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SA:MP 0.3 & Grand Larceny 1.0 Discussion - Printable Version

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SA:MP 0.3 & Grand Larceny 1.0 Discussion - Grove - 27.01.2008

Discussion of the SA:MP Development of the new upcoming release, Sanandreas Multiplayer 0.3.

The Facts:

* New Player limit: 500.
* New Vehicle limit: 2000.
* Tick/sync rates can now be adjusted from the server along with the streaming radius.
* Up to 2 billion virtual worlds (all server controlled).
* The server maintains an accurate position of all vehicles, even when they're not being driven.
* Visible damage on vehicles is now synced.
* Many overall sync improvements including vehicle riding, lag compensation.
* Players can now have different fighting styles.
* Trains can now drive on both tracks and each carriage can have 5 passengers.
* Many new scripting functions added.
* All 0.2.2 scripts will be compatible with 0.2.5.
* Solved issues with TextDraws and Menus.
* Bug fixes involving vehicle sound loss.





Grand Larceny

Although there have been no offical announcements regarding information and an explaination to what exactly Grand Larceny is, there is a website, that appears to be related and is mentioned in the Grand Larceny offical irc channel. Along with that, the topic in that irc channel also states that public beta's are planned for the future.

Re: Development 0.2.5 - 60% - Grove - 27.01.2008

Yea but it sucks about SAC. SAC Owns. How come they dont have the resources anyway? is it cos aru left?

Re: Development 0.2.5 - 60% - Pixels^ - 27.01.2008

Originally Posted by Grove
Yea but it sucks about SAC. SAC Owns. How come they dont have the resources anyway? is it cos aru left?
Probably the amount of bandwith it takes.

Re: Development 0.2.5 - 60% - [NS]Lux - 27.01.2008

I am looking forward to a new addition of SA-MP. The downfall of SAC is a little on the negative side of things, but I'm sure theres many scripters out there who have already made some very functional anti - cheats.

All the best to the SA-MP team for developing this release anyway.

Edit: didn't make myself clear.

Re: Development 0.2.5 - 60% - Grove - 27.01.2008

Originally Posted by [TGP
Evo ]
but I'm sure theres many scripters out there who could create a very functional SAC through PAWN.
How could you make anything of the slightest via pawn?

Re: Development 0.2.5 - 60% - yom - 28.01.2008

If there were more PLAYER_STATE maybe, like


Re: Development 0.2.5 - 60% - Grove - 28.01.2008

Post em ere:

Re: Development 0.2.5 - 60% - John Spartan - 28.01.2008

Oh my God! I cant wait for 0.2.5, And for 0.3, They all will be OWN4G3!

Re: Development 0.2.5 - 60% - -Sneaky- - 28.01.2008

No SAC, i like.. now i can ban cheaters myself ;p

Re: Development 0.2.5 - 60% - Grove - 28.01.2008

We should start a team, server owners, "Anti hackers" or somthing, and make one big master ban file for cheaters lol

Re: Development 0.2.5 - 60% - BMUK - 28.01.2008

Originally Posted by Grove
SAC Owns
Debatable :P

Great news about 0.2.5 (60%) though

Re: Development 0.2.5 - 60% - Khaled - 28.01.2008

Well I May Start The AntiHackers Communicty i got all what i need who will join?

Re: Development 0.2.5 - 60% - Grove - 28.01.2008

I will

You should set up a trac system first, and make a master ban file so that people can easily update it. Or, if your good at Pawno and PHP, you could make one that automatically updates as you ban a player...

I could help with the scripting, I just cant do PHP...

Re: Development 0.2.5 - 60% - Rake - 28.01.2008

CW has already been re-made.

Re: Development 0.2.5 - 60% - Khaled - 28.01.2008

What You Guys Best Way To Make MasterBan

Re: Development 0.2.5 - 60% - Rake - 28.01.2008

Originally Posted by Khaled
What You Guys Best Way To Make MasterBan
what's with the weird writing dude?

Re: Development 0.2.5 - 60% - Khaled - 28.01.2008

I Think Programing Better That Updates your ban file easily

Re: Development 0.2.5 - 60% - Rake - 28.01.2008

Originally Posted by [TGP
Rake ]
CW has already been re-made.

Re: Development 0.2.5 - 60% - Grove - 28.01.2008

Originally Posted by Alex
You need to be very careful that you fully document all bans then as you're basically giving anyone with a server admin rights on every other server, and there's no guarantee they are banning cheaters.
Yea, I suppose you would have to make a group, and only trusted members could ban players. But everyone could get the updated ban list, just not ban anyone... somthing like that. Will be hard to get it right though. I'm willing to help out I dont know PHP though, I can use pawno though, So I would be able to make the ban functions I guess...

Originally Posted by [TGP
Rake ]

CW has already been re-made.
What is CW?

Re: Development 0.2.5 - 60% - Rake - 28.01.2008

Originally Posted by Grove
What is CW?
You haven't been around for long, have you?

(Click on "CW" on my siggy)...