Your Photoshop/Video Work. -
Mrkrabz - 07.06.2009
Any Cool people in Photoshop? Post your work here!
I cant find the old topic myself, And someone requested it back, So Here it is.
I dont have much work, i shall try and find some.
Re: Your Photoshop Work. -
*ToM* - 07.06.2009
Bob tried to steal my cookie
I know, you don't have to tell me that I'm a PRO, I already know this
Re: Your Photoshop Work. -
SiJ - 08.06.2009
Originally Posted by Toniu_
Bob tried to steal my cookie
I know, you don't have to tell me that I'm a PRO, I already know this 
Are u sure u used PS ?

Your works are really great
Re: Your Photoshop Work. -
Mrkrabz - 08.06.2009
:O Nice work :P
Re: Your Photoshop Work. -
Luka P. - 08.06.2009
Harry first is best,for me.
Re: Your Photoshop Work. -
Kirkmaster10 - 08.06.2009
I got tons more tbh, but i deleted them all, im remaking some, ill post more soon.
Re: Your Photoshop Work. -
Klutty - 08.06.2009
Harry, you're good at PS
Re: Your Photoshop Work. -
Luka P. - 08.06.2009
Harry,this pictures are better then first ones
Re: Your Photoshop Work. -
Kirkmaster10 - 08.06.2009
Originally Posted by Klutty
Harry, you're good at PS 
Thanks, but not that good.
Originally Posted by Klutty
Harry, you're good at PS 
They're also older, but the First one was just one for Professional Roleplay just remade.
Re: Your Photoshop Work. -
NeRoSiS - 08.06.2009
I'm shit at PS, but I gave it a shot at some SF-RP wallpapers.
Re: Your Photoshop Work. -
Correlli - 08.06.2009
That's not so bad. :P
Re: Your Photoshop Work. -
Kirkmaster10 - 08.06.2009
Originally Posted by NeRoSiS
Erm... OMG? I made that banner your using at the top
And i get no credit... Shame on SF-RP.
BTW NeRoSiS, if you dont believe me, ask Gabriel, i hope he will be honest.
Thats one ^^
Re: Your Photoshop Work. -
Mrkrabz - 08.06.2009
Harry there was no need in quoting that D: Takes ages to scroll xD. And beautiful work!
Re: Your Photoshop Work. -
RobertGraham - 09.06.2009
My first attempt at a Signature with GIMP.
Re: Your Photoshop Work. -
L30 - 09.06.2009
The one above me is nice
Re: Your Photoshop Work. -
rafay - 09.06.2009
It's just 25% of my work, I don't even know where the rest of it gone.
(This forum is not letting me posting all my work in one post, so I need to double post. Sorry about that).
Re: Your Photoshop Work. -
rafay - 09.06.2009
What say, eh?
Re: Your Photoshop Work. -
Mrkrabz - 09.06.2009
:O nice! i shall post something soon
Re: Your Photoshop Work. -
rafay - 09.06.2009
And yeah, my tutorials:
The Britney Tutorial
The Olivia Tutorial
My download stuff for GFX'ers:
Damned Hearts Brushes
Ultimate C4D Collection
(There's one more downloadable thing, but I'm too shy to post it D

Re: Your Photoshop Work. -
NeRoSiS - 09.06.2009
I didn't make the banner at the top no, but I added it to it as Adam uses it.
Take a chill pill Kirby, I believe you that you did, why exactly were you kicked from the community again?