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Re: [REL] MySQL Plugin (Now on github!) - n0minal - 08.12.2014

There is some way to get cache fields result and sscanf it to an enum?

Like i was doing on R6 using mysql_store_result + retrieve row then sscanf all recieved data for enum... Or i have to do it manually?


enum Data

new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][Data];

on query execute:

format: "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE NAME = 'n0minal';
then send mysql query, store data and retrieve row
use sscanf(query, "all formats for enum here", PlayerInfo[playerid]);

Is possible with cache or i have to do like:

PlayerInfo[playerid][name] = cache_get_content(bla bla bla bla);

Re: [REL] MySQL Plugin (Now on github!) - iZN - 08.12.2014

Originally Posted by n0minal
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There is some way to get cache fields result and sscanf it to an enum?

Like i was doing on R6 using mysql_store_result + retrieve row then sscanf all recieved data for enum... Or i have to do it manually?

You don't need to use sscanf to store the result, just use cache_get_* natives to get your data.

I'd recommend checking out this tutorial (click me) by AndreT.

Re: [REL] MySQL Plugin (Now on github!) - Adejair_Junior - 08.12.2014

Originally Posted by n0minal
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There is some way to get cache fields result and sscanf it to an enum?

Like i was doing on R6 using mysql_store_result + retrieve row then sscanf all recieved data for enum... Or i have to do it manually?

pawn Код:
enum Data

new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][Data];

function SQL_GetsInf(...){

    for(new q; q < 1; q++){
        sscanf(Data, "p<§>s[24]s[32]d",PlayerInfo[q]);

    return true;

Re: [REL] MySQL Plugin (Now on github!) - n0minal - 08.12.2014

Originally Posted by iZN
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You don't need to use sscanf to store the result, just use cache_get_* natives to get your data.

I'd recommend checking out this tutorial (click me) by AndreT.
This is the point, my enums have a lot of params and i don't want to do it manually, i prefer to use sscanf instead use 100 times cache_get_content without it...

Re : [REL] MySQL Plugin (Now on github!) - S4t3K - 08.12.2014

@Dusk : What if the "i" index is pointing on a Float: tagged variable in the enum ? And what about booleans, or about arrays ? (In both the database AND the server variables)

My way to fix it was to check what tag does the variable has using tagof and then using the good function (or, about booleans, just adding a bool: before the cache_get_row_int).
To fix it for arrays, I checked out whether the variable[1] index existed. If so, then that was a string. Else, then it wasn't a string (by saying "string" I also refer to arrays).

Re: [REL] MySQL Plugin (Now on github!) - vannesenn - 08.12.2014

Update links please

Re: [REL] MySQL Plugin (Now on github!) - maddinat0r - 09.12.2014

You can still concatenate a whole row into a single string and use sscanf to split it up again (kind of pointless, but if you prefer it this way, okay):
public OnDataLoad()
		rows = cache_num_rows(),
		fields = cache_num_fields();
	for(new r; r < rows; r++)
		for(new f; f < fields; f++)
			cache_get_row(r, f, field_tmp);
			if(f != 0)
				strcat(data, "|");
			strcat(data, field_tmp);
		sscanf(data, "...", PlayerData[r]);

Re: [REL] MySQL Plugin (Now on github!) - iReacheR - 09.12.2014

Originally Posted by maddinat0r
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You can now access every row independently by its index through cache_get_row and cache_get_field_content.
What was
new data[4];
new row_data[128];
    sscanf("p<|>...", data[0], data[1], ...);
is now
new data[4];
for(new r=0; r < cache_num_rows(); r++)
    data[0] = cache_get_row_int(r, 0); //store the first field (index '0') into data[0]
    data[1] = cache_get...
Okay, tried this but this makes the script stuck. As in it doesnt advance on, I am printing "Loading bla bla" and once everything is loaded I print "Loaded bla bla" but with the code you gave it doesnt proceed ahead from "Loading bla bla". Any reasons or whatever ?

