0B3Y's Forum Info
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04.07.2017, 06:26
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0B3Y's Signature
i-WorldGaming are looking for Roleplay Scripter,GFX Team,Admins,Co.Owner,Forum/Web Developer,etc. So, if you are interested you can contact my SKYPE hafidan.antares1, the person who choosen will be given an administrator position in i-WorldGaming.
HostName: Universal Hometown Roleplay 0.3.7
Address: uhrp.bhinneka-gamers.net:7777
i-WorldGaming are looking for Roleplay Scripter,GFX Team,Admins,Co.Owner,Forum/Web Developer,etc. So, if you are interested you can contact my SKYPE hafidan.antares1, the person who choosen will be given an administrator position in i-WorldGaming.
HostName: Universal Hometown Roleplay 0.3.7
Address: uhrp.bhinneka-gamers.net:7777