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Script Request Thread #5 - Printable Version

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Re: Script Request Thread #5 - Ofnet - 28.09.2011

Hello Friends,

I am looking for a plate number script which fully work for my own able vehicles.
I have a script of Own-able vehicle is that [/v despawn] and [/v spawn], I try all the vehicle plate number filterscript but its not work with my Own-able vehicle system. Can some one help me??

Re: Script Request Thread #5 - Gertin - 28.09.2011

Hello all,

Can someone make for me one system : It's detect te last survivor . Its for Derby ( Car derby ) . All Fight and when all is death only one live , then he win. How to detect that ?

AW: Script Request Thread #5 - Santox14 - 28.09.2011

i want to make a command that only can the server owner use (/makeleader [ID] [Gang]) so and the leader should do /makeofficial to make a player an official gang member. /removeofficial to remove the player. /makeog to make the player OG /removeog to remove the og rank , /makecoleader [ID]. and when someone is the leader of a gang or coleader / Member... the player should can use the gangcars. so my question is how to make a command like this and how to make cars only for a gang. i want to create a gangster RP mod.

Re: Script Request Thread #5 - seanny - 28.09.2011

Can someone make an OOC Chat which also allows an Admin to disable to, It must work with Jake_Winston's ProxDetector

Re: Script Request Thread #5 - Jafet_Macario - 28.09.2011

Originally Posted by seanny
Посмотреть сообщение
Can someone make an OOC Chat which also allows an Admin to disable to, It must work with Jake_Winston's ProxDetector
pawn Код:
new bool:
        ooc; // TOP

YCMD:ooc(playerid, o[], help)
    #pragma unused help
    new name[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ], string[ 128 ];
    if(isnull(o)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Syntax error: /ooc [text]");
    if(ooc == false && !IsPlayerAdmin( playerid )) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"OOC Chat is disabled");
    GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof( name ));
    format(string, sizeof(string),"[OOC Chat] %s: %s", name, o);
    SendClientMessageToAll(-1, string);
    return 1;

YCMD:enableooc(playerid, o[], help)
    #pragma unused help
    if(!IsPlayerAdmin( playerid )) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Please login to RCON!");
    ooc = true;
    SendClientMessageToAll(-1,"OOC Chat has been enabled");
    return 1;
YCMD:disableooc(playerid, o[], help)
    #pragma unused help
    if(!IsPlayerAdmin( playerid )) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"Please login to RCON!");
    if(ooc == true)
        ooc = false;
        SendClientMessageToAll(-1,"OOC Chat has been disabled");
    return 1;

Re: Script Request Thread #5 - knackworst - 28.09.2011

Im beinning to understand dini file systsem, finally...
Still i do not know enough to make this:
When a player picks up a pickup out of 3 pickups, the total amount of time the player has picked the pikup will be counted in a dini file, then when i do for example: /showme you get a mssage wich tellss u wich pickup u picked up the most...
Plz anyone make this :/ +rep as always when u help me

Re: Script Request Thread #5 - knackworst - 28.09.2011

Thanks alot!
+rep for u, btw is there a topic where to find all dini cmds,cuz i cant find it...

Re: Script Request Thread #5 - [L3th4l] - 28.09.2011

^ Beat me to it :d

Re: Script Request Thread #5 - knackworst - 28.09.2011

Ok, wEird that theres no native list... Anyways thanks for help
And u too lethal, test and worked +rep

AW: Script Request Thread #5 - Santox14 - 29.09.2011

i want to make a command that only can the server owner use (/makeleader [ID] [Gang]) so and the leader should do /makeofficial to make a player an official gang member. /removeofficial to remove the player. /makeog to make the player OG /removeog to remove the og rank , /makecoleader [ID]. and when someone is the leader of a gang or coleader / Member... the player should can use the gangcars. so my question is how to make a command like this and how to make cars only for a gang. i want to create a gangster RP mod. so i want that "unofficials" cant drive cars unless they member in a gang. CAN SOMEONE HELP ME WITH THIS PLEASE?

Re: Script Request Thread #5 - sniper22 - 29.09.2011

Please Help!
I need to create jobs
but do not know how Can you help??
I need to "Mechanic" was in this position: -2032.4357,161.4766,29.0461
I would give anyone here ??
Thanks a lot : D

Re: Script Request Thread #5 - Killer786 - 08.10.2011

Please someone make a rank system with the following things:-
Total Ranks 13
in rank 5 you can drive Hydra and Tank
in rank 8 you can drive Hunter
rank 1 0 score
rank 2 200 score
rank 3 500 score
rank 4 700 score
rank 5 1000 score
rank 6 2500 score
rank 7 5000 score
rank 8 600 score
rank 7 7000 score
rank 10 10000 score
rank 11 15000 score
rank 12 20000 score
rank 13 25000 score
please make it i will make u admin highest level + VIP in my server ppppppplease

