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Re: Useful Snippets - Luka P. - 23.02.2011

Can somebody test this for me? It should desync rockets coming from hydras. So you can have hydras on your server but nobody will see when you shoot, and you will not see when somebody else shoots from hydra. I'm unable to test it.

pawn Код:
#include ""

new bool:BlockUpdate[MAX_PLAYERS];

public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
    if ((IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid) && GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) == 520) && (newkeys & KEY_FIRE) && !bool:BlockUpdate[playerid])
        BlockUpdate[playerid] = true;
    return 1;

public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
    BlockUpdate[playerid] = bool:!BlockUpdate[playerid];
    return bool:!BlockUpdate[playerid];

Re: Useful Snippets - Slice - 23.02.2011

The include line is wrong, it should be <a_samp>. It would keep switching. bool:! is redundant (just use !). Using both IsPlayerInAnyVehicle and GetPlayerVehicleID is redundant (you can just get the ID and check whether it's 0).

Also, IIRC OnPlayerUpdate is called prior to OnPlayerKeyStateChange, which means you should just use GetPlayerKeys inside OnPlayerUpdate and return false if fire is being helt. That, however, would result in players being able to hold fire to desync themselves. If you make it disable only when pressing fire, players can just hold fire to get rockets synced.

I'd say it's safe to say that code won't work.

Re: Useful Snippets - Luka P. - 23.02.2011

Okay, thanks.
EDIT: Include line isn't wrong, I'm unable to test it now, but I am 100% sure it works. I always write it like that.

Re: Useful Snippets - Zh3r0 - 23.02.2011

Originally Posted by Slice
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The include line is wrong, it should be <a_samp>. It would keep switching. bool:! is redundant (just use !). Using both IsPlayerInAnyVehicle and GetPlayerVehicleID is redundant (you can just get the ID and check whether it's 0).

Also, IIRC OnPlayerUpdate is called prior to OnPlayerKeyStateChange, which means you should just use GetPlayerKeys inside OnPlayerUpdate and return false if fire is being helt. That, however, would result in players being able to hold fire to desync themselves. If you make it disable only when pressing fire, players can just hold fire to get rockets synced.

I'd say it's safe to say that code won't work.
So you are saying the < > is is the shortcut for /pawn/includes or what? I saw scripts like that and worked fine, like " " < > or even nothing

Re: Useful Snippets - sciman001 - 12.03.2011

F:\dmserver\gamemodes\A51DM.pwn(161) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "AdminLock")


Re: Useful Snippets - Mmartin - 23.03.2011

Originally Posted by sciman001
View Post
F:\dmserver\gamemodes\A51DM.pwn(161) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "AdminLock")

Somewhere out of publics (best under other forwards)
forward AdminLock(params);
I have no idea about params, write it yourself.

Re: Useful Snippets - KoczkaHUN - 16.10.2011

pawn Code:
forward OnPlayerPause(playerid);
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
    OPP_Timer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("OnPlayerPause", 1000, 0, "i", playerid);
    return 1;
OnPlayerUnPause and IsPlayerPaused
(needs OnPlayerPause above)
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerPause(playerid)
    OPP_PlayerPaused[playerid] = true;
forward OnPlayerUnPause(playerid);
new bool:OPP_PlayerPaused[MAX_PLAYERS] = {false, ...};
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    OPP_PlayerPaused[playerid] = false;
    return 1;
#define IsPlayerPaused(playerid) (OPP_PlayerPaused[playerid])
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
    if (OPP_PlayerPaused[playerid])
        OPP_PlayerPaused[playerid] = false;
        SetTimerEx("OnPlayerUnPause", 0, 0, "i", playerid);
    return 1;

Re: Useful Snippets - KoczkaHUN - 16.10.2011

Originally Posted by ******
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What about spectating?
Spectating players still send updates, aren't they?

