Re: #1 SA-MP\'s Administration Filterscript -
Kwarde - 04.11.2014
The images and such look nice. But I\'ve got a few things:
Download the ZIP file: SAMP Admin (Recommended) (v2.0.3z | Quick update - fixed some bugs and added some minor features).
Download the ZIP file: SAMP Admin (v1.0.3z).
There are some standards in version numbers (though some developers do it different - As do you it seem). I learned that if a version has 3 numbers (number1.number2.number3) it means this:
{Major version}.{Minor version}.{Build version}({Version tag}).
So by this standard, you never could\'ve changed the Major version. However, you seem to using \'0.3z\' because of the SAMP version you created it on, and now comes the part I actually care about
Is this script ONLY compatible with 0.3z? If it\'s compatible with more versions, this version would be misleading people.
Your grammar
Buy a ~g~VIP ~w~Account ~b~Today! For access lot of new ~y~features!
"For access lot of new features".. uhm?
"You not visited we site?" - Perhaps I\'ve never learned proper English, but otherwise I\'d say this sentence is reaaally wrong.
You also posted that a couple of times, and I think you meant "Advance
d command...
I could go on like that for a while but I won\'t. I\'m not trying to be mean, but it\'s just that I get less interested in using it.
What I also noticed is that you\'re using quite alot variables/directories I\'ve seen in another (quite good/famous) admin filterscript, and that one is also using dudb (because it\'s quite an old one already, and y_ini didn\'t exist back than). Are you sure you\'re not copying alot of stuff? (If I\'m wrong, you have my apologies. I\'ll go find that other admin filterscript tomorrow and check it out. Just to be sure, I freakin\' hate it when someone is having some credits for something they didn\'t create. And it\'s extra suspicious because you only got a few posts).
In your credits, it\'s not
DarcoBlue but
Talking about DracoBlue - If you don\'t like y_ini or if you don\'t get it to work, you should consider using "DJson" by DracoBlue. It\'s as easy to use as diny (and with using CTRL+H in pawno, you can easily edit the functions in the script, eg. "dini_IntGet" would become "djInt", "Dini_IntSet" would become "djSetInt" etc...)
Re: #1 SA-MP\'s Administration Filterscript -
Neufox - 04.11.2014
Originally Posted by Kwarde
The images and such look nice. But I\'ve got a few things:
There are some standards in version numbers (though some developers do it different - As do you it seem). I learned that if a version has 3 numbers (number1.number2.number3) it means this:
{Major version}.{Minor version}.{Build version}({Version tag}).
So by this standard, you never could\'ve changed the Major version. However, you seem to using \'0.3z\' because of the SAMP version you created it on, and now comes the part I actually care about: Is this script ONLY compatible with 0.3z? If it\'s compatible with more versions, this version would be misleading people.
Well, I didn\'t had that much knowledge about version schemes. I just accordingly set the version format as:
{build version}.{samp version in which this is compiled}. Currently, its compatible with all 0.3 client versions.
Your grammar
"For access lot of new features".. uhm?
"You not visited we site?" - Perhaps I\'ve never learned proper English, but otherwise I\'d say this sentence is reaaally wrong.
You also posted that a couple of times, and I think you meant "Advanced command...
I could go on like that for a while but I won\'t. I\'m not trying to be mean, but it\'s just that I get less interested in using it.
That grammar, you can\'t blame me, I took it from lux admin random message array. I will fix that soon.
What I also noticed is that you\'re using quite alot variables/directories I\'ve seen in another (quite good/famous) admin filterscript, and that one is also using dudb (because it\'s quite an old one already, and y_ini didn\'t exist back than). Are you sure you\'re not copying alot of stuff? (If I\'m wrong, you have my apologies. I\'ll go find that other admin filterscript tomorrow and check it out. Just to be sure, I freakin\' hate it when someone is having some credits for something they didn\'t create. And it\'s extra suspicious because you only got a few posts).
NOT actually, only some variablew and arrays. It\'s like I have saved my time through coping them instead of rewriting. If you think this must be credited, I\'ll happily add.
Thats not at all copied, you can checkout how I have very cleverly optimised them in a very easy way, in minimum implementation of lines (using loops, arrays...).
In your credits, it\'s not DarcoBlue but DracoBlue
Ops, I just missed out that, let me replace that.
