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[FilterScript] The Turtly Turtle - Printable Version

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The Turtly Turtle - Hiddos - 12.11.2010

Well, here it finally is: The long awaited sequel for the infamous Cowly Cow filterscript (Wait what?). I present you, the Turtly Turtle!!!

What's it do?
It's a filterscript that transforms you into a turtle that flies. Check this vid:
Blame ******* for the music.

And what good does it do?
I didn't did any tests on a server yet, however this script doesn't, unlike my Cowly Cow script, require MapAndreas. Stop. That doesn't mean it isn't there. I added an option so that you can choose whether you do want to use MapAndreas for realism or not. That means: If you use MapAndreas, you can't go through the ground or objects, neither can you go under them. If you don't want to use MapAndreas, you can fly through the ground and/or objects, however you could also fly underneath bridges and through tunnels.

If you wish to use MapAndreas, simply comment this line at the top of the script:
pawn Код:
#define FT
I forgot what it meant, but if it's enabled you don't need MapAndreas (It won't be inited).

How do I use it?
It's rather easy: Or simply: Type /fly to spawn a turtle. Use the 'sprint' key to accelerate, use the 'jump' key to decelerate. Note that there isn't something that disallows you to go backwards! The turtle flies somewhat like a plane, up/down/left/right.
Type fly when you're done flying. The effect of the beans on the turtle magically wears off, and the turtle disappears to Turtleland.


Notes Credits
Kalcor - MapAndreas
Y-Less - Forgot to add him, but the PAWN Pre-processor tut helped me with the 'FT'.

I was going to add something but what 0.o

Respuesta: The Turtly Turtle - MrDeath537 - 12.11.2010

Ohhh, woot, I love it

Nice one Hiddos

Re: The Turtly Turtle - Hiddos - 12.11.2010

No problem and thanks . If anyone would like to do a test with the non-MapAndreas version on his/her public server, please PM me as I'm eager to see some results.

Re: The Turtly Turtle - The_Moddler - 12.11.2010

LOL, you and your animal scripts, nice!

Re: The Turtly Turtle - Noss* - 12.11.2010

Cow?Turtle?Whats next?! 10/10 I Love Turtles :P

Re: The Turtly Turtle - Scenario - 12.11.2010

This is hilarious. Nice work, mate.

Re: The Turtly Turtle - Rzzr - 12.11.2010

I like how you did it with the angle changing when going left and up etc.
Really looks like it's 'swimming' through the air

Respuesta: The Turtly Turtle - CuervO - 12.11.2010

Lol'd. Awesome.

Re: The Turtly Turtle - Cameltoe - 12.11.2010

Yay my number 1000 post x)

And btw: Your the most epic scripter ever, i literary lmao reading / watching your releases ! x) Scripting should be fun, and this kinda defines that part !

Re: The Turtly Turtle - Retardedwolf - 12.11.2010

Aweeesome. Can we haz dolphin next?

Re: The Turtly Turtle - willsuckformoney - 13.11.2010

1216 - phone booth
1341 - ice cream cart
1342 - noodle stand
1543 - bottle of beer
1562 - white jet seat
1608 - shark
1609 - turtle
1612 - submarine (from SF port, huge)

Make one with these

Re: The Turtly Turtle - Mean - 13.11.2010

OMFG, im lolling on the floor

Re: The Turtly Turtle - Haji - 13.11.2010

good job

Re: The Turtly Turtle - ViruZZzZ_ChiLLL - 14.11.2010

I liek turtles.

Re: The Turtly Turtle - Zh3r0 - 14.11.2010


Re: The Turtly Turtle - DRCharlie - 14.11.2010

My camera isn't following the turtle properly. When it goes up and down it disappears cause I can't see it on the screen. :S

Re: The Turtly Turtle - Skaizo - 14.11.2010

ohh i love turtle

Re: The Turtly Turtle - Hiddos - 14.11.2010

Originally Posted by DRCharlie
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My camera isn't following the turtle properly. When it goes up and down it disappears cause I can't see it on the screen. :S
Have you adjusted anything to the script? In what part of the map were you? Did you download the Pastebin or the SolidFiles link? I'll try to fix it ASAP if you could give me some more information

Re: The Turtly Turtle - Noss* - 16.11.2010

Originally Posted by Huzzy
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Very uniqe and awesome! Not sutable for RP servers.
Who said you can't roleplay a turtle?
Oh wait that gives me ideas...Underwater roleplay :P

Re: The Turtly Turtle - Grim_ - 16.11.2010

Very unique Hiddos, well done again.

You could make this, along with The Cowly Cow to support all animals - Shark, Dolphin, Cow, Squids, Shark, Turtle, Chicken, Gorilla (head), etc.