Re: [REL] MySQL Plugin (Now on github!) - iZN - 09.12.2014

Originally Posted by iReacheR
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Okay, tried this but this makes the script stuck. As in it doesnt advance on, I am printing "Loading bla bla" and once everything is loaded I print "Loaded bla bla" but with the code you gave it doesnt proceed ahead from "Loading bla bla". Any reasons or whatever ?
You may want to show your code.

Re: [REL] MySQL Plugin (Now on github!) - vannesenn - 09.12.2014

Hi, I'm new in MySQL(R39-2) and I don't know how to load strings, ints and floats from database... I made code by some tutorial from 2012(R7 is used in tutorial). I made this:

					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "ID"); Korisnik[playerid][kID] = strval(dbQUERY);
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Novac"); Korisnik[playerid][kNovac] = floatstr(dbQUERY);
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Spol"); _HRP_kSpol{playerid} = strval(dbQUERY);
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Godine"); _HRP_kGodine{playerid} = strval(dbQUERY);
					mysql_fetch_field_row(Korisnik[playerid][kGPCI], "GPCI");
					mysql_fetch_field_row(Korisnik[playerid][kRegistracijski_Kod], "Reg_Kod");
					mysql_fetch_field_row(Korisnik[playerid][kIP], "IP");
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Skin"); Korisnik[playerid][kSkin] = strval(dbQUERY);
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Staff"); _HRP_kStaff{playerid} = strval(dbQUERY);
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Dan"); _HRP_kDan{playerid} = strval(dbQUERY);
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Mjesec"); _HRP_kMjesec{playerid} = strval(dbQUERY);
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Godina"); Korisnik[playerid][kGodina] = strval(dbQUERY);
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Sat"); _HRP_kSat{playerid} = strval(dbQUERY);
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Minuta"); _HRP_kMinuta{playerid} = strval(dbQUERY);
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Sekunda"); _HRP_kSekunda{playerid} = strval(dbQUERY);
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Mute"); Korisnik[playerid][kMute] = strval(dbQUERY);
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Online_Brojac"); Korisnik[playerid][kOnline_Counter] = strval(dbQUERY);
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Melee"); _HRP_kMelee{playerid} = strval(dbQUERY);
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Melee_Municija"); _HRP_kMelee_Ammo{playerid} = strval(dbQUERY);
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Pistolj"); _HRP_kPistol{playerid} = strval(dbQUERY);
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Pistolj_Municija"); _HRP_kPistol_Ammo{playerid} = strval(dbQUERY);
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Automatik"); _HRP_kAutomatic{playerid} = strval(dbQUERY);
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Automatik_Municija"); _HRP_kAutomatic_Ammo{playerid} = strval(dbQUERY);
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Eksploziv"); _HRP_kExplosion{playerid} = strval(dbQUERY);
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Eksploziv_Municija"); _HRP_kExplosion_Ammo{playerid} = strval(dbQUERY);
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Pistolj_Skill"); Korisnik[playerid][kPistol_Skill] = floatstr(dbQUERY);	
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Shotgun_Skill"); Korisnik[playerid][kPistol_Skill] = floatstr(dbQUERY);	
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "UZI_Skill"); Korisnik[playerid][kPistol_Skill] = floatstr(dbQUERY);	
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Automatik_Skill"); Korisnik[playerid][kPistol_Skill] = floatstr(dbQUERY);	
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Rifle_Skill"); Korisnik[playerid][kPistol_Skill] = floatstr(dbQUERY);
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Kickova"); _HRP_kKickova{playerid} = strval(dbQUERY);	
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Banova"); _HRP_kBanova{playerid} = strval(dbQUERY);	
					mysql_fetch_field_row(dbQUERY, "Warnova"); _HRP_kWarnova{playerid} = strval(dbQUERY);										

I got 26 errors because ''mysql_fetch_field_row'' isn't defined. So, how I can load field then?

Re: [REL] MySQL Plugin (Now on github!) - iZN - 09.12.2014

Originally Posted by vannesenn
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Hi, I'm new in MySQL(R39-2) and I don't know how to load strings, ints and floats from database... I made code by some tutorial from 2012(R7 is used in tutorial). I made this:
I got 26 errors because ''mysql_fetch_field_row'' isn't defined. So, how I can load field then?
I just gave an example to someone above you, you may want to see that.

If you have any questions, just ask.

