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[Include] Anti-Vehicle Spawner - Printable Version

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Re: Anti-Vehicle Spawner - Hanger - 09.05.2012

nothing useful

Re: Anti-Vehicle Spawner - Jochemd - 24.06.2012

There is no such thing as client spawner, only warpers. If there actually is one, the vehicles are client sided. and unenterable.

Re: Anti-Vehicle Spawner - Reboma - 06.09.2012

This is fully bugging... on our server cant spawn any vehicle lol.....

Re: Anti-Vehicle Spawner - fiki574 - 06.09.2012

Where _ALS_ hooking or "Hook:" method? Add that!

Anyways, pretty nice job!

Re: Anti-Vehicle Spawner - Hanger - 11.10.2012

Anti cheat is flawed for a moment, therefore working on a new version, thank you for those who were using it..


Re: Anti-Vehicle Spawner - Plovix - 07.12.2012

Very nice job.Can be very useful

Re: Anti-Vehicle Spawner - maho422 - 02.01.2013

I keep getting this error \Desktop\SFCRRPG\pawno\include\ : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "-end of file-"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.

Re: Anti-Vehicle Spawner - omidi - 10.03.2013

its not effect on my server D:
i puted inc and include avs on my game mode but i cant use sobiet hack and spawn cars whats the problem is ?

Re: Anti-Vehicle Spawner - Hanger - 10.03.2013


Re: Anti-Vehicle Spawner - GaGlets(R) - 19.07.2014

Working, thank you!

Re: Anti-Vehicle Spawner - Hanger - 21.07.2014

Another lot of updates, thank you.

To moderators:
Would be grateful if someone could change the Inlclude title to:
"Anti Vehicle Teleportation / Warp / Spam Patch #AVT"

Re: Anti-Vehicle Spawner - Sojo12 - 25.07.2014

That's very usefull.Thanks.

Re: Anti-Vehicle Spawner - Kar - 25.07.2014

how does OnAntiCheatVehicleWarpInto compare to JernejL's remote jacking code?

Re: Anti-Vehicle Spawner - Hanger - 25.07.2014

It was a quick solution to hacks which enabled player to get warped instantly into the vehicle, not teleporting to but warping the actual vehicle to them and becoming driver/passenger. I am sure this is around forums for a while now.
/* This one is called when player does not go through OnPlayerEnterVehicle; */
forward OnAntiCheatVehicleWarpInto(playerid, vehicleid);
After a little study of JernejL it is the opposite, his code is more focused on player position.

I have to play a little more around as mine can still be improved by all means to completely patch warping, spamming, vehicle rain mechanisms.

Re: Anti-Vehicle Spawner - Kar - 26.07.2014

Okay, but why don't you test them simultaneously and see whats up.

Re: Anti-Vehicle Spawner - kristo - 20.08.2014

It's working properly but has a few bugs:

You can teleport vehicles while being inside one:

Sometimes the callback gets called but the position doesn't change back:

When a hacker has tried teleporting the vehicle, it gives false positives when OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate gets called:

Re: Anti-Vehicle Spawner - MBilal - 14.01.2015

I got this warning in that include while compiling script.
PHP код: : warning 203symbol is never used"seatid" 
I tried it .. its good better than others... but hacker can still tp the vehicle..
but the vehicle auto respawn again rapidly..