Simple Job. [FS] -
rangerxxll - 11.09.2011
Well, I was learning about OnPlayerCheckpoint, and just messing with check points and stuff, and I thought I'd make a simple job. So here it is, my first released Filterscript. I know its not near the best, but I'm a new scripter. Here it is.
The name tells it all. It's a Simple Job. You drive from one place to another and deliver something, and earn money. This can be used for RP servers, or whatever you decide.
Command to start:/work
You need Zcmd for this filterscript. (It's included in the download)
You can also edit the text, or how much you get paid each trip. All the commands are at the very bottom of the script.
The Download:
Download updated - September 11th 2011
Credits to the people who helped me. I only have a few names, but thank you SA-MP community.
- BigAl
- Dr
- G4M3Ov3r
- Emmet_
- skullmuncher1337
- [M] onsieur
I know I forgot some names, but thanks to the people who helped.
Also, if you want your name removed for any reason, just post a comment.
Version 1.00
- Initial release
Version 1.01
- Made the job more stable
- You now have to go to a location to start the job
- Made a "Unloading..." text when you enter the checkpoint
If you have any idea's on how I can improve this Filterscript, post a comment.
If you have any idea's or suggestions on my next Filterscript, please let me know and I'll take it into consideration.
Re: Simple Job. [FS] -
uprp - 11.09.2011
Wouldof maybe used this.. But this is useless since jobs go to RP servers.. and RP servers dont use TPs.
Maybe remove the /work TP? make it more RPable?
7/10. Good for your first!
Re: Simple Job. [FS] -
rangerxxll - 11.09.2011
Originally Posted by uprp
Wouldof maybe used this.. But this is useless since jobs go to RP servers.. and RP servers dont use TPs.
Maybe remove the /work TP? make it more RPable?
7/10. Good for your first!
Yea, I'll learn how to make it so you don't get teleported there. It'll take me a while to learn, but I'll fix it eventually. And thanks for the rate
Re: Simple Job. [FS] -
uprp - 11.09.2011
Sure.. Remove the teleport and make it as a complete job in an RP server.. and make it better.. But yeah its great for the first FS you've made.
Re: Simple Job. [FS] -
BigAl - 11.09.2011
I can show you how to make some of the stuff suggested... rates 8/10 for your first, well done
Looking forward to see more from you
Re: Simple Job. [FS] -
=WoR=G4M3Ov3r - 11.09.2011
Pretty easy, good work for your first FS tho.
Re: Simple Job. [FS] -
rangerxxll - 12.09.2011
Adding credits on the post, since you guys pretty much tought me how to script. Along with BigAl.
Re: Simple Job. [FS] -
DeathTone - 12.09.2011
Download doesnt work, add a pastebin
Re: Simple Job. [FS] -
rangerxxll - 12.09.2011
Originally Posted by DeathTone
Download doesnt work, add a pastebin
I was fixing it because I forgot to add CreateObject to the FS. I just uploaded a new link, it should work.
Re: Simple Job. [FS] -
=WoR=G4M3Ov3r - 12.09.2011
Don't use the biggest size fonts, make it to 3-4, and keep the colours black, it almost made me go blind.
Re: Simple Job. [FS] -
rangerxxll - 12.09.2011
You start the job, right where you begin in the old video. But instead of /work and teleporting there, you got to drive there somehow. Stand over the White Arrow and type /work to begin. I'm about to update the video so you can see.
Re: Simple Job. [FS] -
rangerxxll - 12.09.2011
Originally Posted by G4M3Ov3r
Don't use the biggest size fonts, make it to 3-4, and keep the colours black, it almost made me go blind.
Lol, sorry. Fixed.
Re: Simple Job. [FS] - Emmet_ - 12.09.2011
Nice job, glad you got everything working!
I might use this for my job system because I'm lazy, but credits will be added. Thanks!
Re: Simple Job. [FS] -
rangerxxll - 12.09.2011
Originally Posted by Emmet_
Nice job, glad you got everything working!
I might use this for my job system because I'm lazy, but credits will be added. Thanks!
I plan on updating it frequently, I'm currently learning more scripting techniques and what not.
Re: Simple Job. [FS] -
rangerxxll - 12.09.2011
I'd be glad to get some idea's on what I should add next
I'm currently trying to add a thing where you exit the vehicle and you fail the job.
I was thinking of adding more locations to deliver stuff so you have more places to drive to instead of going to one checkpoint then just driving back. So, kind of make it like a Trucker Job. Anyways, I'm taking idea's so please shoot them at me
Re: Simple Job. [FS] -
Ehab1911 - 12.09.2011
Nice, Could you please do it without zcmd but with the normal functions of PAWNO(SAMP)?
Re: Simple Job. [FS] -
Jordan69 - 13.09.2011
It's cool, but everytime people get the money, it resets it back, so like they didn't receive it. Is that within my script, or what? Thanks.
Re: Simple Job. [FS] -
rangerxxll - 13.09.2011
Originally Posted by Jordan69
It's cool, but everytime people get the money, it resets it back, so like they didn't receive it. Is that within my script, or what? Thanks.
Does it only happen when people log out? Try this
pawn Код:
// top of script
new LastMoney[MAX_PLAYERS];
// onplayerdisconnect
GetPlayerMoney(playerid, LastMoney[playerid]);
// onplayerspawn
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, LastMoney[playerid]);
Re: Simple Job. [FS] -
rangerxxll - 13.09.2011
Originally Posted by Ehab1911
Nice, Could you please do it without zcmd but with the normal functions of PAWNO(SAMP)?
Hm.. Yea, I'll make another link for it. Just give me a bit to fix it and I'll post it up.
Re: Simple Job. [FS] -
Jordan69 - 13.09.2011
Originally Posted by rangerxxll
Does it only happen when people log out? Try this
pawn Код:
// top of script
new LastMoney[MAX_PLAYERS];
// onplayerdisconnect
GetPlayerMoney(playerid, LastMoney[playerid]);
// onplayerspawn
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, LastMoney[playerid]);
Nah, not when players log out, once they reach the destination, It says "congrats you've earned (amount here).
Then it resets back, so whatever money the player had before reaching the destination. Also, is there a way you can make it like /delivery instead of that 'red' destination because if in my server I do /getmats and I drive to the red marker, and go in it, it pops up saying 'congrats you've earned (amount here). when it should be there, :\
please and thank you, and also nice FS :P