Re: [REL] MySQL Plugin (Now on github!) - vannesenn - 09.12.2014

I don't understand why I need use loop :/
I just need load files of logged player, if u understand me

Re: [REL] MySQL Plugin (Now on github!) - iZN - 09.12.2014

Originally Posted by vannesenn
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I don't understand why I need use loop :/
I just need load files of logged player, if u understand me
Don't use loop then.

pawn Код:
mysql_tquery(handle, "SELECT ....", "OnLoadData", "i", playerid);

forward OnLoadData(playerid);
public OnLoadData(playerid)
        // string
        cache_get_field_content(0, "Name", PlayerInfo[playerid][name]); /* OR */ cache_get_row(0, 0, PlayerInfo[playerid][name]);
        // integer
        PlayerInfo[playerid][money] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Money"); /* OR */ PlayerInfo[playerid][money] = cache_get_row_int(0, 1);

        // float
        PlayerInfo[playerid][health] = cache_get_field_content_float(0, "HP"); /* OR */ PlayerInfo[playerid][health] = cache_get_row_float(0, 2);

        // continue...
        // no data found.. registration stuff here maybe?
    return true;

Re: [REL] MySQL Plugin (Now on github!) - vannesenn - 09.12.2014

It'll aThen it'll be like this?

mysql_format(_HRP_srv_db_conn, sifra, 86, "SELECT * FROM `"_USER_DB"` WHERE Ime = '%e'", _name);
mysql_tquery(_HRP_srv_db_conn, sifra, "_HRP_LoadUser", "dd", playerid, false);

{ ... }

Korisnik[playerid][kID] = cache_get_field_content(dbQUERY, "ID");

Re: [REL] MySQL Plugin (Now on github!) - iZN - 09.12.2014

Originally Posted by vannesenn
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It'll aThen it'll be like this?

mysql_format(_HRP_srv_db_conn, sifra, 86, "SELECT * FROM `"_USER_DB"` WHERE Ime = '%e'", _name);
mysql_tquery(_HRP_srv_db_conn, sifra, "_HRP_LoadUser", "dd", playerid, false);

{ ... }

Korisnik[playerid][kID] = cache_get_field_content(dbQUERY, "ID");
I edited the post above you.

Re: [REL] MySQL Plugin (Now on github!) - vannesenn - 09.12.2014

I don't know what now... I got undefined symbols ''mysql_store_result'' and ''mysql_num_rows'' and ''mysql_retrive_row'' and ''mysql_free_result''....

Re: [REL] MySQL Plugin (Now on github!) - iZN - 09.12.2014

Originally Posted by vannesenn
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I don't know what now... I got undefined symbols ''mysql_store_result'' and ''mysql_num_rows'' and ''mysql_retrive_row'' and ''mysql_free_result''....
You must be using it somewhere? I think you haven't converted your script yet, I mean the other MySQL related code.

Re: [REL] MySQL Plugin (Now on github!) - vannesenn - 09.12.2014

So, it'll something happend if I delete that functions?

Re: [REL] MySQL Plugin (Now on github!) - iReacheR - 10.12.2014

Originally Posted by iZN
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You may want to show your code.
pawn Код:
    new rows, fields;
    print("==> Loading the Required Items.");
    cache_get_data(rows, fields);
        print("ERROR: The Table you called the query on can't be found. Skipping the loading.");
        if(rows > MAX_CHECKS)
            print("ERROR: Limit exceeded.");
            return 1;
        for(new i = 0; i < rows; i++)
            cache_get_field_content(i, "Name", stuffInfo[i][Name], mysql, 60);
            cache_get_field_content(i, "stuffC", string, mysql, 30); //string declared before the start of the callback.
            stuffInfo[i][ID] = cache_get_field_content_int(i, "stuffID");
        printf("==> Loaded %i of the required stuff", rows);
    return 1;
so it gives me the printf("Loading required Items."); After that the console just stucks up there. I know a way of making it work and I have already been using it since forever now but I just was curious as to why the loop stucks up when it should be working.

Re: [REL] MySQL Plugin (Now on github!) - bobsona - 12.12.2014

Where I can find register system with this plugin?