Added new color - golden color under the name of COLOR_RADIOCHAT.
Changed the radio chat color to COLOR_RADIOCOLOR.
Added new color - lightblue under the name of COLOR_FACTIONCHAT.
Revamped the /admins command.
Added status: Roleplay / Administrating in /admins.
Added /window command
Added command /breakcuffs
Fixed a bug where after people were spawning at the spawn point instead of dead status or hospital
Assistance system fully created: /assistance and /cancelassistance and /ac.
Added command /flashlight. You can now hold a flashlight in your hand that is lighting.
Added administrator levels. No longer in use only 1,2,3,4,5,6.
Changed /acceptname, /declinename to Administrator Level 1 commands.
Changed /jetpack and /setweather to Administrator Level 1 command.
Listed all Administrator command in the /ahelp command.
/skin changed to /setskin.
Changed the max skin available for set to 320 in /setskin
Updated /dynamichelp. Now is showing all dynamic commands.
/bring renamed to /gethere.
/bringcar renamed to /getcar.
/givewep renamed to /givegun
Changed /givewep to Administrator level 3 command.
Dynamic features noted in /dynamichelp
Assistance system fully created: /assist, /assistances, /ac, /endassistance
Added skins from version 0.3.7 to /editfaction models.
Added /gotopos for administrators to teleport to certain cordinates.
Changed the faction chat color to COLOR_FACTIONCHAT.
Revamped the faction chat command.
Working on UNDERCOVER system.
Command /callsign now works with vehicle ID's - 523, 427, 490, 528, 596, 597, 598, 599, 426, 579, 416, 407, 601, 560.
Faction names are now saving upon server restart.
Changed rank permission for /finvite, /fremove, /frank, /fspawn will be -5 from the last rank in the faction.
Added new command /fann. Faction Announcement
Command /fac and /fann is no longer showing the (rank ID) before the text.
Command /tazer has been changed to /taser
Created new faction type: Company. - Fully working.
Added /siren2 for PD detective vehicles.
Fully revamped the /dept command. Now showing - Faction - Rank - Name.
Added command /taclight for Police Factions. They are not allowed to carry tactical flashlight on their weapons.
Command /beanbag is now giving a shotgun with the ammo of 30. No longer unlimited ammo.
Command /taser is now giving a taser with the ammo of 10. No longer unlimited ammo.
Added: "**DISPATCH: %s %s is now On Duty.**" to be showing whenever someone goes on/off duty. Showing name and rank.
Added SWAT equipment in /flocker. SWAT members are getting 100health, 200 armour, SWAT duty text from dispatch and SWAT skin.
Fixed a bug where the business's name were not saving upon a restart.
Fixed a bug where /buy was not working in a business upon server restart. This was caused because the business was unnamed.
Command /windows has been revamped.
Added command /window. Now you are able to open every window. [0.3.7 physics]
Added /assistance to /help.
Updated /help with two new commands - /search and /searchbp.
Command /jobcmds has been removed, you can find information about your job at /help Job from now on.
Command /animcmds has been removed, you can find information about the anims at /help Anim from now on.
Command /help has been fully revamped.
ATM were not saving upon server restart, the bug has been fixed.
Removed ''Additional'' option from /help. Created new commands for everything that was part of the ''Additional'' option.
Changed the color of ERROR message to GREY.
Added /invoices to review your current unpaid invoices.
Players can now hold up to 30 Ammo Cartridges & Magazines. Used to be 10.
Revamped /call.
Fixed a bug where /taxi would of cause server shut down.
Added /call 115 to contact mechanic.
Added /acceptmechanic to accept mechanic calls.
Added M4 as a player weapon. You can now have it in your inventory, use it, equip it with ammo, etc. It was unusable before.
When a player is using /picklock and remove the door's lock of the vehicle, Police factions will receive a message about a stolen vehicle.
Added "Lighter" item. Can be purchased from any 24/7.
Lighter is now needed in order to light up your joint or prepare the heroin.
Changed the Lighter item's object to a custom one.
