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[Include] [INC] pBank |0.2 Released| - Printable Version

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Re: [INC] pBank |0.2 Released| - Donuts - 06.12.2008

The error is not on your script! It's on the include


Check the line 231 of the file ''

Re: [INC] pBank |0.2 Released| - x-cutter - 07.12.2008

Originally Posted by YeahYeahYeahs
The error is not on your script! It's on the include


Check the line 231 of the file ''

There was a missing ;

Re: [INC] pBank |0.2 Released| - LightFight™ - 07.12.2008

Very Useful !

Re: [INC] pBank |0.2 Released| - x-cutter - 07.12.2008


  • pBank_WireTransfer(Sender[],Receiver[],Amount)
    Let's you transfer funds from your account to somebody elses. See Example.pwn inside RAR for an example on how it works and how it is used.

in the Example.pwn there is no example on how to use WireTransfer... You should edit it/pos an example here plz.
BTW this script is god-like! I have made some /bankregister, /banklogin, /balance, /deposit, /withdraw, /bankquit commands with no problem! I have even made it so you can only use /banklogin, /balance, /deposit and /withdraw in 24/7s or in the federal government building and you can only use /bankregister and /bankquit in the federal government building.

This script is fuly customisable, I like it much. It helped alot my RP server...

Thanks again,


Re: [INC] pBank |0.2 Released| - x-cutter - 07.12.2008

I am having problems with this script.
Here is my code:
	    new tmp[256];
	    new playername[256];
	    new string[256];
				SendClientMessage(playerid,DarkGreen,"USAGE : /bankregister [password]");
				return 1;
	    if(!PlayerToPoint(3.0,playerid,2316.6160,-7.5284,26.7422)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,AdminRed,"Must be near the bank counter!");
      if(PlayerStats[playerid][BankLogged]==1) return SendClientMessage(playerid,AdminRed,"You're already logged in!");
	    new fstring[50];
			new create=pBank_CreateBankAccount(fstring,-100,tmp);
			if(create == -1)
	  		SendClientMessage(playerid,DarkGreen,"You have already registered a bank account under this name!");
	  		SendClientMessage(playerid,DarkGreen,"Use /banklogin [password] to login into your bank account!");
	  		return 1;
			format(string,sizeof(string),"You are now bankregistered under playername %s and password %s!",playername,tmp);
		 	printf("%s registered a bank account with password %s",playername,tmp);
		 	return 1;
	    new tmp[256];
	    new playername[256];
	      SendClientMessage(playerid,DarkGreen,"USAGE : /banklogin [password]");
	      return 1;
			if(!PlayerToPoint(3.0,playerid,2316.6160,-7.5284,26.7422)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,AdminRed,"Must be near the bank counter!");
			if(PlayerStats[playerid][BankLogged]==1) return SendClientMessage(playerid,AdminRed,"You're already logged in!");
	    new fstring[50];
	    new login=pBank_LoginPlayerToBank(fstring,tmp);
	      SendClientMessage(playerid,DarkGreen,"Invalid Password!");
	      return 1;
	      SendClientMessage(playerid,DarkGreen,"You have not registered a bank account yet under this name!");
	      SendClientMessage(playerid,DarkGreen,"Use /bankregister [password] to create a bank account!");
	      return 1;
	    SendClientMessage(playerid,DarkGreen,"You have successfully logged in into your bank account!");
	    return 1;
/bankregister works, but after I use the command it says SERVER : Unknown Command
/banklogin doesn't work, it keeps saying invalid password...


This is an freakin annoying bug.. thx for helping

NOTE : This is not my script's identation... lol

Re: [INC] pBank |0.2 Released| - SuperS0nic - 24.01.2009

how do i fix line 231?

Re: [INC] pBank |0.2 Released| - Fish - 26.06.2009

It's a good script but I wanted something simialer of a bank..

You login from ordinary command and then you have access to your account... It's not like people will hack your account to get your server cash... (Understand this may cater for roleplay)

Do you think you could make a much more freeroamish one? were there isnt such restrictions as making a pass for bank ?? :C

But thanks anyways for the release

Re: [INC] pBank |0.2 Released| - [ProX]BlueFire - 31.03.2011

it doesnt work...
can u upload it to solidfiles?

Re: [INC] pBank |0.2 Released| - Medal Of Honor team - 31.03.2011

I will definitely use it

Re: [INC] pBank |0.2 Released| - [ProX]BlueFire - 02.04.2011

i saw thet:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
    //if your name isn't Pixels, too bad :D
    return 1;
in ur example script...
do i have to put the name of the player in the ("")

Re: [INC] pBank |0.2 Released| - [ProX]BlueFire - 02.04.2011

Originally Posted by Donuts
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The error is not on your script! It's on the include

Check the line 231 of the file ''
i have fixed it for him
download it from here::
click here to download