#include <a_samp>
#include <rBits>
/* ** Colours ** */
#define COL_GREEN "{6EF83C}" // GREEN color in HEX ( USED )
#define COL_RED "{F81414}" // RED color in HEX ( USED )
#define COL_BLUE "{00C0FF}" // BLUE color in HEX ( USED )
/* ** Player Data ** */
Bit1: g_PlayerLogged <MAX_PLAYERS>, // Creates a 1 bit array
Bit16: g_AdminLevel <MAX_PLAYERS>, // Creates a 16 bit array again.
DB: Database
stock DB_Escape(text[])
ret[80 * 2],
while ((ch = text[i++]) && j < sizeof (ret))
if (ch == '\'')
if (j < sizeof (ret) - 2)
ret[j++] = '\'';
ret[j++] = '\'';
else if (j < sizeof (ret))
ret[j++] = ch;
ret[sizeof (ret) - 1] = '\0';
return ret;
public OnFilterScriptInit()
Database = db_open("ServerDatabase.db"); // This will open the database under the name, 'ServerDatabase.db'
//If the table does not excists then we're going to write it inside.
return 1;
public OnFilterScriptExit()
for(new i; i != MAX_PLAYERS; i++) OnPlayerDisconnect(i, 1);
return 1;
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
Query[ 150 ], // Create a Query
DBResult: Result, // Create a database Result
name[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ] // create a name string
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name)); // Gather the players name.
Bit1_Set(g_PlayerLogged, playerid, false); // We're going to reset this variable to 0 = false.
// Okay, we're now going to select from `USERS` where the name equals the players name.
format(Query, sizeof(Query), "SELECT `NAME` FROM `USERS` WHERE `NAME` = '%s' COLLATE NOCASE", DB_Escape(name));
// We're going to insert the query inside the db result. Query is to execute what ever said to the DB
Result = db_query(Database, Query);
// If the num rows are there, then that means his registered.
// Send a welcome message
format(Query, sizeof(Query), "{FFFFFF}Welcome "COL_BLUE"%s(%d){FFFFFF} to the server, you're registered\n\nPlease log in by inputting your password.", name, playerid);
// Show a player the dialog. ( dialog login )
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "{FFFFFF}Register System", Query, "Login", "Leave");
else // Else if he isn't, he isn't registered.
// Send a welcome message
format(Query, sizeof(Query), "{FFFFFF}Welcome "COL_BLUE"%s(%d){FFFFFF} to the server, you're "COL_RED"not{FFFFFF} registered\n\nPlease log in by inputting your password.", name, playerid);
// Show a player the dialog. ( dialog register )
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 0, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "{FFFFFF}Register System", Query, "Register", "Leave");
return 1;
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
Query[ 256 ], // Creating a big array this time. No lies :X
DBResult: Result, // Create a database Result
name[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ], // create a name string
ip[ 16 ] // Create a IP string
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name)); // Gather the name of the player.
GetPlayerIp(playerid, ip, sizeof(ip));
if(dialogid == 1) // The core of the login dialog
if(response) // Do what ever if the player selected 'Login"
// if we find inside users the NAME equaled to the players name and the password equals username then
format(Query, sizeof(Query), "SELECT * FROM `USERS` WHERE `NAME` = '%s' COLLATE NOCASE AND `PASSWORD` = '%s'", DB_Escape(name), DB_Escape(inputtext));
// storing ^ that inside the databases result
Result = db_query(Database, Query);
// if the result is found that the user and password are exact, do below
new Field[ 20 ]; //Creating a field to retrieve the data
// get the field "SCORE"'s value and insert it to Field itself.
db_get_field_assoc(Result, "SCORE", Field, 30);
// Set the Player score
SetPlayerScore(playerid, strval(Field));
// strval is to convert a string into a number
// Now we keep doing the same thing with the rest.
