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[Plugin] strftime - Printable Version

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Re: strftime - Kaperstone - 10.09.2012

Originally Posted by Jovanny
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Example #2
pawn Код:
#include <strftime>
public OnFilterScriptInit()
       new time[20];
       strftime("%I:%M:%S %p",time);
       return 1;
am i the only one who noticed something weird in this example ? (aka tiempo)

Respuesta: Re: strftime - CaptainMactavish - 10.09.2012

Originally Posted by xkirill
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am i the only one who noticed something weird in this example ? (aka tiempo)
"Tiempo" means time in spanish, Jovanny is a hispanic guy so the code originally is in spanish, maybe he's forgotten to translate that part of the code.

Re: strftime - Stronach - 27.09.2012

One year old... But meh! It's good.