Re: Los Santos richman island. -
BuXo4ik - 03.09.2010
Help Please when I come on Download URL here here to come and then what to do tell.
sorry for my bad english
Re: Los Santos richman island. -
CristianTdj - 03.09.2010
Originally Posted by 123alex
It's not bugged, stfu. I tested it many times. You are just postcounter. GTFO
Fail message, delete it.
Re: Los Santos richman island. -
CristianTdj - 03.09.2010
Originally Posted by 123alex
There are no fence in this cordinates, but i can add the fence cordinates in opened and closed positions.
Picture 4...
Re: Los Santos richman island. -
BuXo4ik - 03.09.2010
As to me to copy this file when I come on the reference to me throws out it that to me to do Prompt please
Re: Los Santos richman island. -
Th3Blader - 03.09.2010
Not bad
Nice add island for samp x)
Re: Los Santos richman island. -
Chinoâ„¢ - 08.09.2010
Looks amazing, Nice job.
Re: Los Santos richman island. -
killanator10 - 17.09.2010
Re: Los Santos richman island. -
Rickeman - 18.09.2010
Very nice work,nice bridge house island everything!
but delete that american flags i dont like that.
Re: Los Santos richman island. -
Sasino97 - 19.07.2011
I'll use it as a very very very expensive house in my RP server. It will cost 20millions $
Tried to change .org to .com and:
Please paste the code on
Re: Los Santos richman island. -
RzV_SaMp - 13.08.2011
You can change the download link?
Please !
Re: Los Santos richman island. -
anto2009 - 15.08.2011
Re: Los Santos richman island. -
djean1996 - 20.08.2011
Nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One question how did you get that grass? i been looking for it a long time................ Plz tell me someone!
Re : Los Santos richman island. -
FrenchBoyOfficial - 22.08.2011
This map is awesome! It's best map I ever seen
Re: Los Santos richman island. -
=WoR=G4M3Ov3r - 24.08.2011
Link's dead.
Re: Los Santos richman island. -
igor_andrusenko - 25.08.2011
10/10. nO COMMENT.
Re: Los Santos richman island. -
kubz - 25.08.2011
I need a mirror, link doesn't work for me.
Re: Los Santos richman island. -
Kerlan - 26.08.2011
Broken link plz fix.nice map btw
Re: Los Santos richman island. -
Jake Winstonn - 27.08.2011
Cooool,for admin safe house :3
Re: Los Santos richman island. -
davve95 - 27.08.2011
i'm really like it
Re: Los Santos richman island. -
Warfish - 28.08.2011
Nice and detailed!