Player (Level 0):
Command: Parameters: Explaination:
/admins none Lists all online administrator
/changepassword [oldpassword] [newpassword] Allows the player to change his password
/stats none Rettreive's playerstats
/whois playerid Rettreive's information about a player
/whowas playername Rettreive's information about a player
/report [player] [reason] Reports another player (this will be shown to online admins and in Rcon console)
Moderator (Level 1):
Command: Parameters: Explaination:
/countdown none Starts a countdown
/acmds none Shows all admin commands
/a [text] Adminchat
/whois [player] Rettreive information about given player
/announce [text] Announce a message
/spectate [player] Spectate player
/stop none Stops spectating player
/disarm [player] Resets player weapons of player
/mute [player] [reason (optional)] Mutes player
/unmute [player] Unmutes player
/freeze [player] [reason (optional)] Freezes player
/unfreeze [player] Unfreezes player
/jail [player] [reason (optional)] Jails player
/unjail [player] Unjails player
/kick [player] [reason (optional)] Kicks player
Administrator (Level 2):
Command: Parameters: Explaination:
/veh [vehiclename] Spawns a vehicle for the admin
/get [player] Teleports given player to the admin
/goto [player] Teleports admin to the given player
/giveweapon [player][weaponid][ammo] Gives weapon to given player
/setmoney [player][ammount] Changes money of player
/setscore [player][ammount] Changes score of player
/explode [player] Explodes player
/ban [player] [reason (optional)] Bans the player
/banip [ip] Bans the player
/annoy [player] Releases a cow on the player! (Known from Hiddos's annoying cow script)
/catchcow Removes released cow
Owner (Level 3):
Command: Parameters: Explaination:
/setlevel [player][level] Adjust the rights of the player (Level 0/3)
/unbanip [ip] Unbans the player*/
1.0 - First release 1b: - /stats colors are better - /admins colors are better - adminchat has now a space 1c: - You cannot click on yourself in the scorelist anymore - /count command added - /veh has been optimised - /giveweapon is now using weapon names instead of ID's - s-Admin is now using gLibrary 1.1 1.1: - Optimised code (using gLibrary 1.2) and better colors - s-Admin now also saves IP - passwords will now be hashed with WhirlPool - /whois is now public - /whowas added *Please note that this is NOT backwards compatable anymore with the older database/yoursql version! so the users will need to register again. 1.2: - Returns fixed - Colors changed again (looks much better now) - Some VERY important security issues fixed (logging in) - Return problem fixed (compability with other scripts using dialogs) VERY IMPORTANT! There was an big security issue which let other players login at administrator accounts. This has been fixed now, i recommend updating to 1.2 immediately 1.3-1.4: - After some time or bugtesting i discovered a few more bugs disabling OnPlayerDisconnect on gamemodes/filterscripts. I made a small list of bugs and fixed those. Everything should be now bugfree. 1.5: - Updated version of gLibrary used solving the chat issue.
but men look this http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.ph...ghlight=gadmin
but men look this http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.ph...ghlight=gadmin
1.0 - First release 1b: - /stats colors are better - /admins colors are better - adminchat has now a space 1c: - You cannot click on yourself in the scorelist anymore - /count command added - /veh has been optimised - /giveweapon is now using weapon names instead of ID\'s - s-Admin is now using gLibrary 1.1 |
is it possible to save the passwords as for instance MD5 Hash? If so, how?
(Kwarde's favourite image) |