// get the field "SCORE"'s value and insert it to Field itself.
db_get_field_assoc(Result, "CASH", Field, 30);
// Give the player the value of the field the amount of cash needed
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, strval(Field));
// get the field "SCORE"'s value and insert it to Field itself.
db_get_field_assoc(Result, "ADMINLEVEL", Field, 30);
// Set the value of the bit "g_AdminLevel" to the fields value
Bit16_Set(g_AdminLevel, playerid, strval(Field));
// Log in the player
Bit1_Set(g_PlayerLogged, playerid, true);
// Send a client message about how the progress was between logging in
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You have "COL_GREEN"successfully{FFFFFF} logged in! ");
else // If the player's password is wrong:
// Send a welcome message
format(Query, sizeof(Query), "{FFFFFF}Welcome "COL_BLUE"%s(%d){FFFFFF} to the server, you're registered\n\nPlease log in by inputting your password.", name, playerid);
// Show a player the dialog. ( dialog login )
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "{FFFFFF}Register System", Query, "Login", "Leave");
// Show the player the wrong password message.
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""COL_RED"Wrong{FFFFFF} password, try again!");
else return Kick(playerid); // Kick the player if he selected 'Leave'
if(dialogid == 0) // The core of the register dialog
if(response) // Do what ever if the player selected 'Register"
//checking if the password is not is less/higher than 3 characters
if(strlen(inputtext) > 24 || strlen(inputtext) < 3)
// Send a welcome message
format(Query, sizeof(Query), "{FFFFFF}Welcome "COL_BLUE"%s(%d){FFFFFF} to the server, you're "COL_RED"not{FFFFFF} registered\n\nPlease log in by inputting your password.", name, playerid);
// Reshow this dialog, so we can do this again.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 0, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "{FFFFFF}Register System", Query, "Register", "Leave");
// Send a message about the length of characters used for their password.
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Your password length must be from 3 - 24 characters!");
// Inserting all these items into the database, confirming it's register was successful.
format(Query, sizeof(Query), "INSERT INTO `USERS` (`NAME`, `PASSWORD`, `IP`, `SCORE`, `CASH`, `ADMINLEVEL`) VALUES('%s','%s','%s', '0', '500', '0')", DB_Escape(name), DB_Escape(inputtext), DB_Escape(ip));
// Querying the formatted Query ^
db_query(Database, Query);
// Log in the player
Bit1_Set(g_PlayerLogged, playerid, true);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 500); // Give Player the money.
// Reset score.
SetPlayerScore(playerid, 0);
// Show a message :)
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You have "COL_GREEN"successfully{FFFFFF} registered! You have been automatically logged in!");
else return Kick(playerid); // Kick the player if he selected 'Leave'
return 1;
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
Query[ 200 ], // We need to create such a query so we can format it.
name[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ] // create a name string
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name)); // Gather the name of the player.
if(Bit1_Get(g_PlayerLogged, playerid) == 1)
// Formatting the query containing all the updating stuff, this will update the database with the latest information.
format(Query,sizeof(Query),"UPDATE `USERS` SET SCORE = '%d', CASH = '%d', ADMINLEVEL = '%d' WHERE `NAME` = '%s' COLLATE NOCASE",
GetPlayerScore(playerid), // Gather the player's score
GetPlayerMoney(playerid), // Gather the player's money
Bit16_Get(g_AdminLevel, playerid), // Gather the Admin Level
DB_Escape(name)); // Gather the name of the player then escape it.
// querying the formatted Query
db_query(Database, Query);
// We're going to reset this bit array to 0, = false.
Bit1_Set(g_PlayerLogged, playerid, false);
return 1;
Can I ask why you don't save the username and password into a variable?
I like your method of using the native SQL. Y_Less and I both had discussion about this and it's actually really useful.
Nicely explained, however, there are a few errors and or unnecessary things done I would like to point out:
Well I read somewhere, were freeing something that hasn't been stored would increase the memory usage, anyway nice tutorial.
db_get_field_assoc(Result, "ADMINLEVEL", Field, 30);
db_get_field_assoc(Result, "ADMINLEVEL", Field, 30);
PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminLevel] = strval(Field); // how can I retrieve the data and then put it in that line? The last line occurs an error