Re: find the differance -
Lewwy - 07.12.2008
Never tried it, watched a video of someone getting owned by it though lol.
Re: find the differance -
miokie - 08.12.2008
Screamers... Pretty Lame...
I hate screamers.. I have bad paranoia.
Re: find the differance -
Lewwy - 08.12.2008
So do I.
When I watch a movie that is like 1% scary I shit myself everytime I'm in the dark for the next 2 months.
Re: find the differance -
MPKaboose - 08.12.2008
Originally Posted by •Lj•
So do I.
When I watch a movie that is like 1% scary I shit myself everytime I'm in the dark for the next 2 months.
Me to try to watch the movie "Jeepers Creepers" i didnt sleep for 2 days
Re: find the differance -
miokie - 08.12.2008
Originally Posted by •Lj•
So do I.
When I watch a movie that is like 1% scary I shit myself everytime I'm in the dark for the next 2 months.
I have bad paranoia about end of the world theories, Ghosts and aliens lmao...
I locked myself in my room once (Put my bed up to it >.<) when it was pitchblack and everybody was out because I saw something walk across my hallway downstairs...
Re: find the differance -
Lewwy - 08.12.2008
I shit myself when I thought I saw the Toothfairy at the age of 7.
Re: find the differance -
Tez2k7 - 08.12.2008
Originally Posted by •Lj•
I shit myself when I thought I saw the Toothfairy at the age of 7.
Re: find the differance -
miokie - 08.12.2008
Originally Posted by •Lj•
I shit myself when I thought I saw the Toothfairy at the age of 7.
Sorry but.. Lmfao.
When I was 8 I went to a santa thing, where you sat on his lap and talk to him..
I was scared so i punched him in the face >.<
This is gettin pretty offtopic...
Re: find the differance -
Lewwy - 08.12.2008
Okay Okay, last one.
My Dad gave me a maze to look at, which was a screamer, this was my first screamer by the way. And I closed it when he went out the room because he didn't want to get a fright himself, so then he came back in saying: Did you do the ma- HOLY SHIT! and screamed like a girl because I re-opened it again once he stood outside.
It was pretty funny, owned himself really.
Re: find the differance -
MenaceX^ - 08.12.2008
damn my ears!!
Why the sound is so high ? :S