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[Tool/Web/Other] Scripting Machine - Printable Version

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Re : Scripting Machine - Naruto_Emilio - 15.10.2011

Great job, what language you used, Visual Basic?

AW: Scripting Machine - Johann95 - 15.10.2011


Best Thanks

This is the Best Tool for Scripting

Best Thanks <3

Re: Scripting Machine - Chris# - 15.10.2011

Very useful.

Respuesta: Re : Scripting Machine - TheChaoz - 15.10.2011

Originally Posted by Naruto_Emilio
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Great job, what language you used, Visual Basic?

Re: Scripting Machine - Mr_Scripter - 16.10.2011

Try to update it and Add a Textdraw Maker ..

Re: Scripting Machine - WojteQ - 25.10.2011

What about a command converter? Or command (not only teleport) generator ?

I mean, it would be really nice, things same as in Teleprot Generator, but there wouldn\'t be X, Y, Z, Angle, Interior and World, but a space for "Functions:"

For example:

Command: kickme

Generate: none/dcmd/zcmd/dcmd



====== generating ========


pawn Code:
COMMAND:kickme(playerid, params[])

Do You understand ?

Respuesta: Re: Scripting Machine - TheChaoz - 25.10.2011

Originally Posted by WojteQ
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What about a command converter? Or command (not only teleport) generator ?

I mean, it would be really nice, things same as in Teleprot Generator, but there wouldn\'t be X, Y, Z, Angle, Interior and World, but a space for "Functions:"

For example:

Command: kickme

Generate: none/dcmd/zcmd/dcmd



====== generating ========


pawn Code:
COMMAND:kickme(playerid, params[])

Do You understand ?
I\'m almost finishing new version 1.1, but for 1.2 i\'ll check that.

Re: Scripting Machine - Cpt.Markus - 25.10.2011

good for lazy people but you wont learn to script like that i think this shouldn\'t to be used alot because you wont learn to script anyways good job

Respuesta: Re: Scripting Machine - TheChaoz - 25.10.2011

Originally Posted by Cpt.Markus
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good for lazy people but you wont learn to script like that i think this shouldn\'t to be used alot because you wont learn to script anyways good job
this actualy help not only new scripters, if you have to pick spawnpoints now with the new version you\'ll be able to do so, information part is not that bad i think) and this is not made to learn script, just to simplify some things. (like make an idea of how a dialog will look like)

Re: Scripting Machine - Norn - 26.10.2011

This is pretty much gonna prevent people from attempting stuff themselves..

Re: Scripting Machine - gamer931215 - 26.10.2011

very nice app, found 1 small bug:

If you click on "Copy with format" (at "Areas") without selecting an area first, you will get a .NET error. This can be fixed by easily checking first if you have atleast 1 area selected.

Re: Scripting Machine - Y_Less - 26.10.2011

This is a very nice tool, but IMHO an actual text editor built in would vastly improve it, rather than needing to use multiple programs.

Re: Scripting Machine - Niko_boy - 26.10.2011


this is real realy very nice

thanks for it

Btw do it gonna support 0.3c MTA objects?

#Convert Objects

Re: Scripting Machine - jaydon - 26.10.2011

first thing wow, this program is very usefull. very good, congratz

Re: Scripting Machine - WojteQ - 26.10.2011

I made that preposition, because I'm lazy, that's true And I want to convert my commands in GameMode as easy as it's possible - by converting functions

Re: Scripting Machine - juraska - 26.10.2011

That\'s better than better.

Thanks i\'ll use that

Respuesta: Scripting Machine - TheChaoz - 26.10.2011

Originally Posted by gamer931215
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very nice app, found 1 small bug:

If you click on "Copy with format" (at "Areas") without selecting an area first, you will get a .NET error. This can be fixed by easily checking first if you have atleast 1 area selected.
fixed for next version, thx for reporting it.

Re: Scripting Machine - JordanMaddox - 26.10.2011

The application looks very good, I've been using it for a couple days, thanks! +Rep

Re: Scripting Machine - EladNahum - 26.10.2011

You didn't do "return 1;" in the MoveObject.

Re: Scripting Machine - seanny - 26.10.2011