Toy Of Wars -
Logofero - 09.08.2015
Toy Of Wars
Mode: TDM
Map: Custom locations
Status: Complited.
Release: v1, 8 aug 2015
Updated: v3e1, 2 nov 2015
Logofero aka fERO
SA-MP Multyplayer SA-MP Team
Zamaroht's TextDraw Editor Zamaroht
Streamer Incognito
ColAndreas [uL]Slice, [uL]Chris420, [uL]Pottus, uint32, Crayder
History changes:
Version 1:
Beta version: No score, no teams, no bonus.
+ Added control
Fire - Shot of RCgun
Enter - Enter/Exit RC cars
Version 2:
+ Fixed:
A player could sit in hot or explode vehicles and teleport out of the map. Now you can not entering RC car when it is burning.
When a player dies in RC Model, the camera is reset and returned to the place of boarding the vehicle. Now the camera is fixed on vehicle exploded.
- Rename to
+ Added teams:
1 Red Team
2 Green
3 Blue
4 Purple
5 Yellow
6 White
+ Added health system:
RCTiger 1200 hp
RCBandit 900 hp
RCRaider 800 hp
RCGoblin 800 hp
RCBaron 700 hp
+ Added ammo system:
RCTiger 25 bullets
RCBandit 30 bullets
RCRaider 30 bullets
RCGoblin 30 bullets
RCBaron 20 bullets
+ Added score system
Humen 50 score
RCTiger 90 score
RCBandit 70 score
RCRaider 100 score
RCGoblin 100 score
RCBaron 120 score
+ Added static maps:
1. Abandoned base v1
2. Abandoned base v2
+ Added toy interface
General bar
Team list
Health bar
Ammo bar
RC icon
Window wins
Alert messange
+ Added commands:
/team [ID] - change team
/map [ID] - change map
/boom [player ID] - explode player
/tank - create RCTiger
+ Added bonuses:
Repair kit - add vehicle health
Multi speed - multiplies speed
Ammo - add bullets
Atom Bomb - explode all enemies
Freeze Bomb - freezes all enemies in a specified time
Napalm Bomb - sets fire to all enemies
Gravity Bomb - changing times gravity
Version 3:
Completed. I do not plan to updates: No personal motivation, no time, no desire, no feedback.
- I was unable to find the reason for which the pickups are sometimes many times in one place or has not been created. Perhaps the reason SetTimerEx timer that is used to re-create a pickup. Who knows why fix.
- If the new map will contain less than the previous teams, the players will not be visible in the list of 'Team Score'. I wanted to fix it, but did not.
- I could not find a good way to recover deleted objects. For this, try not to remove the ground to avoid the holes.
- Removed Command /tank - create RCTiger
- Reanme to
+ Refactoring code:
+ Added new includes:
+ Change font color for map description in
+ Change window victorious, and now it shows all the points scored and the teams ranks. Grades do not mean anything - it's just an additional reward for the number of wins in the round.
+ Added sound. When the player selects the pickup when the cartridges run out audible click and when the round ends with a winning melody plays.
+ Now bonuses are seen on the radar as icons.
+ Added plugin Streamer it allows you to manage dynamic objects.
+ Added plugin ColAndreas to him, now the shells explode in a collision with objects rather than pass through them as all pickups are relative to the ground - before the pick-up can appear under the ground.
+ Added a new bonus "Air Strike" The player picked it may cause a surgical strike on the ground.
+ Added command for admins /air - air strike
+ Added 'Map loader' file at the same time change the system resources are now the owner of a server can add to the map their teams, now they are not limited to the 6th, you can select the name, color skins. All resources maps and dynamic loading after the start of the map.
Note: If the map has been removed objects by changing the location they will not appear.
+ Added new folder scriptfiles\TW_maps
+ Changes map abase.txt "Abadone base" v2
+ Added map list scriptfiles\TW_maps\maps.txt
+ Added dynamic maps:
desertbases.txt "Desert bases" v1
ghostcity.txt "Ghost City" v1
Version 3 edition 1:
Fixed minor bugs.
+ Fixed If a new map teams less than the previous one, the team did not show up in the 'Team Score'.
+ Fixed map "Abadone base". Replaced static deleted objects on dynamic. This is done so that the map did not have holes.
+ Changed map "Desert bases" made the first level.
+ Added plugins dll:
+ Added ColAndreas file
+ Added server config server.cfg
Re: Toy Of Wars (lite mode) -
MichaelJones - 09.08.2015
Nice one , Rep+
Re: Toy Of Wars (lite mode) -
FahadKing07 - 13.08.2015
This is what we call "
Think Different". Excellent work, mind blowing!
Keep it up buddy,
+REP .
Re: Toy Of Wars (lite mode) -
KayJ - 13.08.2015
Very creative!
Re: Toy Of Wars (lite mode) -
Blacky4Life - 13.08.2015
Nice work!
Re: Toy Of Wars (lite mode) -
RedLabel - 13.08.2015
Good idea
Re: Toy Of Wars (lite mode) -
JJohnson1 - 13.08.2015
Very nice work Logofero.++REP.I converted this to a FS and added it to my CnR server as a type of Dm arena.Great job! >>>cheers
Re: Toy Of Wars (lite mode) -
VanillaRain - 13.08.2015
thx for the credits dude!
Re: Toy Of Wars (lite mode) -
Logofero - 14.08.2015
Thank you for your positive feedback
@ VanillaRain
> thx for the credits dude!
Your work has inspired me to create gamemode. Thank you
> Very nice work Logofero.++REP.I converted this to a FS and added it to my CnR server as a type of Dm
> arena.Great job! >>>cheers
So far, plans to implement a gamemode TDM, but already there is a look
PS: I am currently developing a global update
Re: Toy Of Wars (lite mode) -
EncikBuyer - 14.08.2015
Hey,So Nice.
It Work..Im Have TRY IT,But Now Im Change To Other Gamemode,BTW I will promote ur gm to my friends
Re: Toy Of Wars (lite mode) -
Logofero - 20.08.2015
Updated Toy Of Wars v2
Re: Toy Of Wars (lite mode) -
fahlevy - 21.08.2015
keep it up
Re: Toy Of Wars (lite mode) -
Logofero - 31.08.2015
Uploaded on github:
If someone is especially interested are welcome modification
Re: Toy Of Wars (lite mode) -
Inn0cent - 31.08.2015
I've never seen it, Or maybe its released first time. Kinda like it.
Re: Toy Of Wars (lite mode) -
Logofero - 31.08.2015
Originally Posted by Inn0cent
I've never seen it, Or maybe its released first time. Kinda like it.
I just updated the main theme and added a screenshot of gameplay.
Re: Toy Of Wars (lite mode) -
AndreiWow - 31.08.2015
And the scriptfiles..?
Re: Toy Of Wars (lite mode) -
Logofero - 31.08.2015
Originally Posted by AndreiWow
And the scriptfiles..?
Updates touched only upload them to the repository to the general comfort.
But the update gamemode is planned.
Re: Toy Of Wars (lite mode) -
ChristolisTV - 31.08.2015
Lol nice!
Re: Toy Of Wars (lite mode) -
GamingPro - 31.08.2015
Pretty sweet!
Re: Toy Of Wars (lite mode) -
Logofero - 01.09.2015
> Lol nice!
> Pretty sweet!
Thanks. Truth is nice.