When using /usedrug cocaine you are receving 20 Armour per 2 grams. If you have more than 50 Armour, you are not allowed to take more.
Added Loan System. Please are now allowed to take loans from Banks. Restricted to 500.000$
Added /call 34245. Upon calling it you will be connected to the Government.
When using /call 34245 and picking the Loan option, you will be redirected to the Bank Division of the Government.
Added /approve loan. Used by the player who is asking for the loan. Saved into log.
Added /unequip to remove all attached objects to your body.
Added /crowbar. If you have the item Crowbar, you can put it in your hand.
Added /screwdriver. If you have the item Screwdriver, you can put it in your hand.
Revamped /crowbar and /screwdriver. Upon using the command once, they will appear in your hand, upon using it second time, they will disappear.
Commands /crowbar and /screwdriver are not connected to the Inventorty menu, you can "Use Item" to put them in your hand and put it away.
You are now required to have either screwdriver or crowbar in order to rob an ATM.
Revamped the mask system.
Every vehicle is now able to use 0.3.7 Siren Sound. Need to be set by an Administrator.
Fixed a bug where upong using /call you will receive a message of "The specified phone number is not in service."
Added credit card system. You are now allowed to use /registedcard in any Bank.
You are now asked to own a credit card in order to use /bank or /atm.
Fixed a bug where Saving Balance would not appear upon using /bank.
Fixed a bug where Saving Balance would not appear upon using /atm.
Changed the Entrance's pickup icon. It is now using the pickup ID "1318".
Changed the color of the every pickup text from COLOR_DARKBLUE to COLOR_DEPARTMENT
Fixed a small bug with the /offerloan command.
Fixed a bug where Speeding Cameras where not giving speeding tickets.
Added command /resf - Restricted Frequencies. Showing all current restricted frequencies, PD, FD, etc. [LV 1 ADMIN]
Added: /asshelp, /assistances, /assist, /endassistance, /ac to /ahelp and /help for Administrators & Helpers.
Added command /ahide to hide yourself as an administrator.
Added command /spawn for administrators to teleport to certain locations. Interior X Y Z
Changed /asetrank, /asetfaction, /setleader to be accessable from the Faction Management & Administrator Level 4+.
Fixed a bug where /aduty was freezing the server.
Removed /settester & added /sethelper.
Added command /ah. Giving easier access to /ahelp.
Revamped /a chat. Showing [Administrator Rank name] [Name] [Text] now. Also changed the color to RED.
Renamed /makeadmin to /setadmin.
Revampled /sethelper & /setadmin.
Added /asetdiv for Administrator level 4 to set faction members's division.
Renamed /armor to /setarmor.
Renamed /health to /sethealth and set it for level 1 Administrators.
Renamed /resetweps to /disarm and set it for level 1 Administrators.
Added stock GivePlayerHealth and stock GivePlayerArmour. Could be used to add health1+health and armour1+armour.
Added /robpermission. Upon using it, the player will be allowed to perform an ATM robbery again.
Added a restriction to the Administrator/Helper Chat [/a, /h], Masked Administrators/Helpers are no longer allowed to use it.
Added "sound" option to /editcar. You can now edit a car to use the 0.3.7 siren sound.
Upon using /createcar, you are allowed to set it, If its allowed to use the 0.3.7 siren sound.
Fixed a bug where destroyed vehicles would keep their siren sound and upon using this ID again, it will be with siren sound.
Fixed a bug where /sduty was freezing the server.
Command /sduty has been revamped.
Added: /asshelp, /assistances, /assist, /endassistance, /ac to /ahelp and /help for Administrators & Helpers.
Created Head Tester Status.
Head Tester is now saving upon relogging.
Revamped the whole tester system.
Testers are now called Helpers.
Helpers are now using 6 different levels.
Removed /supporters.
Added /helpers with brand new look.
Renamed /sduty to /hduty.
Renamed /t to /h.
Commands /ah & /dh & /seekhelp were removed due to the fact there is a new better helping system.
