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[FilterScript] J.L Administration system V1.0 [Y_INI, ssanf2, foreach, ZCMD, Whirlpool and 200+ commands] | NEW | - Printable Version

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J L Administration system V1.0 [Y_INI, ssanf2, foreach, ZCMD, Whirlpool and 200+ commands] | NEW Release | - Jewell - 02.04.2013

J L Administration system
Version 1.0

(10900+ lines)

Updated: April 03 2013

* J.L. Administration system Features
Update changelog April 3, 2013 Adminstrators list

The Spec textdraw

The commands

Level 0 - Player commands

- /Register, /Login, /autologin (Enable/Disable autologin system) /Changepass, /report, /Getid, /pm, /admins, /changename
- /Vips, /stats, /info, /pausers, /time, /date

Level 1 - Moderator

- /Setskin, /Myskin, /Useskin, /Stopuseskin, /Goto, /Get, /Warn, /Kick /reports /spec , /specoff, /slap
- /Explode, /Burn, /Clearchat, /cpc(clearplayerchat), /flip, /Fix, /Repair, /Nitro, /apm, /asay, /Showclock
- /Hideclock, /Cal(calculator), /Forbidnames /Tunedcars, /Lock, /Unlock, /Car, /bike, /Heli, /plane, /Vehicle
- /Mute, /Unmute, /Muted, /Jail, /Unjail, /Jailed, /Heal, /Vspec, /Print, /Setcarcolour, /Track, /Vhealth
- /Fixcarint /Spawn, /Disarm, /Frozen, /reconnect, /Forbidweaps, /Weaponids, /Hide, /warned, /acmds or
- /jcmds for commands list. Use '@' for the administrators chat

Level 2 - Adminstrator

- /Setscore, /Setcash, /Givemoney, /Spawncar, /Destroycars, /Givecar, /Settime, /Setweather, /Ban
- /Tempban, /Countdown, /Clearallchat, /aka, /akill, /fixcarint, /Setworld, /Setinterior /Vget, /Jetpack
- /Givejetpack, /Givecar, /Vgoto, /God, /Godcar, /Sethealth, /Setarmour, /Giveweapon, /Getip, /Write
- /respawncars, /Setcolor, /Setmarker, /removebounds, /Setfstyle, /Setname, /Setwanted, /Freeze
- /Unfreeze, /Hideme, /Unhideme, /Screenmessage

Level 3 - Head Adminstrator

- /Givescore, /Giveallcash, /resetscore, /Giveveh, /Setalltime, /Setallweather, /Setallwanted, /Sget
- /Eject, /Force, /Fakechat, /Fakekill, /Move, /Setkills, /Setdeaths, /Crash, /hidename, /Unhidename
- /Giveallweapon, /Announce, /Resetcash, /Warp, /Settempvip, /setskill, /setdrunk, /Hidecar, /Unhidecar
- /setallhealth, /Setallarmour

Level 4 - Global Adminstrator

- /Settemplevel, /Setvip, /Giveallscore, /rangeban, /pmute, /delaka(resetaka), /Setgravity, /Slapall, /Explodeall
- /Burnall, /Healall, /Armourall, /Freezeall, /Unfreezeall, /Setallskin, /Unsetallskin, /Ejectall, /Setallworld
- /Setallinterior, /Muteall, /Unmuteall, /Spam, /Setpass, /Setallcash, /Setallcashback, /Setname2
- /Unban, /Banname, /banip, /Unbanip, /Setping, /Mianchat(enable/disable), /Disarmall, /Gametext, /addforbidname
- /Getall, /serverinfo, /pickup, /delpickup, /object, /Editobject, /Stopedit, /Gotoobject, /delobject, /Createtele(ctele)

Level 5 - Master Adminstrator

- /Setlevel, /Settings, /Account, /Console, /Clearlogs, /Killall, /addforbidpartname, /addfrobweapon, /addbadword
- /Hostname, /Gmtext, /mapname, /Varlist, /clearteles, /reloadteles, /delaccount, /newaccount
- NOTE: Adminstrator Level 5 has access to all commands.

RCON commands

- cmds, admins, achat, announce, pm, asay, getid, warn, warp, aka, delaka, chat, reconnect, unban, banname

/Track player informations

How to use J.L Administration system

How to make yourself administrator

There are tow types of ways to make yourself administrator.