Re: Useful Snippets - AndreT - 16.10.2011

I doubt setting timers constantly in OnPlayerUpdate is a good idea. Instead you should have something more simple:
pawn Код:
new AFK[MAX_PLAYERS char];

public OnGameModeInit()
    SetTimer("checkAFK", 1000, true);

public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
    AFK{playerid} = 0;

forward checkAFK();
public checkAFK()
    foreach(Player, i)
        if(AFK{i} < 3)
            AFK{i} ++;
        else if(AFK{i} != 10)
            // Player went AFK
            AFK{i} = 10;
Something similar to how I do it. Anything wrong or such? By the way I just use the one toggle per player for easier manipulation. I'm sure you get it.

Re: Useful Snippets - Lorenc_ - 16.10.2011

pawn Код:
#define IsPlayerPaused(%1) ((GetTickCount()-GetPVarInt(playerid,"AntiPause"))>5000)
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
    SetPVarInt(playerid, "AntiPause", GetTickCount());
    return 1;
Another way?

Re: Useful Snippets - Lorenc_ - 17.10.2011

Originally Posted by [HLF]Southclaw
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Aren't PVars slow to assign and retrieve values?
I've heard so many positive and negative things about PVars I don't know what to think so I just leave them alone and stick to what I'm used to!
You can make it a variable as well, they work the same. Indeed, variables are faster than PVars.

Re: Useful Snippets - KoczkaHUN - 20.10.2011

c_bit (char bits)
A simple bit system for cases, when you only have to use less than 25 slots.
Memory usage:
1-7 slots: 1 byte
8-15 slots: 2 bytes
16-23 slots: 3 bytes
24-32 slots: 4 bytes (you can use any other bit systems if your task fits into this category)

Example usage
In this example, we do an ALS hook with cbits
pawn Код:
new CBitArray:hooks[2]; /* you have 2 callbacks to hook */

#define HAS_OPC (0)
#define HAS_OPDC (1)

public OnScriptInit()
    CBit_Set(hooks, HAS_OPC, (funcidx("S_OnPlayerConnect") != -1));
    CBit_Set(hooks, HAS_OPDC, (funcidx("S_OnPlayerDisconnect") != -1));

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    // your code
    if (CBit_Get(hooks, HAS_OPC)) return CallLocalFunction("S_OnPlayerConnect", "i", playerid);

public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
    // your code
    if (CBit_Get(hooks, HAS_OPDC)) return CallLocalFunction("S_OnPlayerDisconnect", "ii", playerid, reason);
I have used Y-Less' y_bit to make the basic structure of tags.

pawn Код:
#define CBitArray:%1[%2] CBit:%1[%2]

#define CBit_Bits(%1) (((%1) + 7) / 8) char

#define CBit_Get(%1,%2) !!(%1{(%2)>>>3} & CBit:(1 << ((%2) & 7)))
#define CBit_Let(%1,%2) (%1{(%2)>>>3} |= CBit:(1 << ((%2) & 7)))
#define CBit_Vet(%1,%2) (%1{(%2)>>>3} &= CBit:~(1 << ((%2) & 7)))

stock CBit_Set(CBitArray:array[], slot, bool:set)
    if (set) CBit_Let(array, slot);
    else CBit_Vet(array, slot);

#undef CBitArray
#define CBitArray:%1[%2] CBit:%1[CBit_Bits(%2)]
p.s. I originally wanted to post it in the Includes section, but this is far from an include in size.

Re: Useful Snippets - jonrb - 01.11.2011

Usage: RandomiseNumberPlate(vehicleid,format[])
Example usage: RandomiseNumberPlate(3,"SSddddSS");
Description: Generates and applies a random number plate to the specified vehicle. The number plate can be formatted with:
 i or d - Number from 0-9
 s - Lower case letter
 S - Upper case letter
 [space] - A space
pawn Код:
RandomiseNumberPlate(vehicleid,const format[])
    new numstr[8];
    for(new i;i<strlen(format)&&i<8)
            case 'i','d':numstr[i]=random(10)+48;
            case 's':numstr[i]=random(26)+97;
            case 'S':numstr[i]=random(26)+65;
            case ' ','_':numstr[i]=' ';