Talking about DracoBlue - If you don\'t like y_ini or if you don\'t get it to work, you should consider using "DJson" by DracoBlue. It\'s as easy to use as diny (and with using CTRL+H in pawno, you can easily edit the functions in the script, eg. "dini_IntGet" would become "djInt", "Dini_IntSet" would become "djSetInt" etc...)
I had thoughts about DJSON but now i am making my custom INI include with base code as SII. Its almost done (currently in stable BETA condition).
Also, If you read the main topic, or replies, I have stated "Will be converting it to yini or my custom" asap.
Thanks for the feedback.
Re: #1 SA-MP\'s Administration Filterscript -
Cassy_ - 04.11.2014
Just awesome. Nice images as well the features.
Re: #1 SA-MP\'s Administration Filterscript -
Excips - 04.11.2014
REP+ for this awesome script.
Re: #1 SA-MP\'s Administration Filterscript -
Kwarde - 04.11.2014
Originally Posted by Neufox
Well, I didn\'t had that much knowledge about version schemes. I just accordingly set the version format as: {build version}.{samp version in which this is compiled}. Currently, its compatible with all 0.3 client versions.
| - I think you might find this rather interresting then
That grammar, you can\'t blame me, I took it from lux admin random message array. I will fix that soon.
NOT actually, only some variablew and arrays. It\'s like I have saved my time through coping them instead of rewriting.
AH! That explains alot indeed why it looked so familiar. And I indeed already took a few closer looks to your script and it looks clean.
If you think this must be credited, I\'ll happily add.
I had thoughts about DJSON but now i am making my custom INI include with base code as SII. Its almost done (currently in stable BETA condition).
Also, If you read the main topic, or replies, I have stated "Will be converting it to yini or my custom" asap.
I read that yes, but I still don\'t recommend that.
Re: #1 SA-MP\'s Administration Filterscript -
Qu3esL - 05.11.2014
Very nicely, neatly coded. Amazing features, REP +.
Re: #1 SA-MP\'s Administration Filterscript -
BlueFire_ - 05.11.2014
I love to use those TEAM commands. This is one of the best feature which makes this unique. REP++
Re: #1 SA-MP\'s Administration Filterscript -
Arastair - 05.11.2014
Seems good, but can you convert it to previous version like 3x, it\'s not hard, just for the ones who dunno it
Re: #1 SA-MP\'s Administration Filterscript -
Neufox - 05.11.2014
Originally Posted by Arastair
Seems good, but can you convert it to previous version like 3x, it\'s not hard, just for the ones who dunno it
Well thats simple, just recompile the script in samp 0.3x compiler. Make sure you have 0.3x compatible plugins and includes.
Re: #1 SA-MP\'s Administration Filterscript -
StephenBrash - 05.11.2014
Looks great, Good Job.
Re: #1 SA-MP\'s Administration Filterscript -
Maximun - 05.11.2014
Nice one!
Re: #1 SA-MP\'s Administration Filterscript -
Iklesos - 06.11.2014
sampgdk3.dll error why?
Re: #1 SA-MP\'s Administration Filterscript -
Neufox - 06.11.2014
Originally Posted by Iklesos
sampgdk3.dll error why?
Because the admin system uses some plugins which need sampgdk plugin to run.
Re: #1 SA-MP\'s Administration Filterscript -
Stinged - 06.11.2014
It can never be "#1 SA-MP\'s Admin system" if you\'re using dini.
Re: #1 SA-MP\'s Administration Filterscript -
AroseKhanNiazi - 06.11.2014
awesome work
Respuesta: #1 SA-MP\'s Administration Filterscript -
!R1Ch@rD! - 06.11.2014
It is a very complete ladmin
thanks men
Re: #1 SA-MP\'s Administration Filterscript -
shaff - 07.11.2014
Not bad good job
Re: #1 SA-MP\'s Administration Filterscript -
NeGaTiveZ - 08.11.2014
Nice release. 8/10
Re: #1 SA-MP\'s Administration Filterscript -
$$inSane - 15.01.2015
Nice script.
Re: #1 SA-MP\'s Administration Filterscript -
Arastair - 15.01.2015
Actually the stats saving really amazed me, Do I have permission to edit it and add it to my server?