Re: Best game that you ever played! -
StrangeLove - 22.02.2015
Half-Life 1
Re: Best game that you ever played! -
iZN - 22.02.2015
The best game? I recently bought this gold game on PC: METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES. I know this game is quite short but seriously, I was so happy when I first started playing it, it hit me in the feels, after so many years, METAL GEAR SOLID game on PC!
Re: Best game that you ever played! -
AnnihilationLee - 22.02.2015
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Multiplayer)
Re: Best game that you ever played! -
Hiddos - 22.02.2015
Originally Posted by [WoF]Sonny
Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven
This one is a good pick.
For me it'll always be The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. y u fuk up skyrim so badly bethesda? ;(
Re: Best game that you ever played! -
Patrik356b - 22.02.2015
It's great fun to watch your opponents get hit by falling rocks, flipped by lightning, etc. And i love the
Ignition, known as Bleifuss Fun in Germany and Fun Tracks in France, is a PC game released in 1997
By using a cheatcode, you alter the how game looks and as a side-effect, the difficulty is increased:
GTA:SA comes on 2nd place (with or without mods)
Myst Series (1-5 + Uru) takes third place
Forth and last game on my list is
P.S. Hovercars are cool (screenshot from RoboCraft):
Re: Best game that you ever played! -
KingPlayer - 22.02.2015
Originally Posted by Kapersky™
Super Mario? xD
Re: Best game that you ever played! -
KingPlayer - 22.02.2015
Originally Posted by AnnihilationLee
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Multiplayer)
Haha.. Cool.
Re: Best game that you ever played! -
Steel_ - 22.02.2015
Max Payne series and the Tomb Raider series
AW: Best game that you ever played! -
Drebin - 22.02.2015
Little Big Adventure (1997)
Safecracker (1997)
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (2003)
Red Dead Redemption (2010)
Grand Theft Auto V (2013)
Re: Best game that you ever played! -
Red_Dragon. - 22.02.2015
The Last of Us.
Re: Best game that you ever played! -
Ryan25 - 23.02.2015
"The CREW" is awesome..
Re: Best game that you ever played! -
Karan007 - 23.02.2015
SA-MP ; Call of duty ; Max payne ; Vice city stories ; and Bully.
Re: Best game that you ever played! -
SimonItaly - 23.02.2015
Took me a while to figure out a game, but in the end I've to choose
Kingdom Hearts since it's been my childhood and my first 100% completed game (with something like 200 hours played).
The intro OST still chills me to the bone.
[ame=]Dearly Beloved[/ame]
Re: Best game that you ever played! -
Jese - 23.02.2015
I say Heroes of Might and Magic III and Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal.
Re: Best game that you ever played! -
newbienoob - 23.02.2015
was samp. now dota2.
Re: Best game that you ever played! -
KingPlayer - 23.02.2015
Originally Posted by Ryan25
"The CREW" is awesome..
I saw a few videos of it, but, not interesting to me.
Re: Best game that you ever played! -
DRIFT_HUNTER - 23.02.2015
Well id say:
NFS Underground
C&C Generals and ZH expansion
Company of Heroes (and 2 but not so much as first game)
Mass Effect trilogy (Simple but awesome gameplay, not to mention story telling...)
Re: Best game that you ever played! -
KingPlayer - 23.02.2015
Originally Posted by DRIFT_HUNTER
Well id say:
NFS Underground
C&C Generals and ZH expansion
Company of Heroes (and 2 but not so much as first game)
Mass Effect trilogy (Simple but awesome gameplay, not to mention story telling...)
Yeah, I have GTA III on my iPhone, it's good.
Re: Best game that you ever played! -
Cookland - 23.02.2015
It's just soooo gooood, oh ma gawd.
Re: Best game that you ever played! -
DraconianGamer - 23.02.2015
Originally Posted by Jese
I say Heroes of Might and Magic III
This game is amazing! I still play it even though its old as hell, cant wait for them to release the HD version.