 28.09.2015

Why you use loop under OnPlayerUpdate..? It's useless because this function have argument (playerid) for each player? This loop can cause lag.

I think your code under OnPlayerUpdate should be:

public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
		new vspeed[25];
		format(vspeed, sizeof(vspeed), "Speed: ~y~%d ~g~KM/H", GetVehicleSpeed(playerid));
		PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, VehicleSpeed[playerid], vspeed);
		new vhealthtd[32], Float:vHealth;
		GetVehicleHealth(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), vHealth);
		new Float:percentage = (((vHealth - 250.0) / (1000.0 - 250.0)) * 100.0);
		format(vhealthtd, sizeof(vhealthtd), "Vehicle Health: ~g~%.0f%", percentage);
		PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, VehicleHealth[playerid], vhealthtd);
	return 1;

Re: Simple Vehicle Speedometer/Health/Vehicle Name - Pr0GreSiVe - 19.10.2015

Amazing script bro +rep