Removed head testers due to the fact they are no longer needed.
Added /hhelp command. Showing all available commands of each helper level.
Added /hh command. Giving easier access to /hhelp.
Restricted /ajail to Helper level 2+.
Restricted /release to Helper level 2+.
Revamped /h chat. Showing [Helper Rank name] [Name] [Text] now.
Changed the /flocker. Now you can take health and armour from the second option. - Health and Armour. Previously: Armored Vest.
Revamped command /online. Optimized and looking better now.
Added command /setswat for Police Factions.
Fixed a bug where SWAT membership was not saving upon relogging.
Created frequency for Fire Department and restricted it for FD only - 912.
Added command /changefname. High ranked members of the faction are now allowed to request a name change.
Updated faction OOC chat command.
Swat status is now being removed upon being discharged from the faction.
Added command /swat which could be used only if you are authorized by /setswat.
Command /swat is giving 200 armour, 150 health, SWAT skin and sending your faction members that you are on SWAT duty.
Weapon licenses are now in use. Revamped /grantweapon and /revokeweapon. Upon granting/revoking a weapon license, its being logged in a txt file.
Created frequency for the San Andreas Government and restricted it - 913.
Added /invoice for Company Factions. They can now given invoices that have to be paid in the city hall.
Added the following commands for Company Factions: /taser, /callsign, /siren.
Added division system for all factions.
Divisions are holding up to 5 slots.
Divisions could be created/edited/deleted by /editfaction.
Added command /fdiv for High ranked faction members.
Command /dept is now showing division as well also saving in
Reworked /online.
Reworked /fac.
Added command /manageranks & /managedivs for High ranked faction members to edit their ranks and divisions.
Added command /createweapon for illegal factions only. You can purchase 9mm, deagle, shotgun, MP5, country rifle, AK-47.
Disabled command /createweapon and working on a crate system for illegal factions.
Added command /blackmarket for Illegal factions. You can purchase Magazine, Ammo Cardridge, Armored Vest and Heavy Armored Vest.
Added Dynamic3DPickup for the blackmarket position along with a 3DText for it.
Fixed a bug where upon calling the dealer to request weapon crates, you would not hangup and continue talking on the phone.
Added crate system for Illegal factions:
-Members of Illegal factions can buy: Melee, Pistol, SMG, Shotgun, Rifle Parts and Drug seeds.
-They call 58696 and order the parts, talking to NPC dealer.
-Receiving checkpoint on their map and they got to go there and the crate will be on the place.
-Every crate has its different price.
Added /trace for FACTION_POLICE type.
-Restricted to Rank 8+.
-If the traced number is OFF, they will receive a message with turned off phone.
-If its working, they will receive a message with the name of the person who owns the phone number.
Added /offerloan. Used by the Government, input amount of loan cash, reason. Saved into log.
Added number 34245 for the Bank Division of the Government.
Added /checkvehicles for FACTION_POLICE and FACTION_GOV. They are now able to check any player's vehicles.
Added /checkproperties for FACTION_POLICE and FACTION_GOV. They are now able to check any player's houses and businesses.
In order to create a loan contract you are required to have Sale Documents and Pen, buyable from the Post Office.
Added /equipment for FACTION_POLICE. You can now equip, Kevlar Vest, Police Helmet, Police Shield and Police Taser.
Added SWAT Grey Helmet and SWAT Grey Vest to /equipment for FACTION_POLICE.
Command /equipment is now accessable only if you are near your faction locker or in a cruiser.
Updated IsACruiser, added more vehicles who are capable of using the /mdc and /equipment.
Removed command /siren2.
Added /siren2 that is dynamically taking the vehicle's height and size and its placing object 19620 (The big siren).
Factions are now able to get their vehicles to use the 0.3.7 siren sound. Working with non-faction vehicles too.
Renamed /flocker to /locker.
Command /taser is now available for FACTION_GOV too.
Added /undercover command. FACTION_POLICE, FACTION_GOV.
-Receives the ability to pick any skin.