Re: Useful Snippets - wups - 01.11.2011

Originally Posted by jonrb
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Usage: RandomiseNumberPlate(vehicleid,format[])
Example usage: RandomiseNumberPlate(3,"SSddddSS");
Description: Generates and applies a random number plate to the specified vehicle. The number plate can be formatted with:
 i or d - Number from 0-9
 s - Lower case letter
 S - Upper case letter
 [space] - A space
pawn Код:
RandomiseNumberPlate(vehicleid,const format[])
    new numstr[8];
    for(new i;i<strlen(format)&&i<8)
            case 'i','d':numstr[i]=random(10)+48;
            case 's':numstr[i]=random(26)+97;
            case 'S':numstr[i]=random(26)+65;
            case ' ','_':numstr[i]=' ';
Looks alright, just
pawn Код:
for(new i;i<strlen(format)&&i<8)
pawn Код:
new x = strlen(format);
if(x > 8) x = 8;
for(new i;i<x;i++)

Re: Useful Snippets - sciman001 - 01.11.2011

Originally Posted by wups
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Looks alright, just
pawn Код:
for(new i;i<strlen(format)&&i<8)
pawn Код:
new x = strlen(format);
if(x > 8) x = 8;
for(new i;i<x;i++)
Nice fix. Also, this is the coolest function i have ever seen. But, I add a A in mine for a space, and it just stops there... let me show you what i mean:

An example of what happens:


But I want something like: LCF 364... what to do? Other than that, AMAZING!

Re: Useful Snippets - sciman001 - 01.11.2011

Oh. I feel so stupid... you meant an actual space or a _. I am sucj a noob.

Re: Useful Snippets - KoczkaHUN - 01.11.2011

Originally Posted by sciman001
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Nice fix. Also, this is the coolest function i have ever seen. But, I add a A in mine for a space, and it just stops there... let me show you what i mean:

An example of what happens:


But I want something like: LCF 364... what to do? Other than that, AMAZING!
pawn Код:
RandomiseNumberPlate(vid,"SSS ddd");

Re: Useful Snippets - sciman001 - 02.11.2011

yeah.. im a real noob for not noticing that

Re: Useful Snippets - wups - 02.11.2011

Also, a cool adition would be if you'd add:
pawn Код:
That way we could do:
pawn Код:
which would create numbers like SAMP01,SAMP85 etc...
Edit: oh wait, S is already used

Re: Useful Snippets - FireCat - 02.11.2011

Originally Posted by ******
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Or only use invalid symbols:

pawn Код:
RandomiseNumberPlate(vehicleid, const form[])
    // Don't forget the NULL character.
    new numstr[33];
    // Don't do calculations you can avoid in the "while" segment.
    for(new i, j = min(strlen(form), sizeof (numstr) - 1); i != j; ++i)
        switch (form[i])
            // Hash for numbers.
            case '#':  numstr[i] = random(10) + '0';
            // LOW for LOWer.
            case '_':  numstr[i] = random(26) + 'a';
            // Pointing UP for UPper.
            case '^':  numstr[i] = random(26) + 'A';
            // Possibly not used (so ??? can generate 0-999).
            case '?':
                    p = i;
                while (form[++p] == '?') {}
                p -= i;
                format(numstr[i], sizeof (numstr) - i, "%*d", p, random(floatround(floatpower(10.0, p))));
                i += p - 1;
            // Anything else.
            default: numstr[i] = form[i];
    SetVehicleNumberPlate(vehicleid, numstr);
You may not like those but I went for something pointing UP for UPper case, something LOW for LOWer case, and a hash for numbers as that's quite a common representation.

Edit: Added ? for maybe - as in "" is UP TO a 3 digit number. In England at least the old format was "^^^^", but "Y 1ESS" was valid because it was any number in the range 0-999 (guess what my ideal number plate is). Also according to the wiki you can have up to 32 characters, so I changed that.
I can't understand what is that function "min".
j = min
What is it?
Is there any further explanation?