Re: Script Request Thread #5 - antonio600x - 13.10.2011

new cmd[256];
 new idx;
 cmd = strtok(cmdtext, idx);

    if (streq(cmd,"/setleader1"))
        SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "Usage: /setleader1 [playerid]");
        return 1;
    new ID = strval(cmdtext[12]);
    new pName[24], str[64];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, 24);
        format(str, 123, "Admin %s has set your the leader of organization Rudyy's Gang.", pName);
        SendClientMessage(ID,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, str);
        SetPlayerColor(ID, 0x00C300FF); // Color
        GivePlayerWeapon(ID,28,5000); // Weapon1
        GivePlayerWeapon(ID,1,-1); // Weapon 2
        IsInOrg[ID] = 1; // This tells that the user is already in an organization.
        Member[ID] = 1; //This is org id, forexample my org id i want is 1 , so i will put 1, if i want it 2 , i will put 2. Note; do not duplicate the number.
        Leader[ID] = 1; //This will remain as "1". This shows that the player ur setting is a leader.
        IsLaw[ID] = 0; // This shows that the org is not a law enforcement, its a Gang.
        format(str, 123, "You have set a player leader of Rudyy's Gang.");
        SendClientMessage(playerid,red, str);
    return 1;

if(Leader[playerid] == 1) {
if (streq(cmd,"/setmember"))
        SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "Usage: /setmember [playerid]");
        return 1;
    new ID = strval(cmdtext[11]);
    new pName[24], str[64];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, 24);
     if(IsInOrg[ID] == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"Ths user is already in an organization!");
     else   if(Member[playerid] == 1 && Member[ID] == 0)
        format(str, 123, "Your application to join Rudy's Gang has been accepted by leader %s.", pName);
       SetPlayerColor(ID,0x0000BBAA); //color
        SendClientMessage(ID,green, str);
        GivePlayerWeapon(ID,24,250); //weapon1
        GivePlayerWeapon(ID,3,99999); //weapon2
        GivePlayerWeapon(ID,29,1000); //weapon3 (optional)
        IsInOrg[ID] = 1; //Shows that the user that leader is recruiting is is in org.
        IsLaw[ID] = 0; //Not a law, gang.
        Member[ID] = 1; // Org ID
        format(str, 123, "You have accepted the following member into your organization.");
        SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, str);
return 1;

     else if (streq(cmd,"/kickmember"))
        SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "Usage: /kickmember [playerid]");
        return 1;

    new ID = strval(cmdtext[11]);
    new pName[24], str[64];

        GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, 24);
 if(Member[playerid] == 1 && Member[ID] == 1)
        format(str, 123, "Leader %s has kicked you from organization Rudy's gang.", pName);
        SendClientMessage(ID,COLOR_ORANGE, str);
        SetPlayerSkin(ID, 299);
        Member[ID] = 0;
        IsLaw[playerid] = 0;
        IsInOrg[ID] = 0;
        SetPlayerColor(ID, 0xFFFFFFFF);
        format(str, 123, "You have kicked a player from Rudy's gang.");
        SendClientMessage(playerid,red, str);

return 1;
convert to zcmd please =)

and bussines system tutorial

Re: Script Request Thread #5 - AeroBlast - 13.10.2011

pawn Code:
CMD:setleader1(playerid,params[]) {
    new id;
    if(sscanf(params,"u",id)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "Usage: /setleader1 [playerid]");
    else if(!IsPlayerConnected(id)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "Player isn't connected.");
    else {
        new pName[24],str[123];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, 24);
        format(str, 123, "Admin %s has set your the leader of organization Rudyy's Gang.", pName);
        SendClientMessage(ID,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, str);
        SetPlayerColor(ID, 0x00C300FF); // Color
        GivePlayerWeapon(ID,28,5000); // Weapon1
        GivePlayerWeapon(ID,1,-1); // Weapon 2
        IsInOrg[ID] = 1; // This tells that the user is already in an organization.
        Member[ID] = 1; //This is org id, forexample my org id i want is 1 , so i will put 1, if i want it 2 , i will put 2. Note; do not duplicate the number.
        Leader[ID] = 1; //This will remain as "1". This shows that the player ur setting is a leader.
        IsLaw[ID] = 0; // This shows that the org is not a law enforcement, its a Gang.
        format(str, 123, "You have set a player leader of Rudyy's Gang.");
        SendClientMessage(playerid,red, str);
    return 1;

Re: Script Request Thread #5 - skatekiller - 25.10.2011

I need a clan system for my server.It should have like 3 clans GSF(grove street Families),WSC(west side crips) and AB(Aztecas Boys) more will be appreciated.During spawn it should be written which clan the person belongs to ,color of same clan should be same and the leader skins will be different from normal players.Please help me make thia.
It will be greatly appreciated.Please help.

Thanks and Regards,

Re: Script Request Thread #5 - Dw.UsHer - 29.10.2011

i need a filterscript for score up 5hours + 1level and cool textdraw please help

thank you

Re: Script Request Thread #5 - Dw.UsHer - 01.11.2011

i need a system for score up 8 hours +1level and cool textdraw please help

Re: Script Request Thread #5 - q0rkem01 - 06.11.2011

Hello friends, I would like to encode to meet system. "/ meet [ID]" would generate the other person will be recognized. The idea that a system for RPG. If the person is not recognized on the head, "Not Recognized (SQL ID) [will be 3DText.]", The command is applied to their own name, I would like European model. If you are already able to thank you very much. MySQL to work with.

Note: I am Turk. I might have written this so bad. I'm sorry, I thought only solve here. Subject location may be incorrect.

Re: Script Request Thread #5 - SloStunter - 07.11.2011

HI guys can u tell me how to make script that player can buy VIP in game (not real money of course)

Re: Script Request Thread #5 - Admigo - 07.11.2011

I need a bank system for dini pls.