-Receives 100health and 150 armour.
-Players Tag is now white.
-Sends a faction message to all faction members.
Added command /offdutyclothes for all factions, except FACTION_GANG. Must be near the faction locker.
-Receives the ability to pick any skin.
Added /showbadge for all factions, except FACTION_GANG.
-Showing Player Name, Faction, Rank, Division.
Added /factrunk command for all Government Factions.
-They are able to get Health & Armour and faction weapons from their trunks.
-FACTION_GANG is not allowed to use this command.
Updated IsACruiser and added three helicopters.
Members part of FACTION_POLICE, FACTION_MEDIC, FACTION_GOV are no longer receiving speeding tickets upon passing the speed cameras.
Added Pawn Shop business type.
Changed the icon of every business to 1272 (( blue house icon )).
Players can now buy Magazine and Ammo Cartridge from Ammunation without having a Weapon License.
Added Post Office business type.
Added Sale Documents product in the Post Office. Being used for the /setforsale system.
Added Pen product in the Post Office. Being used for the /setforsale system.
Added SWAT grey helmet, Police Cap, Construction Cap, Beanie, Police hat, Farmer Hat to /buy in Clothing Shop: Hats.
Added Balaclava to /buy in Clothing shop: Bandana.
Fixed a bug where Administrators would not be able to see the business types when doing /createbiz and /editbiz.
Fixed a bug where owners of Pawn Shops and Post Offices were not able to set their products's prices.
Removed the SWAT equipment that was buyable from the clothing shops due to the fact it is not accessable by a faction command.
Upon buying a weapon from any Ammunation, a Serial Number would be given to the weapon.
Changed the colors of the text appearing on the business icon. Changed the colors as well.
Added /setforsale. You can put a 3DTextLabel on the back window of your car with sale information.
-You need Sale document and Pen. Sale Document is being removed from your inventory upon using it.
Updated stock IsLoadableVehicle & GetMaxCrates. Every vehicle is now capable of transporting crates. 10 limit.
Fixed a bug where the timers were bugged upon trying to rob an ATM second time.
FACTION_POLICE is now receiving information about the ATM robbery also the robbery location.
After being 60 seconds near the ATM, you will receive cash between 0$ and 500$.
You are required to stay 60 seconds in near the ATM otherwise you will fail the robbery.
When robbing an ATM, you will perform crouched animation, it will automatically clear the animation when ATM is robbed.
Added new interior for the Post Office. - // Post Office Business Type Interior.
Updated command /admins and /helpers and they are now showing Administrator's and Helper's forum names.
Fixed a bug where Administrator/Helper Rank would not show in /admins and /helpers.
Added Fighting styles system.
Added command /buyfstyle to purchase a fighting style.
Fixed a bug where fighting styles where not loading properly upon log out.
Added command /donators. Showing every online donator members.
Updated /admins and /helpers.
Changed the colors of many commands.
Added a Bus Interior. Press G near any Bus and you will be send to an interior.
Added command /pintercom. Must be in a plane in order to use it. Added COLOR_INTERCOM for the command.
Added a Shamal Interior. Press G near any Shamal and you will be send to an interior.
Added a News Van Interior. Press G near any type of this vehicle and you will be send to an interior.
Added an Enforcer Interior. Press G near any type of this vehicle and you will be send to an interior.
Added a Journey Interior. Press G near any type of this vehicle and you will be send to an interior.
Added a Ambulance Interior. Press G near any type of this vehicle and you will be send to an interior.
Added a Raindance Interior. Press G near any type of this vehicle and you will be send to an interior.
Fixed a bug where upon exiting a vehicle interior, you would be teleported to another vehicle, not the one you entered.
Updated the message players receive when an advertise is being posted.
Added four new licenses: Truck, Motorbike, Airplane and Helicopter License.
Added command /buylicense so you can purchase them in the City Hall.
Upon entering a vehicle, you are being checked If you have the required license to operate the vehicle, If not you receive a message.
Updated command /showlicense with the new licenses and also renamed it to /showlicenses.