How to make yourself V.I.P
Exactly Similar ways as make admin.
How to use administrator level in a another filterscript
You should use JLadmin include on top of the filterscript you want to use admin Levels.
  1. #include <JLadmin> include on top of the filterscriptScrpt
  2. To make a command only for Administrators use: AdminLevel(playerid)
    pawn Код:
            if(AdminLevel(playerid)) // every administrator can use this command.
                //Do something
                return 1;
            else return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You are NOT an Administrator");
Make a command for administrator levels
  1. To make a command only for Administrators levels use: AdminLevel(playerid) >= 5 //level
    Example: Make a command only for level 5 + Administrators
    pawn Код:
            if(AdminLevel(playerid) >= 5) //Only level 5+ administrator can use this command.
                //Do something
                return 1;
            else return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You are NOT level 5 + an Administrator");
How to make a V.I.P only command
  1. To make a command only for V.I.P members: pInfo[playerid][Donator] >= 1
    pawn Код:
            if(pInfo[playerid][Donator] >= 1) // make command for 1 + V.I.P members.
                //Do something
                return 1;
            else return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You are NOT an V.I.P member");
Use V.I.P level in a another filterscript
As i said. this is exactly similar way how admin levels work in other filterscripts.
  1. #include <JLadmin> on top of the filterscript you want to use V.I.P levels
  2. To make a V.I.P command in a another filterscript: pInfo[playerid][Donator] >= 1
    pawn Код:
            if(VipLevel(playerid)) // Every V.I.P members can use this command
                SpawnPlayer(playerid); // ?
                return 1;
            else return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You are NOT an V.I.P member");
Make a command for V.I.P levels
  1. To make a command only for V.I.P levels use: VipLevel(playerid) >= 2 //Level here.
    Example: Make a command only for level 2 + V.I.P
    pawn Код:
            if(VipLevel(playerid) >= 2) //Only V.I.P level 2+ members can use this command.
                foreach(Player, i)
                if (IsPlayerConnected(i))
                SendDeathMessage(playerid,i,10); //Don't really do this
                return 1;
            else return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You are NOT an V.I.P level 2 + member");
Change Level Names and colors
You only have to change a one line if you want to rename a administrator level or color.
  1. pawn Код:
    /*Line 98 to 103*/
    #define ADMIN_LEVEL_1 "Moderator"            
    #define ADMIN_LEVEL_2 "Administrator"        
    #define ADMIN_LEVEL_3 "Head Administrator"  
    #define ADMIN_LEVEL_4 "Global Administrator"
    #define ADMIN_LEVEL_5 "Master Administrator"
    #define ADMIN_LEVEL_6 "Server Owner"
    pawn Код:
    /*Line 112 to 118*/
    #define LEVEL_1_COLOR "{09F7DF}"              
    #define LEVEL_2_COLOR "{F2F20D}"            
    #define LEVEL_3_COLOR "{FF8000}"          
    #define LEVEL_4_COLOR "{0000FF}"          
    #define LEVEL_5_COLOR "{00FF1A}"              
    #define LEVEL_6_COLOR "{FF1A00}"
Actually change the V.I.P levels Name and colors similar way as above.

Account browsing/editing system

Account Editor Options (/account <Name>) Settings.cfg

Use /settings to ingame access.
How to install J.L Admin

Recommended Installation
  1. Download the file.
  2. Unzip the files.
  3. Copy the JLadmin.amx and JLadmin.pwn to your server filterscripts folder.
  4. Put the sscanf2, foreach, zcmd and YSI package to pawn/incldes folder or download it from here (if you don't have them).
  5. Copy the sscanf and Whirlpool plugins to your server plugins folder(if you don't have this plugins).
  6. Copy the JLadmin folder to your scriptfiles folder (This step is IMPORTANT).
  7. Open your server.cfg file.
  8. find the line filterscripts and add 'JLadmin' ( filterscripts JLadmin ).
  9. find the plugins line and add 'sscanf' and 'Whirlpool' plugins ( plugins Whirlpool sscanf ).
  10. Save the file.
  11. Open the JLadmin.pwn file.
  12. Edit the line 69 "#define WEBSITE "YourWebsiteHere"". and choose your settings.
  13. Compile.
  14. Run the server!"
Quick Installation
  1. Download the file.
  2. Unzip the files.
  3. Copy the JLadmin.amx to your server filterscripts folder.
  4. Copy the sscanf and Whirlpool plugins to your server plugins folder(if you don't have them).
  5. Copy the JLadmin folder to your scriptfiles folder (This step is IMPORTANT).
  6. Open your server.cfg file.
  7. find the line filterscripts and add 'JLadmin' ( filterscripts JLadmin ).
  8. find the line plugins and add 'sscanf' and 'Whirlpool' plugins ( plugins Whirlpool sscanf ).
  9. Save the file.
  10. Run the server!"


♦ No bugs found atm!. if you found a bug PM me or reply to this topic.

Re: J.L Administration system V1.0 [Y_INI, ssanf2, foreach, ZCMD, Whirlpool and 200+ commands] | NEW | - Xicor - 02.04.2013

Nice Work ...

Re: J.L Administration system V1.0 [Y_INI, ssanf2, foreach, ZCMD, Whirlpool and 200+ commands] | NEW | - Jewell - 02.04.2013

Originally Posted by Xicor
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Nice Work ...

Re: J.L Administration system V1.0 [Y_INI, ssanf2, foreach, ZCMD, Whirlpool and 200+ commands] | NEW | - cemonk - 02.04.2013

OMG..great Job Bro..

Re: J.L Administration system V1.0 [Y_INI, ssanf2, foreach, ZCMD, Whirlpool and 200+ commands] | NEW | - Ibrahim.E - 02.04.2013

To be honest ... It is awesome !

