Why do sa-mp scripters create such "simple" gamemodes -
Kar - 15.04.2013
Hello all, I don't know whether this belongs here or in Everything And Nothing, please move it to the correct forum if this is not.
Anyway, I was just thinking & looking at some servers in sa-mp and I keep wondering to myself, why are things to simple? Example look at most TDM / DM modes, they're so boring. I'm sick of just going in servers and all you gotta do is just shoot at each other, where's the mystery? The excitement? The interactive gamemodes? The interactions between players? The 'sparks'? THE FUN.
I'm not saying there aren't any fun gamemodes anymore. Their are quite a few unique cnrs, roleplays and different genre gamemodes that I find quite fun (imo) but there's not much left, most of the servers in sa-mp have the same aspect, you spawn, you shoot, you die, you get money, you buy weapons, you level up. Some zombie servers out there are interesting yeah.
I also wanna know, when new unique servers appear that would be REALLY fun with more than 5 players online, why does noone play? It really hurts for me to see all the fun wasted. In my case, I love scripting things other scripters say that are hard and whats not, especially if it involves physics, anything to do with vehicles and objects are my loves. So I really wonder, why do players tend to storm these simple gamemodes, and do nothing? Instead of playing something unique and stay. Players usually play the servers once then never come back is it complexicity or something? It's too hard to understand / master?
Re: Why do sa-mp scripters create such "simple" gamemodes -
MP2 - 15.04.2013
I feel exactly the same way. Although, while some gamemodes can be too basic/simple, the same can be said for the other end of the spectrum. Nobody (well I don't) likes to play a game that's difficult to understand how to play. You want to have fun, you don't want to spend 20 minutes out working out how to play.
Re: Why do sa-mp scripters create such "simple" gamemodes -
Isolated - 15.04.2013
Well, it seems all the oldschool scripters, have taken a retirement leave or something similar, as all the great servers, seem to close down. However Roleplay, for me, has gone dead. Every server I try has either 1 player online or is a NG:RP. Also I joined a server the other day, and the owner gave me admin. This is why servers seem to be failing a lot more. But I agree, I haven't had any problems with the self-scripted CnR gamemodes. Although, DM/TDM/Stunt/Zombie/RP all seem to do the same thing. However I did enjoy Cod5's racing.
Re: Why do sa-mp scripters create such "simple" gamemodes -
RajatPawar - 15.04.2013
I am kind of frustrated seeing released scripts and .tk domains.. Hence, the project we are working on

EDIT: Sorry, if this is considered advertising !
Re: Why do sa-mp scripters create such "simple" gamemodes -
Isolated - 15.04.2013
Originally Posted by Rajat_Pawar
I am kind of frustrated seeing released scripts and .tk domains.. Hence, the project we are working on 
Looks amazing. You can add me to your pb when it opens!
Re: Why do sa-mp scripters create such "simple" gamemodes -
zgintasz - 15.04.2013
In my opinion, it's because most of the players are stupid kids who wants to get everything easily. Also, they prefer playing where is more players.
Re: Why do sa-mp scripters create such "simple" gamemodes -
Kar - 15.04.2013
Originally Posted by zgintasz
In my opinion, it's because most of the players are stupid kids who wants to get everything easily. Also, they prefer playing where is more players.
Ah yes, it seems as though this is how it stands right now. Where players see a-lot of other players migrating they join and then they 'stay' regardless of if the server's script is buggy/stolen/pure_shxt. IDK but what can you, eh ;\
Re: Why do sa-mp scripters create such "simple" gamemodes -
LeeXian99 - 15.04.2013
Umm well, I'm just a beginner, I'm scripting a basic stunt server, of course, everything has its own starting point, we doesn't want a hard game, we just have fun with those players! Why do we need to discover how this work, how that work, like that thing.
Every script has its own exploiting bugs, it can be fixed. We can't blame the scripter of the server, because he/she had tried out his/her best. So, the aim we create server is just let players have fun!
Re: Why do sa-mp scripters create such "simple" gamemodes -
rbN. - 15.04.2013
Go to the ****** Play Store, to the popular free games. All of the simple games are at top. Angry Birds, Wordfeud, Candy Crush Saga, Doodle Jump..
