Re: Creating your own object for SA-MP -
user211 - 06.04.2013
Oh my god.... It's splendid
Re: Creating your own object for SA-MP -
Pettersen - 19.05.2013
Realy cool.. This is nothing for me xD i dont have time to that
Re: Creating your own object for SA-MP -
freddy smyth - 19.05.2013
Yeah, it's really cool!
Re: Creating your own object for SA-MP -
UnlimitedDeveloper - 19.05.2013
Very, very useful for players that wish to have custom objects. Nice work mate keep it up.
Re: Creating your own object for SA-MP -
[L]azy[H]aze - 19.05.2013
This looks hard but i will try it
Re: Creating your own object for SA-MP -
Smith_Jim - 20.05.2013
make other download link plz...i cant visit this,no question,i am chinese
Re: Creating your own object for SA-MP -
RiChArD_A - 28.05.2013
WOWOWOWOWOWWOWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! III WA LOOKINGGG FOR THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Creating your own object for SA-MP -
faff - 28.05.2013
Nice, sa-mp should fix this in 0.4a
Something so server owners can add their custom objects, skin models etc.
Re: Creating your own object for SA-MP -
Pottus - 28.05.2013
Originally Posted by faff
Nice, sa-mp should fix this in 0.4a
Something so server owners can add their custom objects, skin models etc.
I highly doubt that samp is designed to work on any server you connect to without downloading content I don't see this changing anytime soon.
Re: Creating your own object for SA-MP -
Vince - 28.05.2013
This is one of the key concepts of SA-MP. Kye intended it to be open and hassle free. No forced downloading of stuff.
Re: Creating your own object for SA-MP -
Luis- - 28.05.2013
Brilliant tutorial! Thanks!
Re: Creating your own object for SA-MP -
Inverse - 23.06.2013
A good tutorial. I knew about this before but didn't know just how to do it.
Re: Creating your own object for SA-MP -
MyNinja - 23.06.2013
Waste of time, only advising to people who want to model for self-purposes, and not for multi-purposes, such as showing it off to friends without them having the model files...
Re: Creating your own object for SA-MP -
int3s0 - 23.06.2013
Originally Posted by MyNinja
Waste of time, only advising to people who want to model for self-purposes, and not for multi-purposes, such as showing it off to friends without them having the model files...
Huh? Is this problem of tutorial or SA-MP client?
Also, once you learn basics of modelling, you can improve your skills and start creating models for other games and programs where you can get paid a couple of thousands dollars per month.
Re: Creating your own object for SA-MP -
Abhishek. - 23.06.2013
thanks for this! +REP
Re: Creating your own object for SA-MP -
alexanderjb918 - 01.05.2014
Good Work Bro cool