Re: J.L Administration system V1.0 [Y_INI, ssanf2, foreach, ZCMD, Whirlpool and 200+ commands] | NEW | - Eirikm - 02.04.2013


Re: J.L Administration system V1.0 [Y_INI, ssanf2, foreach, ZCMD, Whirlpool and 200+ commands] | NEW | - MarkzD - 02.04.2013


Re: J.L Administration system V1.0 [Y_INI, ssanf2, foreach, ZCMD, Whirlpool and 200+ commands] | NEW | - Jewell - 03.04.2013

Originally Posted by cemonk
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OMG..great Job Bro..
Originally Posted by UltRaS4fun
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To be honest ... It is awesome !
Originally Posted by Eirikm
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11000 lines of pure beauty, Amazing!
Originally Posted by MarkzD
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Thank You guys

Re: J.L Administration system V1.0 [Y_INI, ssanf2, foreach, ZCMD, Whirlpool and 200+ commands] | NEW | - Pottus - 03.04.2013

Doesn't look that great I think here is why.

- You shouldn't have riddled this with PVars they're slow.
- Lots of multiple returns this is a really bad practice and makes convoluted code
- Silly use of foreach()

What the heck are you thinking ?
foreach(Player, i) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i) }
- Unused callbacks still in the script why?
- OnDialogResponse() using a series of if()'s use a switch
- Lots of copy paste code that could easily be condensed
- Should be an include that can be compiled into a gamemode

It is a good effort but the code is really messy and really ugly unusable in my books I'm sorry if you don't like my comments but I'd rather be honest than say "Amazing" or some nonsense like these other guys who can't even analyze code worth a damn.

Re: J.L Administration system V1.0 [Y_INI, ssanf2, foreach, ZCMD, Whirlpool and 200+ commands] | NEW | - billy123321 - 03.04.2013

Honestly, it just looks like you editted LuxAdmin.

If not, good job.

Re: J.L Administration system V1.0 [Y_INI, ssanf2, foreach, ZCMD, Whirlpool and 200+ commands] | NEW | - JaKe Elite - 03.04.2013

To be honest this is cooler than my JakAdmin.
But still no reps..

Re: J.L Administration system V1.0 [Y_INI, ssanf2, foreach, ZCMD, Whirlpool and 200+ commands] | NEW | - Jewell - 03.04.2013

I only use Pvar for few things(which doesn't need really speed). They are not faster than variables. But PVars not very slow.
I know i did a stupid thing on foreach. i will fix it on next version. (You must know This is my 1st admin script and 1st version)
what really wrong with OnDialogResponse. people has difference chooses.
I didn't copied code from other scripts.
I just created a filterscript. i won't convert it to an include.

Haters always will be haters.


i didn't edit LuxAdmin.
I said some commands & ideas based on other admin scripts.

Re: J.L Administration system V1.0 [Y_INI, ssanf2, foreach, ZCMD, Whirlpool and 200+ commands] | NEW | - Jewell - 03.04.2013

Originally Posted by Romel
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To be honest this is cooler than my JakAdmin.
But still no reps..
Thank you romel
Your admin script is really cool too .

Re: J.L Administration system V1.0 [Y_INI, ssanf2, foreach, ZCMD, Whirlpool and 200+ commands] | NEW | - Pottus - 03.04.2013

Originally Posted by Jewell
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what really wrong with OnDialogResponse. people has difference chooses.
I didn't copied code from other scripts
Haters always will be haters.
It keep going through all the if()'s to find the dialog id should be a case

I never said you copied from other scripts I meant you copied from your own when you can condense code that is the same.

Hows is that hating? I'm simply stating the facts of the matter it's junk messy code what more do you want? Instead of making some dumb reply you should maybe think about all nonsense code you've written and fix it.

Re: J.L Administration system V1.0 [Y_INI, ssanf2, foreach, ZCMD, Whirlpool and 200+ commands] | NEW | - dakata994 - 03.04.2013


Re: J.L Administration system V1.0 [Y_INI, ssanf2, foreach, ZCMD, Whirlpool and 200+ commands] | NEW | - Jewell - 03.04.2013

Updated. (actually applied a patch) See first post for more info.
The download link has been updated. If you have downloaded J.L admin please update it with the new files.

- JewelL

Re: J.L Administration system V1.0 [Y_INI, ssanf2, foreach, ZCMD, Whirlpool and 200+ commands] | NEW | - Pranesh - 03.04.2013

wow nice gud wrk

Re: J.L Administration system V1.0 [Y_INI, ssanf2, foreach, ZCMD, Whirlpool and 200+ commands] | NEW | - Gamer_007 - 03.04.2013

Awesome...btw i like ur stats dialog.Gonna use it

Re: J.L Administration system V1.0 [Y_INI, ssanf2, foreach, ZCMD, Whirlpool and 200+ commands] | NEW | - JaKe Elite - 04.04.2013

downloadlink seems to be dead

"File Belongs to Non-Validated Account."

Re: J.L Administration system V1.0 [Y_INI, ssanf2, foreach, ZCMD, Whirlpool and 200+ commands] | NEW | - Jewell - 04.04.2013

Originally Posted by Romel
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downloadlink seems to be dead

"File Belongs to Non-Validated Account."
Fixed the link. Thanks