Updated command /buylicense and it is no longer allowing you to purchase a license, If you already have it. Also added 3Dpickup with text.
Added command /anos for Administrator Level 3+ to add 10x NOS to their current vehicle.
Added command /setdonator for Administrator Level 6 to set Donator levels.
The option PM, part of command /tog is now restricted to Donator members.
Added /aforumname for all Administrators. They are now able to set their forum names and they will appear in /admins and more.
Fixed a bug where Forum Names where saving but not loading.
Added /setfstyle for Administrator Level 3+. Administrators are now able to set Player's fighting style. They are being saved.
Added /removefstyle for easier access for an Administrator to remove Player's fighting style.
Added command /grantdrlic and command /revokedrlic for Administrator Level 4+. They are now able to grant and revoke driving licenses.
Revamped most of the commands that were making changes into players but were not sending them a message.
Changed the tag color of the player whenever he uses /aduty. COLOR_LIGHTBLUE.
Fixed a bug where command /togooc would shut down the server.
Updated /aduty. It is now sending a message to all Administrators.
Fully revamped command /a due to the fact it was bugged.
Renamed /grantdrlic to /agrantlicense and /revokedrlic to /arevokelicense.
Added all types of licenses to /agrantlicense and /arevokelicense.
Fixed a bug where /arevokelicense would not be revoking the license.
Added /hforumname for all Helpers. They are now able to set their forum names and they will appear in /helpers and more.
Removed the Player Colour upon using /hduty.
Added new player tag color upon using /hduty. COLOR_GREEN.
Updated /hduty. It is now sending a message to all Helpers.
Fully revamped command /h due to the fact it was bugged.
Added command /gov for FACTION_POLICE, FACTION_MEDIC, FACTION_GOV, FACTION_COMPANY. Command is mean to be used for Government Announcements.
Removed the old roablock system, the spike system had been kept.
Added new roadblock system with 7 different roadblock objects.
Added command /rrb to remove a roadblock you are close to.
Added /rallrb to remove all the created roadblocks.
Reworked partly the roadblock system, it is now sending faction messages when created or removed, also sending the player's location.
Added /pagermsg for the High Ranked faction members. They are allowed to send messages to every faction member's pager.
Added /fadvert. HIgh Ranked faction members are now allowed to use /fadvert and post an advertise about anything related to their faction. Costs -100$.
Updated command /take. Factions allowed to use it, are now able to revoke all kind of licenses.
Removed /revokedriving due to the fact its being pointless now.
Removed the house MapIcons. No longer showing the red/green map icons.
Upon using /veh, players are now spawned directly in the vehicle, instead of the vehicle being spawned next to the player.
When using /veh, the engine of the vehicle is directly started, so you would not have to use /engine.
Added office interior for the Glovernment Loan Division. //Government Loan Division.
Added office interior for any Company willing to use it. // Company Office Interior.
Added a new huge train station instead of Unity Station. // Unity Station
Added Bus interior. // Bus Interior.
// - shows how to access the code.
Added Donator system with six levels. Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Management.
Donator levels are now saving upon server restart.
Added command /toggold. Donators are now able to set their color to the Donators one. - Golden.
Added command /dooc. Donators are now able to communicate with each other via /dooc.
Added an option in /tog. Donators are now allowed to disable the donator chat.
Fully revamped command /dooc due to the fact it was bugged.
Added new section in /help - Radio with all following radio commands.
Added three more radio slots.
Command /r2, r3, r4 and /channel2, /channel3, /channel4 were added.
Command /r2 is connect to /channel2, same goes to 3 and 4.
Added bomb system.
Added command /bomb with the following options: put and activate.
Added two more options to bomb, accessable by SWAT only: check and disarm.
Command /bomb put has the following options: ignition, timer, speed and remote.
-Ignition: Activates the bomb timer after the vehicle's ignition is activated.
-Timer: Immediately activates the bomb timer.
-Speed: The bomb will explode as soon as the vehicle speed drops under 40 km/h.
