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[Map] Modern bank interior by Atomic (REALISTIC, TEXTURED) - Printable Version

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Re: Modern bank interior by Atomic (REALISTIC, TEXTURED) - SpikY_ - 20.12.2014

Good one!

Re: Modern bank interior by Atomic (REALISTIC, TEXTURED) - AtomicPower - 23.12.2014


Re: Modern bank interior by Atomic (REALISTIC, TEXTURED) - ZikoFox - 24.12.2014

That's Good man good job bruh

AW: Modern bank interior by Atomic (REALISTIC, TEXTURED) - Flori - 24.12.2014

Nice one.

Re: Modern bank interior by Atomic (REALISTIC, TEXTURED) - EnzoCastello - 24.12.2014

Nice mapping +1 rep

Re: Modern bank interior by Atomic (REALISTIC, TEXTURED) - DKRobin - 25.12.2014

it's not good, It's Amaaaazzing man KEEP Going mate you're awesome..

Re: Modern bank interior by Atomic (REALISTIC, TEXTURED) - FrankLeQuebcois - 27.12.2014

Really nice map dude

Re: Modern bank interior by Atomic (REALISTIC, TEXTURED) - Diabloa - 27.12.2014

Good job. How did you have smooth camera movement? Rep.

Re: Modern bank interior by Atomic (REALISTIC, TEXTURED) - AtomicPower - 29.12.2014

Thank you

Originally Posted by Diabloa
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Good job. How did you have smooth camera movement? Rep.
It is InterpolateCameraLookAt

Re: Modern bank interior by Atomic (REALISTIC, TEXTURED) - AtomicPower - 29.01.2015

Originally Posted by dionisak0s
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Why you did not include the vault aswell? By the way, great job.
I don't want to share it, it is private and there would be a lot of copies. Ty

Re: Modern bank interior by Atomic (REALISTIC, TEXTURED) - dionisak0s - 30.01.2015

Originally Posted by AtomicPower
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I don't want to share it, it is private and there would be a lot of copies. Ty
Alright, that's quiet sad.

Re: Modern bank interior by Atomic (REALISTIC, TEXTURED) - beedon02 - 02.02.2015

thank you. nice map

Re : Modern bank interior by Atomic (REALISTIC, TEXTURED) - Matthalan - 16.07.2015

omggg +1 !

Re: Modern bank interior by Atomic (REALISTIC, TEXTURED) - Whatname - 13.06.2017

great job

Re: Modern bank interior by Atomic (REALISTIC, TEXTURED) - ViruZTime - 13.06.2017

Good Base Bro Rep+

Re: Modern bank interior by Atomic (REALISTIC, TEXTURED) - Astralis - 21.06.2017

Roleplay servers love it.

Re: Modern bank interior by Atomic (REALISTIC, TEXTURED) - Vojin - 02.07.2017

Great map but when i gone to the cordimates its spawn me in lv and i see just some roads under me and one flowers .. Maybe problem is in texture or somethong? Sory for bad eng..