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[Plugin] Streamer Plugin - Printable Version

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how many maximally objects can represent Streamer Plugin in a radius 300 meters - gringoo - 20.02.2010

how many maximally objects can represent Streamer Plugin in a radius 300 meters?

Re: how many maximally objects can represent Streamer Plugin in a radius 300 meters - Gamer_Z - 20.02.2010

Originally Posted by gringoo
how many maximally objects can represent Streamer Plugin in a radius 300 meters?
254 at a time, even if u have distance to 120000.0 or 20.0

Re: [REL] Streamer Plugin v2.3.6 - gringoo - 20.02.2010

thank you, but maksimum drawing 300 meters but not 120000

Re: [REL] Streamer Plugin v2.3.6 - Sergei - 20.02.2010

Originally Posted by gringoo
thank you, but maksimum drawing 300 meters but not 120000
Depends from object to object. Check a few posts back, someone posted list with object drawing distances.

Re: [REL] Streamer Plugin v2.3.6 - CracK - 21.02.2010

Originally Posted by gtamodding
The draw distance of the original object should be 300 units or less. The draw distance of the LOD object should be 301-3000 units.
And btw, this problem arose once again:
Originally Posted by CrαcK
If you are in a streamed checkpoint and you do TogglePlayerDynamicCP for yourself OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP is called.

Re: [REL] Streamer Plugin v2.3.6 - Gamer_Z - 22.02.2010

Originally Posted by CrαcK
And btw, this problem arose once again:
Originally Posted by CrαcK
If you are in a streamed checkpoint and you do TogglePlayerDynamicCP for yourself OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP is called.
is this also with onplayerpickupdynamicpickup? because i have a big problem, it doesn't get called when i create for all players (-1) a pickup..

Re: [REL] Streamer Plugin v2.3.6 - Incognito - 22.02.2010

Originally Posted by gamer_Z
after stepping onto the plugin pickup the SendClientFormatMessage doesn't show, code:

the picups are visible, all functions are working, except *OnPickup...
You aren't using the include file in your script.

Originally Posted by CrαcK
And btw, this problem arose once again:
Originally Posted by CrαcK
If you are in a streamed checkpoint and you do TogglePlayerDynamicCP for yourself OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP is called.
That isn't happening here. Do you mean enabling the checkpoint while you're currently standing where it's supposed to be? If so, then that's intended behavior.

Re: [REL] Streamer Plugin v2.3.6 - CracK - 22.02.2010

No, I mean disabling other checkpoints, except yours.
Like that:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid)
  for(new d;d<sizeof(pchecks);d++)
   if(d != checkpoint) TogglePlayerDynamicCP(playerid, pchecks[d], 0);

Re: [REL] Streamer Plugin v2.3.6 - ziomal432 - 22.02.2010

Will be TextDraws in next version?

Re: [REL] Streamer Plugin v2.3.6 - CracK - 25.02.2010

Streamer_SetIntData(STREAMER_TYPE_PICKUP, pickupid, E_STREAMER_MODEL_ID, modelid);

Re: [REL] Streamer Plugin v2.3.6 - [03]Garsino - 25.02.2010

Originally Posted by CrαcK
Streamer_SetIntData(STREAMER_TYPE_PICKUP, pickupid, E_STREAMER_MODEL_ID, modelid);
Or that ^^

Re: [REL] Streamer Plugin v2.3.6 - Balon - 25.02.2010


GhoulSlayeR: A few other people have reported this, and it does indeed seem to be a problem. I just reproduced the crash by creating a lot of 3D text labels across the map and attempting to stream them, so I'll try to debug the code now.

Take a look at Invoke::callFunction. You allocate the memory for the string, but you don't deallocate it

Re: [REL] Streamer Plugin v2.3.6 - Incognito - 25.02.2010

Yes, I quickly realized that was the problem as I began debugging it, but thanks for catching my mistake as well. It's been there for at least as long as the rewritten invoke function was added, so I'm surprised that more people didn't experience at least some crashes. I just tested with 1,000,000 3D text labels spread evenly across the map, and everything went fine.

