Re: [IN DEV] VirtualAdmin by [SAP]Francis -
Erkan - 12.10.2008
OK suggestions: /rban (rangeban), /nban (nameban), /unbann(unbanname),/ptp (player to player teleport), /fban (fakeban for annoying ppl i love that

). If i know other COMMANDS i will edit/reply here.
Re: [IN DEV] VirtualAdmin by [SAP]Francis -
Berry - 13.10.2008
i have more sugistion
what about just fake massge like lats say i do
/fmsg Error Prosising Player your mom
Re: [IN DEV] VirtualAdmin by [SAP]Francis -
Rozzie - 13.10.2008
[quote=Berry ]
i have more sugistion
what about just fake massge like lats say i do
/fmsg Error Prosising Player your mom
that was a great idea LOL! i need to add randoms messages like that to my gm ROFL!
Re: [IN DEV] VirtualAdmin by [SAP]Francis -
Berry - 13.10.2008
[quote=PeaToN^ ]
Originally Posted by Berry
i have more sugistion
what about just fake massge like lats say i do
/fmsg Error Prosising Player your mom
that was a great idea LOL! i need to add randoms messages like that to my gm ROFL!
you fail.
you fail with the quote
Re: [IN DEV] VirtualAdmin by [SAP]Francis -
TTHP08 - 13.10.2008
so do you lol :P
but how is this different from v-admin g-admin a-admin l-admin and so on
is it like mysql based or something?
[IN DEV] VirtualAdmin by [SAP]Francis -
[NoV]LaZ - 14.10.2008
Less levels. (better)
It's not with mysql.
Re: [IN DEV] VirtualAdmin by [SAP]Francis -
Francis[French] - 18.11.2008
Originally Posted by [LSB
Erkan ]
OK suggestions: /rban (rangeban), /nban (nameban), /unbann(unbanname),/ptp (player to player teleport), /fban (fakeban for annoying ppl i love that  ). If i know other COMMANDS i will edit/reply here.
/nameban, /unban are done and included. Will add /teleport as PTP. Won't do Fake ban though, but, if you ask me on MSN, I'll do a little special for you.
Originally Posted by Berry
i have more sugistion
what about just fake massge like lats say i do
/fmsg Error Prosising Player your mom
This is very easy to do and therefore, won't be included.
Originally Posted by TTHP08
so do you lol :P
but how is this different from v-admin g-admin a-admin l-admin and so on
is it like mysql based or something?
It's not MySQL. The way it is different is all the customizable things, from messages template to levels name, EVERYTHING is configurable!
Example of my (current beta) Core.ini:
MessagesTemplate=-OperServ- %s
Originally Posted by [DSK
Lazlow ]
Less levels. (better)
It's not with mysql.
As posted, it is fully configurable - You can choose how many levels, their names and also, who can do the specific commands, all files based in a very easy format.
Example of "Forbid Weapons.ini":
^--- Therefore, banning (Because of the 2 in Core.ini in ForbidWeaponsAction, 1 is kick and 0 is to disable the protection) usage of guns when you kill someone with it.
One more thing, there is an anti-weapon with files: You add a new line to add a forbidden weapon. All the rest is done automatically.
Updated the commands again, request more guys, I'm currently done to /explode and think about a public beta soon.
Re: [IN DEV] VirtualAdmin by [SAP]Francis -
chesh - 18.11.2008
This sounds really good and will probably be very handy but you are discussing it
Therefore this should be in scripting discussion i think.
Re: [IN DEV] VirtualAdmin by [SAP]Francis -
Francis[French] - 19.11.2008
No because I plan a release soon
Re: [IN DEV] VirtualAdmin by [SAP]Francis -
matt2127 - 19.11.2008
maybe some object/pickup inclusion, like /cpickup (create pickup) put it about x+5 in front of them then save it in a file and destroy once saved.
Re: [IN DEV] VirtualAdmin by [SAP]Francis -
Rozzie - 23.11.2008
Originally Posted by whooper
Sounds like spamming for me.
Originally Posted by Francis
What the fuck is your problem little noob eh? Still can't take that you can't recreate another SAP for your other noob cheaters?
Sounds like flamming to me.
Well, Ortherwise, This sounds nice as admin plugin, when u think its gonno be released francis?
Re: [IN DEV] VirtualAdmin by [SAP]Francis -
Francis[French] - 24.11.2008
Not sure, but to get all the details, register on the official site. Or, then, you won't get many answers. And yes, I flame little noobs.
Re: [IN DEV] VirtualAdmin by [SAP]Francis -
Mrkrabz - 25.11.2008

Frezes there camera and Movement and stuff would be nice
Re: [IN DEV] VirtualAdmin by [SAP]Francis -
Francis[French] - 25.11.2008
Originally Posted by scorp1543
/freezecontrols  Frezes there camera and Movement and stuff would be nice 
/freeze does this
Re: [IN DEV] VirtualAdmin by [SAP]Francis -
Pixels^ - 26.11.2008
Think you can match
Raptor? :P
Re: [IN DEV] VirtualAdmin by [SAP]Francis -
Yaheli_Faro - 26.11.2008
Originally Posted by Pixels^
Think you can match Raptor? :P
ooh, is that a challenge?
Re: [IN DEV] VirtualAdmin by [SAP]Francis -
Francis[French] - 26.11.2008
Yes it is. And you're gonna be the judge

Re: [IN DEV] VirtualAdmin by [SAP]Francis -
Francis[French] - 11.12.2008
Update: I will no longer use this topic, please register on my site for the latest news.
Re: [IN DEV] VirtualAdmin by [SAP]Francis -
Francis[French] - 22.04.2009
VirtualAdmin 0.1.0 released!
Click here to access the site to be able to download.
Re: [FS] VirtualAdmin by [SAP]Francis -
Francis[French] - 25.06.2009
VirtualAdmin 0.1.1b released!
Click here to access the site to be able to download.