Re: Zeex's PAWN Compiler Patches -
iZN - 29.01.2014
The compiler crashes for me suddenly. It doesn't crashes with the original compiler. Is there any possibility of checking what could be the issue?
Respuesta: Re: Zeex's PAWN Compiler Patches -
TheChaoz - 29.01.2014
Originally Posted by iZN
The compiler crashes for me suddenly. It doesn't crashes with the original compiler. Is there any possibility of checking what could be the issue?
If you're using sqlitei from Slice it crash with this compiler (the only time this compiler crash for me was while using this include).
Re: Respuesta: Re: Zeex's PAWN Compiler Patches -
iZN - 29.01.2014
Originally Posted by the_chaoz
If you're using sqlitei from Slice it crash with this compiler (the only time this compiler crash for me was while using this include).
No, I don't use SQLite. I'm using BlueG's plugin R35, sscanf, foreach , CTime plugin (RyDeR`), Teprey's CSTL vector plugin, Incognito's Streamer, IRC and GVar plugin. Slice's TimerFix include and Sorting multi-dimensional arrays (md-sort) include.
Respuesta: Zeex's PAWN Compiler Patches -
TheChaoz - 29.01.2014
Try to remove parts of the script till you find the line(s) that make this compiler crash, otherwise just use the default one.
Re: Zeex's PAWN Compiler Patches -
SimonItaly - 29.01.2014
Added #pragma naked
Added #pragma warning (enable|disable) XXX
Added #pragma warning (push|pop)
Added __line constant
Added #warning directive
Some documentation about those new features would be really appreciated.
EDIT #1: the new compiler crashes with my gamemode. I'm doing some tests right now.
EDIT #2: the compiler seems to crash by compiling with the "-d3 -r -v" tags. Without them it works, but it gives me some new, weird errors.
C:\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "HTTP"
C:\pawno\include\YSI\ : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "OnScriptInit")
C:\pawno\include\YSI\ : error 084: state conflict: one of the states is already assigned to another implementation (symbol "_ScriptInit_FixState")
C:\pawno\include\YSI\ : error 084: state conflict: one of the states is already assigned to another implementation (symbol "_ScriptInit_FixState")
C:\pawno\include\YSI\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "ScriptInit_OnScriptInit"
C:\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "ScriptInit_OnFilterScriptInit"
C:\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "ScriptInit_OnGameModeInit"
C:\Users\Simone\Desktop\0.3x\gamemodes\sfrp_sql.pwn(31148) : error 021: symbol already defined: "ScriptInit_OnGameModeExit"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664.samp Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
7 Errors.
Re: Zeex's PAWN Compiler Patches -
Misiur - 31.01.2014
You have to keep in mind that this include removes standard builtin include guards. If your includes include something, then it'll get included twice (yo dawg, I heard you like includes). YSI also has problem with that - - that's quite fresh commit from YSI 4 branch, check it out.
Re: Zeex's PAWN Compiler Patches -
xeeZ - 01.02.2014
Originally Posted by DarkSlyder
Some documentation about those new features would be really appreciated.
I've made a new Wiki page describing all the new features and other changes:'s-new%3F
Re: Zeex's PAWN Compiler Patches -
Konstantinos - 01.02.2014
I tried the new version but it doesn't output anything in the 'PAWN Compiler Output' box. Even though, the file will be compiled fine.
I tried with and without the pawn.cfg (-d3) and it is still the same.
Re: Zeex's PAWN Compiler Patches -
xeeZ - 01.02.2014
Does it show output in another editor or at the command line?
Re: Zeex\'s PAWN Compiler Patches -
Konstantinos - 01.02.2014
I don\'t use any other editor other than pawno so I can test it.
How to use pawncc.exe + file name with the command line?
Re: Zeex\'s PAWN Compiler Patches -
xeeZ - 01.02.2014
pawncc.exe -;+ ;(+ -ipath\to\pawno\include your_script.pwn
Re: Zeex\'s PAWN Compiler Patches -
iJumbo - 01.02.2014
Is working good for me.. thanks
Re: Zeex\'s PAWN Compiler Patches -
Konstantinos - 01.02.2014
Is there a problem that the server package is in D: hard disk? I cannot get it working through command prompt.
Re: Zeex\'s PAWN Compiler Patches -
xeeZ - 01.02.2014
Do you have spaces in path?
Re: Zeex's PAWN Compiler Patches -
QuaTTrO - 01.02.2014
Originally Posted by kurta999
Very nice!
Please, add __TIME__ macro, like in C++. Would be very useful.
+1. Anyway this compiler rocks!
Re: Zeex\'s PAWN Compiler Patches -
Konstantinos - 02.02.2014
I did have spaces in the path, I renamed it, I moved it to C: disk and it shows:

I used the older version of that patch and worked (still does) fine but I can\'t get it working with the newest one.
Re: Zeex\'s PAWN Compiler Patches -
Misiur - 02.02.2014
You have to escape the bracket in "-(+", so use "-\(+". Affects windows only I guess
Re: Zeex\'s PAWN Compiler Patches -
Konstantinos - 02.02.2014
I executed it like that and it shows the same thing. By the way if you notice, the Header/Code/Data size is 0 bytes.
Re: Zeex\'s PAWN Compiler Patches -
Misiur - 02.02.2014
Oh. The -i flag takes includes folder to be used instead default "./include", not your pwn, so:
pawncc.exe -\)+ -;+ -d3 -v2 "C:\Yourpathtopwn\file.pwn"
Re: Zeex\'s PAWN Compiler Patches -
Konstantinos - 02.02.2014
It compiled fine after using the above:
pawn Code:
C:\samp\pawno>pawncc.exe -\)+ -;+ -d3 -v2 "C:\samp\filterscripts\pnetstats2.pwn"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664.samp Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
Header size: 636 bytes
Code size: 2568 bytes
Data size: 840 bytes
Stack/heap size: 16384 bytes; estimated max. usage=1536 cells (6144 bytes)
Total requirements: 20428 bytes
But that\'s the only way to compile and get those extra information? Whenever I compile directly from the editor, the PAWN Compiler Output box is empty (there\'s a picture 12 posts above).