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What bothers you about sa-mp? - Printable Version

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Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - Crimson - 05.09.2011

1. People who ask for rep in every reply they post. I could care less if you are the topic creator and ask for +rep if they thought the topic was useful.

2. English, Post in your language's section if you can't speak English. And if you can, SPELL THE WORD FULLY, You have a full keyboard, not a phone, use it.

3. The Advertisement section, I can't even go into detail. Every time I enter it, I see "Join to get admin" or some other crap. I go there to find a nice server that I can join, not some Godfather Edit.

4. Colors. People who go over board in colors in their posts. It is really annoying and makes it harder to read.

5. Godfather Edits. Do I even need to go into detail?

6. Servers. There are so many of them. Let your client load the full list and you will see what I mean. Nevermind, you don't even need to load the full list to see what I mean.

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - Saurik - 05.09.2011

Originally Posted by Jack_Rocker
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What Bothers You About SA-MP?

Huge colorful texts similar to this.

That's all.

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - Jantjuh - 05.09.2011

Things annoying me:

- When there are more admins online than players
- Annoying people -> unmature, always trying to kill you, flaming, spamming, etc.

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - Xtreme_playa - 05.09.2011

Nothing annoys me, because the kids who annoy me are transferred Straight to my ignore list.

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - Jack_Rocker - 05.09.2011

Originally Posted by Saurik
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Huge colorful texts similar to this.

That's all.
Is that a useless flame I see, I dont get it! People like you just wanting an argument!

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - Venice - 05.09.2011

Originally Posted by [03]Garsino
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Retarded people on #sa-mp

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - Hiddos - 05.09.2011

Originally Posted by [03]Garsino
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Retarded people on #sa-mp
Especially silly and swedish folks who claim that they live on some kind of mountain in norway.

Meh, in my opinion I think the mods should give newcomers (read: spamtards) infractions faster. (Basically, give everyone infractions more often. I haven't even received a single infraction all my life 0.o)

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - FireCat - 05.09.2011

Originally Posted by Hiddos
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Especially silly and swedish folks who claim that they live on some kind of mountain in norway.

Meh, in my opinion I think the mods should give newcomers (read: spamtards) infractions faster. (Basically, give everyone infractions more often. I haven't even received a single infraction all my life 0.o)
This guy: Hiddos

AW: Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - Drebin - 05.09.2011

Originally Posted by Hiddos
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Especially silly and swedish folks who claim that they live on some kind of mountain in norway.

Meh, in my opinion I think the mods should give newcomers (read: spamtards) infractions faster. (Basically, give everyone infractions more often. I haven't even received a single infraction all my life 0.o)
LMAO no comment on that xDDD

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - TheBetaFox - 09.10.2011

Originally Posted by Jack_Rocker
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yeah okay if you cant SPELL then you most definately cant script
You can't spell, either.
Now we just need to know if you script or not, because you clearly can't do it after your very own logic, good sir.

'soley' - should be 'solely'
'peoples advertisments' - should be 'people's advertisements'
'peoples attitude' - Once again, 'peoples' should be 'people's'
'thats what bothers me' - 'thats' should be 'that's'
'dont' 'wheres' => 'don't' 'where's'
'cant' => 'can't'

And that is only from the first post.
Throughout your other posts in this thread, I have discovered more than double the previous mistakes.


Spam. OH MY ACTUAL LORD, people need to be able to report spam posts and spam advertisments, I personally think a reporting section in the forums would go down a treat.

Peoples attitude, okay I know there are people out there that purely just want an argument, why flame?

Servers. People are always opening them and then shutting them the day after, and then advertising them as well, my lord are they stupid or what?

1. There's a report button at each post. Am I not right?
2. There are sometimes valid reasons for which to start an argument.
3. I agree with that.

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - Hal - 09.10.2011

It bothers me when people just post fixes to code, without explaining what they did, or why it's fixed.

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - Emmet_ - 10.10.2011

When people open threads that ask for free hosting.

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - [L3th4l] - 10.10.2011

Pepo tat go al Pedo on somones spellinge

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - Code_Red - 10.10.2011

Originally Posted by [L3th4l]
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Pepo tat go al Pedo on somones spellinge
But that is what makes this forum so fun!

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - Elorreli - 11.10.2011

People that uses the word "unique".

Re: What bothers you about sa-mp? - Danny - 11.10.2011

People that correct other's grammar to look like a pro.
People that are starting fights on the forum.