-Remote: Bomb is activated with /bomb activate. Note that the remote range is limited.
Added command /plantbomb - spawning a dynamite object. You need the item "Bomb".
Added command /detonate - players who used /plantbomb can detonate their bombs.
Fixed a bug where whenever you plant a bomb via /bomb, you are not getting your Bomb Item removed from your inventory.
Added three new weapon license classes: A, B and C.
Added weapon Colt 45 to the /buy menu in the ammunation business. Purchasable with Class A.
Added command /mywarnings. Players are now able to check their warnings, their amount and reasons.
Updated MySQL plugin to the latest version - R39-5.
Added three clothing slots. You are now able to purchase and hold skins and changed them whenever you want.
Added command /myclothes. Players are now able to check what skins they have in their slots.
Fixed command /myclothes with not showing the skin IDs properly.
Added command /changeclothes. Players are now able to change their clothes to the clothes they've bought in the clothing shop.
Added command /buyclothes. Players are now able to purchase skins for each clothes. Saving after restart.
Updated command /agrantlicense and /arevokelicense with the new weapon license classes.
Updated command /setplayer with options clothes1, clothes2, clothes3. Admins are now able to set player's clothes slots.
Added command /traffic. It is attaching ontop of your vehicle a traffic light. Object 19294 is used.
Added buyable bomb to the /blackmarket, accessable by the illegal factions only. Costs 500$.
Added command /defuse for SWAT members only. There is small chance of defusing the bomb.
If you have disarmed a bomb, you are now going to receive the bomb in your inventory. Meant for /bomb disarm and /defuse.
Added command /spawndrone for SWAT members. They are now able to spawn a drone and control it.
Added command /despawndrone for SWAT members. They are now able to despawn the drone they are controlling.
Removed commands /grantweapon and /revokeweapon and added commands /grantweplic and /revokeweplic.
Commands /grantweplic and /revokeweplic are working with the new weapon license classes.
Command /grantweplic and /revokeweplic has been restricted to FACTION_POLICE only.
Fixed a bug where command /take would not all the Player's items capable of being confiscated.
Removed the Weapon License Class A,B and C from /take.
Removed command /grantdriving.
Added command /grantlicense and it is restricted to FACTION_GOV.
Added command /revokelicense and it is restricted to FACTION_POLICE and FACTION_GOV.
Added all licenses except the weapon license classes to /grantlicense and /revokelicense.
Renamed /finvite and /fremove to /hire and /fire.
Added command /badvert. Business owners are now able to post business adverts. Shows like [Business Advert] text [Business Name]
Added Construction place near All Saints in Los Santos. // Construction in LS near All Saints.
// - shows how to access the code.
Removed the ATM robbery system and every commands related to it.
Fixed a bug where upon dying, you would be spawned to the wrong location. Will be spawned where died now.
Added a new /stats command. More detailed and easier for understanding.
Added command /characters to review your characters and their statistics.
Fixed a bug with the database, couldnt select a character upon registering.
Command /createspeed is now restricted to administrator level 5, was unrestricted.
Added command /frespawn for High Command members of any faction. They are now able to respawn their own faction vehicles.
Added command /wa - Whatsapp chat for official gangs only, the gang faction type.
Corrected some text information within the illegal crate system.
Added the following items to the Pawn Shop Business type:
-Brass Knuckles
-Golf Club
-Pool Cue
-Spray Can
-Baseball Bat
Fixed a bug where owners of businesses with the types of Pawn Shop and Post Office would not be able to change their product prices.
Fixed errors within the database, some values "LotteryB" & "SpawnPoint" did not have default values, causing the database to crash upon creating new character.
1. Nothing.
You should add a fuel system that save the fuel, anyway good job!
You should add a fuel system that save the fuel, anyway good job!
Is the vehicle fuel savable? Never checked for this one, to be honest.
Yes, I had been toying around with this script for a very very long time. Turned it into something far more advanced than what it was. And yes, the fuel saves.
By the way haven't read most of the updates (lazy ![]() |