Of course!
Firstly your division symbol is backwards. You may also want to explain the difference between integer and float division: "15 / 2 = 7" in ints and "7.5" in floats. List of symbols you missed (and you REALLY need to read pawn-lang to see what symbols do before posting a tutorial stating that you don't know what they do, there's not really much point in that is there)? >>> (not >>) ^ % - (unary) ! *= += -= <<= >>= >>>= %= /= |= &= ^= I wrote an extensive review of the symbols a long time ago, but it's long gone, shame, I know Simon loved it. That also really didn't explain binary, and you didn't mention hex at all. What I do when writing a tutorial is write it in a file on my PC (I have a few unpublished topics floating about). I can then take time over them and research bits I don't know, instead of producing something where I don't know half the information. Either restrict the scope of your topic to what you know or look up what you don't. If someone who doesn't know what "&" does, reading this topic is not going to help in the slightest. |
Do you know a place where I can study all those? I'll check the PAWN site, compuphase.com though yes. thanks alot for posting those. I shall get started. Looks really handy
- Nice tutorial Toni, great to know people are learning from it. |
Yes I do know a place, but you already said it. pawn-lang.pdf is a WONDERFUL document, I don't know why it isn't included with the Windows server any more.
\a’ Audible alarm (beep) ’\b’ Backspace ’\e’ Escape ’\f’ Form feed ’\n’ New-line ’\r’ Carriage Return ’\t’ Horizontal tab ’\v’ Vertical tab ’\\’ \ the escape character ’\’’ ’ single quote ’\"’ " double quote ’\% % percent sign
*= v *= e multiplies v with e /= v /= e divides v by e. %= v %= e assigns the remainder of the division of v by e to v. >>= v >>= e shifts v arithmetically to the right by e bits. >>>= v >>>= e shifts v logically to the right by e bits. <<= v <<= e shifts v to the left by e bits. &= v &= e applies a bitwise “and” to v and e and assigns the result to v. |= v |= e applies a bitwise “or” to v and e and assigns the result to v. ^= v ^= e applies a bitwise “exclusive or” to v and e and assigns the result to v. = e1 == e2 results in a logical “true” if e1 is equal to e2. != e1 != e2 results in a logical “true” if e1 differs from e2. Note: the following operators may be “chained”, as in the expression “e1 <= e2 <= e3”, with the semantics that the result is “1” if all individual comparisons hold and “0” otherwise. < e1 < e2 results in a logical “true” if e1 is smaller than e2.