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[FilterScript] sAdmin Simple admin system (Alternate between Y_INI and MySQL) - Printable Version

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sAdmin Simple admin system (Alternate between Y_INI and MySQL) -Updated (V1.1) - gamer931215 - 24.03.2011

sAdmin (Simple Admin) 1.5
What is s-Admin?

s-Admin is a simple admin script with just the nessesary commands, why not a shitload of commands?
Well i like admin scripts clean,usefull and easy to use, and not full of useless commands which will just be abused.

It supports MYSQL (Using my yoursql library), but also Y_INI so the users can decide for themself if they want to use textfiles or an online database. s-Admin also provides a dialogged GUI, the administrator can just
doubleclick on a player in the scorelist and it will show up a dialog with several options.

s-Admin also saves the player stats (like score,money) and includes an anti-jail/mute evade.

Commands and levels
pawn Code:
Player          (Level 0):
   Command:        Parameters:                        Explaination:
     /admins         none                             Lists all online administrator
     /changepassword [oldpassword] [newpassword]      Allows the player to change his password
     /stats          none                             Rettreive's playerstats
     /whois          playerid                         Rettreive's information about a player
     /whowas         playername                       Rettreive's information about a player
     /report         [player] [reason]                Reports another player (this will be shown to online admins and in Rcon console)

Moderator     (Level 1):
   Command:        Parameters:                        Explaination:
     /countdown      none                             Starts a countdown
     /acmds          none                             Shows all admin commands
     /a              [text]                           Adminchat
     /whois          [player]                         Rettreive information about given player
     /announce       [text]                           Announce a message
     /spectate       [player]                         Spectate player
     /stop           none                             Stops spectating player
     /disarm         [player]                         Resets player weapons of player
     /mute           [player] [reason (optional)]     Mutes player
     /unmute         [player]                         Unmutes player
     /freeze         [player] [reason (optional)]     Freezes player
     /unfreeze       [player]                         Unfreezes player
     /jail           [player] [reason (optional)]     Jails player
     /unjail         [player]                         Unjails player
     /kick           [player] [reason (optional)]     Kicks player

Administrator   (Level 2):
     Command:        Parameters:                      Explaination:
      /veh             [vehiclename]                  Spawns a vehicle for the admin
      /get             [player]                       Teleports given player to the admin
      /goto            [player]                       Teleports admin to the given player
      /giveweapon      [player][weaponid][ammo]       Gives weapon to given player
      /setmoney        [player][ammount]              Changes money of player
      /setscore        [player][ammount]              Changes score of player
      /explode         [player]                       Explodes player
      /ban             [player] [reason (optional)]   Bans the player
      /banip           [ip]                           Bans the player
      /annoy           [player]                       Releases a cow on the player! (Known from Hiddos's annoying cow script)
      /catchcow                                       Removes released cow

Owner            (Level 3):
     Command:        Parameters:                      Explaination:
     /setlevel         [player][level]                Adjust the rights of the player (Level 0/3)
     /unbanip          [ip]                           Unbans the player*/
	- First release
	- /stats colors are better
	- /admins colors are better
	- adminchat has now a space
	- You cannot click on yourself in the scorelist anymore
	- /count command added
	- /veh has been optimised
	- /giveweapon is now using weapon names instead of ID's
	- s-Admin is now using gLibrary 1.1
	- Optimised code (using gLibrary 1.2) and better colors
	- s-Admin now also saves IP
	- passwords will now be hashed with WhirlPool
	- /whois is now public
	- /whowas added
	*Please note that this is NOT backwards compatable anymore with the older database/yoursql version! so the users will need to register again.
	- Returns fixed
	- Colors changed again (looks much better now)
	- Some VERY important security issues fixed (logging in)
	- Return problem fixed (compability with other scripts using dialogs)
VERY IMPORTANT! There was an big security issue which let other players login at administrator accounts. This has been fixed now, i recommend updating to 1.2 immediately
	- After some time or bugtesting i discovered a few more bugs disabling OnPlayerDisconnect on gamemodes/filterscripts. I made a small list of bugs and fixed those. Everything should be now bugfree.