AW: Why do sa-mp scripters create such "simple" gamemodes -
ulbi1990 - 15.04.2013
Well my opinion is that there exists still some really only some very good servers with awesome gamemodes, but everyone wants today a own server and it's not hard to get one, there are dozen of gamemodes free to download here and on other forums, so they download one, than does they search a Hoster which isn't also a problem because the Hoster don't watch who is that, which would be also stupid and not possible, so does every 3rd kiddo start a server with a downloaded script and they know a sh*t about scripting, afaik they can't work on this gamemode or start to make a own one, also are the half of this kiddos just to lazy to learn Pawn and loss the interest after a while and the servers are running and running until the amount of money/days whatever you wanna use is done.
That's why great servers are going under by this dozens of SA:MP servers which exists. I know 3 servers which are really great scripted and which has awesome maps, but they don't get players exact bcz the problems above.
This is just my opinion.
Re : Why do sa-mp scripters create such "simple" gamemodes -
Rayan_black - 15.04.2013
Can't say you're wrong, and can't say you're right you can't force the players to play something you WANT.. it's their choice and yes there's alot of BUGGY and CRAPY scripts and servers but still there's good servers and communities and sometimes something simple can provide more fun than a REALLY advanced scripts with plenty of features on it.
Re: Why do sa-mp scripters create such "simple" gamemodes -
SchurmanCQC - 15.04.2013
Originally Posted by rbN.
Go to the ****** Play Store, to the popular free games. All of the simple games are at top. Angry Birds, Wordfeud, Candy Crush Saga, Doodle Jump..
Loading knowledge... ............................ ERROR.
Re: Why do sa-mp scripters create such "simple" gamemodes -
]Rafaellos[ - 15.04.2013
The problem is that sa-mp players are now mostly 10-15 years old and most of them, play in servers which make them Administrators because they think that Administrator is something cool and interesting. Although if they are online 4-5 hours per day and they learn about administrating and moderating, they spam all the chat to make them and if not, they are downloading a server, home-host it and then spam all over the place to join their server. The funniest thing is that they make almost everyone 9 level administrator (LuxAdmin - almost all players who start new server use it) so they can keep play in their server.
Re: Why do sa-mp scripters create such "simple" gamemodes -
iggy1 - 15.04.2013
It's all about striking a perfect balance between simple/complex game. If something is too simple players will not play for long and move on. On the other hand if it is too difficult or slow to start, they will loose interest and move on. It's not easy to find that balance.
If by simple you mean 'empty' then yeah, they should just close shop and waste no-more moneyz (IMO).
Personally, I think a very simple game with lots of features would be better than a difficult (or complex) game with lots of features. By better, i mean keep more players online.
Re: Why do sa-mp scripters create such "simple" gamemodes -
Vince - 15.04.2013
Some 'fun' thing are just extremely hard to script (right). I once tried to create an entire Texas Hold 'm poker script that 6 players could compete in. But it's really though! You have to script algorithms for a whole bunch of things. Keeping track of who has what cards, making sure an already drawn card doesn't get drawn again, calculating what hand goes over another, etc, etc.
Re: Why do sa-mp scripters create such "simple" gamemodes -
Kar - 15.04.2013
Then when you finished making that, noone is gonna use it. Probably only testers. That's why I don't make things for public use anymore, I try to do things that involve physics that players find hard to do, trying my best to make it perfect to fit SA-MP. E.G a flying rocket controlled by keys or even the camera vector.
Re: Why do sa-mp scripters create such "simple" gamemodes -
MP2 - 15.04.2013
Originally Posted by Kar
I think your misunderstanding the term 'simple' by simple I didn't mean 'simple' I meant more like empty, there's nothing to do.
I find on MANY servers that they don't tell you anything, and expect you to work out how to play the game. It's all good and well having loads of features, but if your players aren't TOLD about them - what's the point?! This is the main reason I don't play SA-MP as much as I'd like to - all servers are shit. I've only been on about 5 servers in the last year, and I only liked two enough to re-visit them.
Re: Why do sa-mp scripters create such "simple" gamemodes -
Y_Less - 15.04.2013
Scripters code what people want - people play DM, scripters code DM!
Re: Why do sa-mp scripters create such "simple" gamemodes -
Kar - 15.04.2013
Yup they can, the point kinda changed as I typed the first post from the main subject though. Lala.
Re : Why do sa-mp scripters create such "simple" gamemodes -
Rayan_black - 15.04.2013
Indeed, basicly scripters won't script something just to look at it. They want it to work out well so they have to script what people need and what people want.