The next version will feature a few area detection natives and callbacks (thanks to DavidC for the suggestion). Areas are functionally similar to checkpoints, but they're invisible and offer a bit more control over the exact positions where players can be detected. These were pretty easy to add, but I haven't tested everything extensively, so I'll put the new version up whenever I'm finished.

Re: [REL] Streamer Plugin v2.3.6 - shady91 - 25.02.2010

Originally Posted by Incognito
Yes, I quickly realized that was the problem as I began debugging it, but thanks for catching my mistake as well. It's been there for at least as long as the rewritten invoke function was added, so I'm surprised that more people didn't experience at least some crashes. I just tested with 1,000,000 3D text labels spread evenly across the map, and everything went fine.

The next version will feature a few area detection natives and callbacks (thanks to DavidC for the suggestion). Areas are functionally similar to checkpoints, but they're invisible and offer a bit more control over the exact positions where players can be detected. These were pretty easy to add, but I haven't tested everything extensively, so I'll put the new version up whenever I'm finished.
can't wait for this

Re: [REL] Streamer Plugin v1.0 - Stas92 - 26.02.2010

Originally Posted by $€ЯĢ
Maybe it would be useful to have a native 'CountDynamicObjects' which would return value of all the objects created, oh and OnDynamicObjectMoved would be nice callback for the future

I hope it won't make problems which combination zcmd + foreach + streamer because of all redefinitions:
\pawno\include\ : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "OnGameModeInit")
\pawno\include\ : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "OnGameModeInit")
\pawno\include\ : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "OnPlayerConnect")
\pawno\include\ : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "OnPlayerDisconnect")
Same problem with foreach ... how can I fix it? If ignore that warnings, server crash after a while.

Re: [REL] Streamer Plugin v2.3.6 - Sergei - 26.02.2010

Download lastest zcmd and foreach includes.

Re: [REL] Streamer Plugin v2.3.6 - Stas92 - 26.02.2010

Have got the lastest foreach .. but doesn't help

Re: [REL] Streamer Plugin v2.3.7 - Incognito - 27.02.2010

Here's the latest version:


- Fixed 3D text label crash
- Optimized more streaming code
- Resolved some checkpoint problems
- Added area detection natives and callbacks

I highly recommend updating if you are using streamed 3D text labels at all.

The new area detection natives and callbacks are as follows:


native CreateDynamicCircle(Float, Float:y, Floatize, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1);
native CreateDynamicRectangle(Float:minx, Float:miny, Float:maxx, Float:maxy, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1);
native CreateDynamicSphere(Float, Float:y, Float:z, Floatize, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1);
native CreateDynamicCube(Float:minx, Float:miny, Float:minz, Float:maxx, Float:maxy, Float:maxz, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1);
native DestroyDynamicArea(areaid);
native IsValidDynamicArea(areaid);
native TogglePlayerDynamicArea(playerid, areaid, toggle);
native TogglePlayerAllDynamicAreas(playerid, toggle);
native IsPlayerInDynamicArea(playerid, areaid);
native DestroyAllDynamicAreas();
native CountDynamicAreas();


forward OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea(playerid, areaid);
forward OnPlayerLeaveDynamicArea(playerid, areaid);

Usage should be almost identical to checkpoints. Two-dimensional areas (circles and rectangles) as well as three-dimensional areas (spheres and cubes) can be created, returning an area ID. There's also no distance parameter as areas are not technically streamed, so an unlimited number can "visible" at any one time.

I tested it as thoroughly as I could, but there might still be bugs, so let me know if you find any.

Re: [REL] Streamer Plugin v2.3.7 - GhoulSlayeR - 27.02.2010

Very nice work, thanks a lot!

Re: [REL] Streamer Plugin v2.3.7 - SlashPT - 27.02.2010

well im using it and i just believe this is the best Streamer i have ever seen i just have to say one Big Thanks Incognito but you could add a Vehicle Streamer i know it puts the Server slower because there is already one Streamer but some ppl need it and have ppl who not use the vehicle streamer [like me] but anyway i just want say

Awesome work!