	- Updated version of gLibrary used solving the chat issue.

Hiddos for his annoying cow script (Stalkercows)
Zeex for ZCMD
Y_Less for sscanf2
Y_Less for Y_INI
G-sTyLeZzZ for his MYSQL Plugin
Myself for yoursql
Myself for gLibrary

Pastebin source

Re: gAdmin Simple admin system (Alternate between Y_INI and MySQL) - wheelman_WM - 24.03.2011


Re: gAdmin Simple admin system (Alternate between Y_INI and MySQL) - Hiddos - 24.03.2011

Fame to the Cows, not to me!

Re: gAdmin Simple admin system (Alternate between Y_INI and MySQL) - Scrip - 24.03.2011

not bad for beginner

Re: gAdmin Simple admin system (Alternate between Y_INI and MySQL) - Scrip - 24.03.2011

but men look this

Re: gAdmin Simple admin system (Alternate between Y_INI and MySQL) - gamer931215 - 24.03.2011

Originally Posted by Scrip
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not bad for beginner

(Kwarde's favourite image)

Originally Posted by Scrip
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Ok il change the name, thanks for telling me.

Re: gAdmin Simple admin system (Alternate between Y_INI and MySQL) - Hiddos - 24.03.2011

Originally Posted by Scrip
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Full of useless functions, links don't work, etcetera etcetera.

Re: sAdmin Simple admin system (Alternate between Y_INI and MySQL) - iTorran - 24.03.2011

Nice work

Re: sAdmin Simple admin system (Alternate between Y_INI and MySQL) - BASITJALIL - 25.03.2011

Another awesome admin system wow

Re: sAdmin Simple admin system (Alternate between Y_INI and MySQL) - royal_king - 25.03.2011

Hey!! nice one dude i like this one

AW: sAdmin Simple admin system (Alternate between Y_INI and MySQL) - Johann95 - 25.03.2011


Thanks Man

Re: sAdmin Simple admin system (Alternate between Y_INI and MySQL) - gamer931215 - 26.03.2011

s-Admin has been updated.

Originally Posted by gamer931215
View Post
	- First release
	- /stats colors are better
	- /admins colors are better
	- adminchat has now a space
	- You cannot click on yourself in the scorelist anymore
	- /count command added
	- /veh has been optimised
	- /giveweapon is now using weapon names instead of ID\'s
	- s-Admin is now using gLibrary 1.1

Re: sAdmin Simple admin system (Alternate between Y_INI and MySQL) - Ironboy - 26.03.2011

Nice work

Re: sAdmin Simple admin system (Alternate between Y_INI and MySQL) - nateykurgan - 26.03.2011

72 Warnings all Loose Indetention (

Re: sAdmin Simple admin system (Alternate between Y_INI and MySQL) - [BDGA]Matthijs - 26.03.2011

is it possible to save the passwords as for instance MD5 Hash? If so, how?

@above: try adding \'#pragma tabsize 0\' at the top

Re: sAdmin Simple admin system (Alternate between Y_INI and MySQL) - gamer931215 - 26.03.2011

Originally Posted by [BDGA]Matthijs
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is it possible to save the passwords as for instance MD5 Hash? If so, how?
Please re-download the package, its now hashed in whirlpool (even more safe as MD5)

Re: sAdmin Simple admin system (Alternate between Y_INI and MySQL) - [BDGA]Matthijs - 26.03.2011


I like this script a lot! It does exactly what I expect from an adminscript. No nonsense!
Thanx a lot for your work dude!

Re: sAdmin Simple admin system (Alternate between Y_INI and MySQL) - gamer931215 - 26.03.2011

-Updated (last time)

Re: sAdmin Simple admin system (Alternate between Y_INI and MySQL) - Medal Of Honor team - 26.03.2011

nice work!

Re: gAdmin Simple admin system (Alternate between Y_INI and MySQL) - ricardo178 - 26.03.2011


(Kwarde's favourite image)

Yeah xD

Good job!